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PISTON LAKE CRUISER last won the day on January 24

PISTON LAKE CRUISER had the most liked content!


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  • Location
  • Main Riding Area
    N Ont. & NW Quebec
  • Club
  • Sled
    2016 VECTOR
  • Previous and/or Other Sleds
    12 Vector LTX/ 07VECTORx2/04 600CLASSIC (still have)/05 600XC ANN./02 700EDGEX
  • 20/21 Mileage
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  1. 84 miles on the railbed from south of Chapais to Miquelon but with a couple of road crossings that come up rather quickly. I hit a spruce grouse on that railbed one very cold morning.
  2. Here is a response from the Chibougamau club to my inquiry about the trail 93 closure: Currently our trails are surfaced. But, there are signs of closed bridges. We cannot legally announce it open but...
  3. The trail isn't even shown on the ITG. This year that would mean one of two things. Either they have Landowner MOU'(s) that haven't been signed or they don't have that trail any more. My bet would be the landowner issues.
  4. One of the guys from our group bought a new in the crate Yamaha at Harricanna in Amos about 10 years ago. Rode his to the dealership for when they opened and we rode out at 11:30 that morning with the new one. Awesome dealership. They gave us an apex demo to ride one day when we had to get a repair done.
  5. That's good. Always like even numbers for sled trips. Better for restaurant tables and rooms. Have a great time and don't forget the reports!
  6. One of my Elmira friends says "If you don't have a plan you can't go wrong"
  7. I'm pretty sure you can get them at CTC or pretty much any good auto parts store. Mini spades are quite common these days.
  8. What those program lack is telling the riders if the trails are open or closed. We were working on upopened trail a couple of weeks ago and most of the sleds we waved down would tell us that the trail shows open on their dash screen. Y'ah really, well this guy with me is the gentleman that opens and closes these trails. You need to check the ITG because your dash won't tell you its open..
  9. Its usually the third Saturday of the month from 4PM-7PM. I haven't seen official advertisement for this February. They have a big Valentine dinner on Saturday the 8th advertised but nothing about a Feb. wing night. You can watch their Facebook page for more info. St. Clements S.C. has a wing night again this Friday from 5-8PM at the Greenwood R&G. Unfortunately no trail to the door anymore. They sold 285lb. of wings and sold out of fries last month.
  10. Just my 73 year old opinion but if you take a lady who has never snowmobiled on a 146 km. trip the first time she rides, you will NEVER have/get to take her sledding again. Start small on a smooth trail day and she might enjoy it.
  11. The groomer is finally back running and grooms St.Clements, Wellesley & Elmira trails. It went by my place Friday afternoon and again about 9:30 PM Saturday night. I'm told it ran all through that timeframe +.Thanks to the operators who have our trails looking the best they have in years.
  12. What part of No Parking don't you understand? It's a very large Sno Pitch event that is held yearly.
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