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  1. Today
  2. Royal sent me an update this morning: Hi there, Thanks for reaching back out. Due to the technical difficulties, our warehouse has reverted to a manual picking/shipping process. Orders are slowly being shipped out. Once shipped, you should receive an email with the tracking information. To answer your questions, At this time, I cannot guarantee a shipping time. Internal Software issue. Yes, we will be at the show. At this time, we have not released the details on any discount/promotions or sales at the show.
  3. sounds like a hack and/or a virus causing the issue......should get an email soon stating your person info was exposed but nothing of serious nature.
  4. I finally just took the drive. I was told by more than one employee that the entire system was down. That was atleast a couple weeks ago. Staff had to physically go into the warehouse to search for items. Chaos.
  5. This is the first year that I had serious second thoughts about doing trail installation. It has passed, we are at it while the fields are dry and getting more enthused as I go. Fortunately our volunteers have finished the MOU's up and the map is green so we are in good shape for Oct. 22nd.
  6. Does anyone know what is happening at Royal distributing? I ordered a DID chain several weeks ago (stock item) and got an order number. I heard nothing further from them so I sent a follow-up email yesterday. I got the following response. I sent a second follow-up email and got no response, so far. Hi there, Thanks for reaching out. We are currently experiencing some company wide technical difficulties with our internal system. Due to the technical difficulties, our warehouse is currently behind causing orders to be delayed. Orders are slowly being shipped out. When your order ships, you should receive an email with the tracking information. We ask for your patience while we as a company work out a solution. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Ride Safe,
  7. I did that in 2020 turned out I rode about 8 weeks in d5 and d9 that year. Ended up buying one two day permit, then changed that into a full season permit. So now back to buying early permit. It's just easier. I rode one day from home last year. At least I got a ride in. Buying permit is like buying insurance, you can't ride with out. If weather don't co-operate niether are refundable. Let's hope for best this year 🙏. Hope to see you out there.
  8. For the first time in my 22 years of buying a yearly permit, I find myself very hesitant to do so again. I am in the most southernly point of the trail system in D5….. for years I have supported and done whatever, wherever, however to help my local club. The snow has been lacklustre to say the least in the last 5 yrs. As much as I love to load up and go for a day, wknd,midweek, or week long trip!…. It’s just becoming too much of an expense. Gone are the days of me leaving w a crew from my doorstep and riding up to Exeter, Grand Bend, Goderich etc!! ….. not too mention a few stops at the ol grain bin Inn, for those of the Mitchell area!😉….. that seems to be my starting point anymore, and it hasn’t been the most pleasant in the few past years but I’ll take it!
  9. Yesterday
  10. With current weather it's hard to think about permits yet. I be getting one Ontario as usual.
  11. Quebec permit ordered today. On the hook for 2 Ontario and 1 Quebec. 😭
  12. Great to hear some people, or a person returning to the sport! The rail line from Fenelon seems to open quickly enough when there is snow, so hopefully treats you well living there over the winter months......and with the trailer, it is only 1.5hrs to Dorset, most years a great place to start from with usually more consistent good conditions. And Kudos to you that your gear from 11 years ago still fits...lol.
  13. Welcome aboard and congrats on your re entry to the sport. One of the most reliable sled's/motor's in the industry right there. Take care of air and fuel systems and they go forever it seems. People may call bs on my following statement but it's a true story. My buddy bought one new from Colborne's in Shallow Lake Ontario and traded it in with 25 thousand kms the same year. He lived on it. The second one he kept for many years and finally retired it at about 35 thousand kms. Still ran, but had been wrecked so many times it was like riding an egg beater. lol My wifes Blizzard 600 was recently sold with about 12,000k on the clock and still runs like a top today.
  14. Southern Ontario all open and you can really notice snow going fast on a sunny day close to zero. Only good news about open area's you can get drifting which helps to build trail base . Been some winters heading out of hailburton village was brutal until I got closer to Whitney hydro line and snow picked up. Dirt and rocks mostly in low snow years too.
  15. I will be purchasing 2 Ontario and 1 New Brunswick.
  16. Welcome to the forum JIMMXZ. Happy Trails
  17. Last week
  18. Welcome to the forum JIMMXZ! I'm sure you'll get a few chucles and some knowledge from the crew around here.
  19. Congrats!!! Welcome to the forum.
  20. I was born in 1980 so I only heard of the good old days of the 1970's. I got my first sled in 98 a 340 Fan Formula S which I traded the next year for a MXZ 440 Fan which I loved. From what I have read and experienced the late 90's was a decent time. We had a cottage in Haliburton so we had good access to decent snow, I remember a winter where it was waist high on our lake. I remember going up the hydro corridor to Whitney, lot's of lake running and Jan and Feb pretty much being a guarantee with sometimes a bit of March. I remember being able to drop my sled in Port Perry a couple of winters and ride all the way to Haliburton. I remember my uncle in northern Quebec taking me out in 92 for my first ride in Saguenay and being instantly hooked. The sheer number of people on the trails, the comradery, the trailside bars and burger joints full of people, deep snow fun and fast lake running. We sold our family cottage 25 years ago and I kept up sledding but it was a pain driving 2.5 hours from the city and having to go when the weather was right so back in 2013 I sold my last sled a 2 up touring after my kids were born, I needed the money and I certainly didn't have the time or money to truck it back and forth from the city. Now 11 years later I have moved to Fenelon Falls and will likely be able to ride from my yard at best or at worst be nearer to the snow. I have an ATV and it's a blast but I have been dreaming about sledding for 11 years, it never let go of me, I still have my mint condition SKI DOO riding gear which I never gave up because I knew there would come a day again when I would get a sled again. Last spring I bought a used sled for the first time ever, after the lousy winter there seemed to be a ton of mint condition used sleds being dumped on the market. I ended up buying a 2017 MXZ Sport (Carbed) with only 1,200 Km's on it and including a 1 up aluminum Triton trailer for $7.5K which seemed like a steal to me after I had looked at buying new. I couldn't justify 20K or more for something that can have such a limited season with winters being so unpredictable. So here I am super pumped about the prospect of the upcoming season, knowing I am going to be living near the trails and can just go when the weather hits. Hoping for a good winter but even if it's garbage I can still take advantage of whatever comes.
  21. Looks like here in southern Ontario we be close to bottom number going into November. 😳 lots of grsss cutting yet. keep us posted thanks!
  22. I am in Fenelon Falls and to me it has always been good from Minden and north. Kinmount is about the southern edge of the Canadian Shield and where the forest cover starts to be 100%. South of there the forest gets interrupted by farms and development. 20 years ago I used to be near Haliburton village and remembered going south and the snow was always a bit less in Minden and then it dropped the further you went down the rail trail. I remember going down to Lindsay one year and south of Fenelon the trail starts to have dirt patches as there is very little forest cover to keep the sun away.
  23. Today's a good example contrasting the temperature difference between Sault Ste. Marie and the Snowbelt Region 90 Miles to the North. November Snowmobiling is just around the corner.
  24. 30 Days To Go! My write-up on Late November Snowmobiling north of Sault Ste. Marie. The full report is here: https://sled-x.ca/news/october-2024-report1.html
  25. Mid-week overnight forecast for north of Searchmont next week.
  26. that makes sense if you trade that often to not buy a left-over If you're looking to keep it 3-5 years - some great deals on left-overs out there The biggest thing for me is on the left-overs - how much has really changed - and are those changes worth the extra 3-5k? ( doubtful ) the sled has already taken the depreciation anyway - and thats on the manu - not me - so also a win
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