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  1. Today
  2. Take it out and take it to Jeff at nh cycle. He can rebuild it some how I bet. He's very good at engines. Lots just slap in a Honda gx motor it seems too 🤷🏽‍♂️. Nothing runs like that orginal two stroke motor. How much did that one run you. Some are asking up to 3k for these things last made in 1998 or so I believe.
  3. It runs but low on compression. Its a '73 so its got the Kawasaki motor with Kikaki carb. Everything I read says its a tough rebuild. They don't make the pistons and rings so you have to make shift.....🥴 That's why I'm thinking about going electric conversion. Then no carb.....lol
  4. Yesterday
  5. You want to rent it out this winter before you tear it apart 🤔
  6. We had 2 120 Cats: 1st one was used - 2nd one we bought brand new My son started on them at age 4 We then went to a 340 Indy Lite, then to a Polaris EVO, and now onto a Sport 550
  7. I bought a 71 Motoski Mini-Sno for my kids when they were, I believe, 4 and 6. Cool little sled that would stay on top of deep snow even with me on it! Had a decent top speed around 40mph. It didn't "braap" but rather it had a long deep groan...lol... The kids learned well on it as you needed to add some body language to make it steer. They moved up to a 300 Enticer a few years after that. Enticer is still kicking around 20 years later.
  8. My 2 grandsons will be 2 this coming winter. I have a Kitty Cat I'm thinking of converting to electric and figure they will be riding it next year.
  9. Last week
  10. 4 for a mini z. Younger for a kitty kat. By 7 or 8 they will outgrow the mini z. I've been debating going to a sno skoot or a small sled. My boys have been fine on the full size sled though so probably won't. Just spent the $50 for a kids key for the 900 ace.
  11. Nice. I been looking at mini z's. They are pretty nice and simple, well older ones anyways. No sense buying anying too good, it be into ditch and trees no doubt 😎. Have to learn some how I suppose. Teather kill switch cord is a must I think! I think I just pick up somthing decent that still works. It's not leaving our property anyways.
  12. Bought a 1989 SnoScoot for my daughter when she was 2 1/2 years old. she started on it when she was around 4.
  13. At what age did some of you folks start your children, grandchildren on a regular mini z, 120 cc? Thanks better to buy old school one or some of newer models?
  14. Earlier
  15. Was a big crowd at Elora cruise nite... All the car shows have been well attended again
  16. The official motorcycle of the Lesbian Community. LOL
  17. Gawd no. I did one of those test rides once. I was bored in 5 minutes. If I'm spending time on asphalt, I'd rather drive one of my trucks. I'd like to try the SXS thing sometime though. I haven't made it to a Cruise Night yet this year but maybe I'll get to Elora tomorrow.
  18. You already have a side by side LOL another Ranger ?
  19. I picked up a side by side . getting the itch scratched weekly.
  20. I believe they will open the second Tuesday of next week
  21. When are the trails going to reopen? I need to go for a ride.
  22. Condolences to his friends and family.
  23. My neighbour has a hunt camp in Pointe au Baril, and said Paul was a great friend.
  24. RIP Paul. Thank you for your dedication to maintaining our trails.
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