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RAMSOMAIR last won the day on March 1

RAMSOMAIR had the most liked content!


848 Excellent

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    08 Apex LTX GT, 16 Viper LTX LE, 19 SRX LE
  • 15/16 Mileage
  • 14/15 Mileage
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  1. Yep. Seguin is all that’s showing pretty much. QC and MI for me this year.
  2. Need actual trails to even have a base lol
  3. Just under 2' currently. I'll get a couple pics shortly
  4. The stickers have changed at Wolf on the pump. No ethanol in the premium only
  5. Is that trail still listed as red??? Lol
  6. 50cm lol. Are you looking at The Weather Network again. They have a less than ideal record. I really hope they are correct though.
  7. I'm right on Georgian Bay, it picks up the moisture and drops it to the east of me starting about 20kms away. I'm in a "No snow Zone"
  8. 1.5" in Parry Sound overnight
  9. Do we really know that though......
  10. Trump will fix it!!! Bahahahaha
  11. Best part was parking on the wet grass and roosting all the other trucks on the way out….ooops
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