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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2022 in Posts

  1. Dunlop Lake Lodge - February 11-12-13th Chad and I are booked in at the Dunlop Lake Lodge for Feb 11th-12th-13th weekend. We will be hanging around from Friday to Sunday and doing some nifty cross-country remote wilderness riding. We always Look forward to our Dunlop Lodge visits as you never know who you will meet.
    8 points
  2. So glad we are starting to see some Yellow in Southern Ontario. I am privileged to be able to ride from home in two places usually. I live in Kearney as well as have a place in Victoria Harbour 50/50 - and usually one of those two places is one of the first to open south of Cochrane! This year it happens to be in the latter - so - with the Orillia Club and Georgian Bay clubs working so hard to get things open - Hats off to them for all the great work they have done to be ready as quickly as they were this week.....- we FINALLY saw some Yellow on the trails today! GIDDY UP! Mr. Giddy got to check out his new ride - which he is impressed with btw...and I got to check out my new Oxygen Helmet - in love! Not many kms - but enough to take the itch off! Vic Harbour to Orillia and back. Only 100kms...but .....better than the 0 kms we have done so far this season! The trail had been freshly groomed looks like yesterday - with a nice couple of inches of fresh snow on top to make it a sweet ride! We started out and I would say on par with 9/10 most of the way - especially for early season riding! We jumped on Hoggs Bay at Victoria Harbour over to the "Hole in the Wall" and onto C towards Coldwater then onto the "Utoff trail rail bed" or C106B all the way to Lake Couchiching! The ride back was starting to warm up and after Coldwater getting soft and corners were getting bared off....parts of C trail after Wab towards Midland were getting bare and there is a HUGE open water slush hole to get onto Hoggs Bay from the Hole in the Wall to get back to the Harbour on our return. No pic of big water/slush hole as my thumb was on the throttle - sorry...LOL So we did a bit of "puddle jumping" I guess....(although it is fairly shallow there anyway - but sure didn't want to end up in the drink on our first trip out this season - not a good start)! 😁 We definitely could use more snow, even after the good dumping that we got the other day!. Just keep snow dancing folks ! I think you will see more Yellow trails later in the week - not to be confused with "yellow snow" Ride safe!
    7 points
  3. I got the call from my dealer that the 22 MXZ600XRS that I ordered for my dad is built and waiting to be shipped from Valcourt so that is kind of good news? My sled insurer (Desjardins) said they hope to have a settlement figure to me by Friday for the sled. The trailer insurer said it will be end of next week before anything happens on their end.
    5 points
  4. I really need to make the time, to come do one of these older loops with you Dan. you obviously know the area well, and could take us back to a "better time" in the southern Algoma area for riding. I am so envious, you cant even imagine. would love to recreate the d106a loop from echo bay, up to Black creek, then north, and west to Searchmont, and back to Echo. the trails, Carpenter lake, the chain of lakes, and then what became the bypass trail around the lakes. oh man, the sights, and scenes up there. Huge granite faced walls. it was spectacular in the day. Ski
    5 points
  5. Lucky meπŸ˜„, finally picked up my new trailer, ordered in June. Now will do rustproofing, install front, rear superclamps and ready to enjoy my season.🀩
    5 points
  6. I bought an enclosed made by forest river. Seems well built, but time will tell. I think quality in near every product is declining.
    4 points
  7. We have been out Packing with the groomer and bearcats, getting much closer to opening in Gravenhurst. Quite a few of the Muskoka clubs have been posting on FB updates
    4 points
  8. Hi everyone! Use this area to post updates, observations, trail conditions, etc. for the Haliburton area. Note, this is not an "official" HCSA discussion. Happy trails!
    3 points
  9. Blame the consumer only! If 2 trailers are setting side by side, and look aboot the same, that cheaper one will go first 90% of the time. Most consumers can't even quantify the differences in the products to begin with. And if they make it better, then someone is fussing b/c it's too heavy. You want strong and light - we can build it out of 7075. ($) But then it's expensive. You want it strong and cheap, we can build it out of 6061. But then it's heavy. So it ends up git'n built out of the lightest cross section of 6061 that can doo the job, and then folks fuss when it starts failing prematurely.
    3 points
  10. Orillia's got some yellow. And the rail line to Kinmount is green. I bet ya Blake's locked and loaded up for the a.m. lol
    3 points
  11. From what I can remember, there was a year or 2 that the Chap Club had a hard time getting any trails open. They took a bunch of flack for it. The club was talking about a collapse. There was a change over in the executive and new people came in. Volunteers started prepping the F to reopen but it had sat idol for 2-3 years by this time and the bush had reclaimed it. They kept saying "yep, its going to reopen" but by January they said "no way to get this done" and its never come back since. I have only ridden from Black Creek to Chap once but all I can remember is a ton of bush, tight and twisty, through swamps with just the odd road section thrown in. A lot of it ran the ditch just off the highway. On that trip we ran from Dunlop Lake Lodge to Chap. Stopping at Black Creek and Flame Lake for fuel. 2 brothers in our group decided not to buy fuel at Flame Lake because it was "expensive" but they never told the rest of us that they had skipped the fuel. They were on 2002ish ZRT 600 Triples. When we hit Chap they dove into the first gas station they saw to fill up. They made but were on fumes. 2 days later they both ran out of fuel 5 miles from Cochrane coming from Hearst, 9 at night, because they skipped fuel at Smooth Rock.....
    3 points
  12. Not many places open yet. Old railbed from Marmora to Havelock went yellow as well, ran back and forth then out to lake I managed 75 km as well. Better then snow blowing a third day. Trail was groomed probably a day or two ago but was same fresh powder and fresh tracks. Better then when it's green lol.
    2 points
  13. DESS no DESS. Key ...No Key.... If there is motive and opportunity - they will steal it regardless. They steal sleds in broad daylight out of people's front yards for years even BEFORE the DESS key. It really doesn't matter - thieves are thieves and they gonna steal! The best course of defense is to have an alternative deterrent. I would hope that any smart owner of a '22 doo would be wise enough to either get the post lock - or - an alternative lock if they don't have that. Anyone of my friends that have them have already thought of this. We always have a second security measure as a deterrent to steal our sleds - (maybe because Mr. Giddy is a retired cop...lol ..he is so anal about it). So - with or without the DESS it is a bit more difficult for them to get them.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Well, I have spent a cpl of days in a warm-up shack once, and I dare say - I was glad for a cpl empty beer cans to rip up and melt snow in. I don't carry my own, so I rely on others to leave their Schidt anywhere I might need one.
    2 points
  16. It looks like - in your first pic, that you went straight accrost the road at the Domtar? I sniffed around over there last (2 now) year. I guess I don't recall what I found for sure. Apparently you was able to git through in the summer? I think it looked tight, and git'n turned around back in there by myself didn't seem like a good idea?
    2 points
  17. ya... I tried to fix it twice. you get the point haha
    2 points
  18. Boy, and it don't take long for the bush to reclaim either! A few yrs ago ... hmmm .... well maybe 4 or 5... anyhow - we was running up the Domtar, only to hit the hydro line WAY too soon. I knew that this was not right, but they had been clear cutting that area, and so nothing looked right anyhow... "New Road!" Backtracked a few klicks, and found where this new road split off from The Domtar at a turn and just went straight. It took quite a while to actually decide that THAT was The Domtar! It had been a few years since we were there last - for whatever reasons... Well, I guess mostly b/c Halfway was closed... DUH! What should be a 35' wide hole in the bush, was nearly rubbing elbows with saplings! They did not have the trail on The Domtar yet at that time.
    2 points
  19. it is a pretty good poke by sled from Aubrey Falls, Black Creek, "Johnnie's" area to chapleau fuel. it is 55 or 60 miles to flame lake lodge (still open), then another 50 or 60 miles (yes miles), to Chapleau's fuel pumps. that is why Chapleau fought to close the F trail. too long of a trail, too much difficult terrain, water issues, for a single groomer operator to deal with. now they run the F trail from Elliot Lake to Black Creek, then "connectors to the D Trail, to halfway haven, then D, F connector trail from Halfway to Chapleau, then the C, F connector over to Folyette, and Timmins. the old F trail was and is still one of my favorites to ever ride. leaving from Echo Bay, and hitting up the d106a, to Aubrey falls/Black Creek, then up to flame lake to see, stay, with Karen, Gary, and Maureen, and or on to Chapleau, then back the next day, was a great weekend ride. when the F trail from Chapleau to Missanabi was still open, that was a great 3 day loop for trail pounder's. leave the soo/echo bay, searchmont. hit flame lake or chapleau (day one), then onto dub, or wawa, or even halfway (day 2), then back to the trucks, on the last day. oh, the memories. sad it changed for the worse. Ski
    2 points
  20. We installed a β€œRing” security camera at the farm on the weekend. I can now post pictures of the snow amounts for the east side of Lake Simcoe.
    1 point
  21. We are expecting some snow squalls with this cold front moving in….I would think so. I am fairly certain there will be more trails opening as well….I saw the Snow Voyagers packing their trails as well.
    1 point
  22. after yesterday's snow, it is looking like it is go time! Ski
    1 point
  23. Big chain/big lock thru track fastened to immovable object!
    1 point
  24. gotta like the real feel, that is a dry cold!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  25. 1911 is the most sound anti theft devise going, just need to be there to use it.
    1 point
  26. I asked the Desjardins adjuster about the 30 day thing and she said they assume its being parted out and will never be seen again. They just want to settle it and close the file. The gal on the phone was very pleasant and spoke English as her 1st language. That being said, I havent got a final settlement # back from them yet.....
    1 point
  27. One time I drove all way too dealer with snowmobile in tow. When I got there , I realized I left key inside house with dess on it. I figure I ask dealer if they can do anything. Within 30 seconds they handed me a master dess. Sure enough it worked right away. Ever since has me wondering maybe regular keys were better? Better to invest in a tracking device and hide it in snowmobile some where. 🀣
    1 point
  28. You seem extremely focused on the non working DESS on the 2022 Doo's - yes it is concerning that it does not work for now, but even with a working DESS, just look above, still stolen. Look at @scottyr, they took sled (w/ working DESS) & a trailer. As mentioned, a thief will take what they are after, no matter what. There are post DESS locks in lieu of working DESS, but just a roadblock to a thief......might be a good year to add another locking system for good measure, but people are desperate & bored, which = more theft.
    1 point
  29. Agreed keep this stuff off the trails. Wait until your done for the day. Keeps everyone safer. More enforcement needed. Always amazes me up there seeing garbage cans full of empties too.
    1 point
  30. At the break neck speed of 50 kmh I am sure!πŸ˜‰
    1 point
  31. Thank you, yes I got it from Georgian bay guys.
    1 point
  32. Here's somebody's take on the 2023 Dakota https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiO4obEzrz1AhWUGs0KHcQqC60QFnoECAYQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2F21truck.com%2F2023-ram-dakota-comeback-rumors%2F&usg=AOvVaw3wSHVhlKBU_IjjTIPF4lly.
    1 point
  33. Ranger Lake Road / Domtar Road / D201F Updates Chad and I ran the Ranger Lake road a few weeks back from the Domtar to highway 129. There was a good base of snow and ice and no issues with carbides. It appears the plow operators are aware sledders are running it. Once at the hwy 129 bridge, we took the new logging road down towards Aubrey Falls Trading post, then jumped onto highway 129 right at the Trading Post. Again, the plow operators left ample snow on the west side of the highway (129) to allow riders to get down to Black Creek Outfitters. The east side of the highway was down to pavement. This makes it tricky for a return trip, when you head back north. Either you wear your carbides or break the law and run the left side of the highway. We did not try the trail from Black Creek to Aubrey Falls Trading Post. The Domtar is not being logged this winter, not as of yet anyways and haven't heard otherwise. This past summer, I attempted some bush trails along the Ranger Lake road to see if a shortcut from highway 129 to the Domtar road was possible. I was only able to get part way in as it just got narrower and needed a complete chainsaw workout. (map attached shortcut in green) The road from the Ranger Lake road to Mashagama via the Horseshoe Lake road is in an amazing shape. You can drive a vehicle through that section without an issue. Chad and I also did the D201F Mashagama loop via Johnny's Truckstop. It just drags on, but we did it. The last time I was on the Chapleau F was in early February 2012. We went from Aubrey Falls Trading Post to the Hinkler and still had another 20 miles to make it to Flame Lake Lodge. We branched north-west and went up to the Aubinadong River via Mountain Ash road, then sledded down the Aubinadong River trails back down to the Domtar. The groomer has just come all the way down from Chapleau that weekend and it was quite a trek. Unfortunately, a tree branch blew a hole in the rad, so it was parked at the 129 bridge waiting for pickup and / or repairs.
    1 point
  34. When we stay in Mont Laurier at a hotel the Comfort Inn is my first choice. Better trail access than the Quality Inn or Super 8 has. Comfort Inn has restaurant as part of the building. Best Western had good trail access also but no restaurant on the premise.
    1 point
  35. We are at Le Village Windigo right now. Not sure why that section of 13 is closed. I believe it was closed all last season. The best riding is north of Mont Laurier anyways.
    1 point
  36. Well, after looking at Google Maps, I'm guessing that he just skipped a few clicks of F trail. Or rather, since I didn't see anything going N there, then maybe they were detouring that section of F and just puting it on the road? I doubt that they were logging up the Domtar at that time, but I can't say fer sure.
    1 point
  37. Lucky meπŸ˜„, finally picked up my new trailer, ordered in June. Now will do rustproofing, install front, rear superclamps and ready to enjoy my season.🀩
    1 point
  38. It's about 115 from Goulias River to Black Creek and about 105 from Halfway to Black Creek if you do the trail all the way. We usually short cut it down Domitar to Ranger Lake and over to the bridge just before Hwy 129 and then follow the old trail all the way to Aubrey Falls Trading Post and jump out of the trail just before the parking lot and then follow the Hwy down to the F Trail / Black Creek. If conditions are good we run straight to Chapleau from Black Creek by jumping off the trail and running the logging roads. They were keeping them plowed a couple seasons back, so we took the trail all the way and had to hit Halfway for fuel and backtrack to go to Chapleau. Wondering if they are still using that area as much?
    1 point
  39. tough/late start - great to see the dedicated volunteers staying optimistic and doing what they can.
    1 point
  40. They aren't worried about DESS, they'll steal anything and everything. Thieves and their "fencing" market will always have a way to move whatever is they need to move.
    1 point
  41. I bet it's all of 100 smiles from Black Crick to Halfway. Actually - I bet it's better'n that. Maybe 115. Not saving anything gas wise even if Flame Lake's not there. Now I understand that keeping The Domtar open is likely less work/cost than a bush trail, and it seems that most trail riders prefer the roads as they are faster. I prefer a slow ride through the bush. I would rather ride the 2 track as I-75/401, but that's me... I remember one night in the mid 90's we come in O'Dark:30 and crashed on a buddies couch in the UP, and we both could see trees flying by on both sides when we shut our eyes. LOL! Not gunna see that riding Ranger North!
    1 point
  42. Haha. I was up there last Feb with my dad and he said that the one guy working there reminded him of Joe Exotic.
    1 point
  43. Thanks Dan, for the nostalgic look back. Had many great trips through that area and on up the old F trail to Chapleau, then north to Hearst, or east to Timmins. Really miss some of the places we stayed, like Flame Lake Lodge, and others that I can't remember.
    1 point
  44. Club was contacted last night, by many I am sure. The response was they were going out today to start packing, club to the south groomed the rail trail to Kinmount again last night. Plenty of snow, lakes are staked for the most part, no reason they should not be out. Livin'
    1 point
  45. I want to say SOOOO much more, but out of respect for the PBR Riders and Arctic Riders clubs and volunteers, and for our friend, PBR Riders President Kenny Johnston, I will not.
    1 point
  46. We got the '78 blizzard for 2-3 days, but my mistake was that Mel was just an appliance salesman at that time. I hate it when I forget a whole generation!
    1 point
  47. Nope. The first storm arrived on Jan. 2, 1999 and dropped almost 38 centimetres of snow, causing commuter chaos in the city's downtown core. By Jan. 4, Lastman had declared a "snow emergency" and banned parking on certain snow routes. Over the next week it continued to snow, with another 21 centimetres falling on Jan. 12.
    1 point
  48. Yup. Isn't that when Mayor Mel called the army into dig Toronto out? I was young then!!!
    1 point
  49. Did the run up to Halfway Haven on Friday. We didn't get in till late and decided to stay the night, instead of ride home in the dark. I think we were the first overnight customers of the year. Darrel, Rory, Kim and Dee were great hosts, and we got a good education on what it takes to run this place. Please support them if you can.
    1 point
  50. I'm so happy and content with the fact that I have my old 2006 Dakota and my old 2006 Toy Carrier holding my old 2015 XF7000 LXR and my sons old 2017 ZR7000 LXR. All prepped and ready to go with this summers enhancements. Not a worry in the world, just need to sit tight and wait for snow with my 40 Creek. No 1st world problems of the race for the fastest, best, newest equipment that is still not fast enough. I call that "Itchy Ass Syndrome".
    1 point
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