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Turbo Doo

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Turbo Doo last won the day on December 28 2022

Turbo Doo had the most liked content!


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    Never mind
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  1. Say what you want, do what you want, but imo, assuming a trail that has been groomed, is 'open' is not right. Again, these sections have been listed as closed since the start of the season, and have been worked on, I.E, grooming, brushing, signing etc, since the start of the season and since other sections have been listed as open. Again, imo it's not right, but ride on if its rigth in your head. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
  2. I really liked that tailgate. But being Mr. OCD, when I ordered my new truck this spring, I removed that tailgate option, and went with the normal tailgate..
  3. Great pics, how did you ride around these 2 closed sections?.
  4. Trails looked decent on our way to the NCDN Thursday. You will be fine until Wednesday and Thursdays weather...
  5. By the looks of the trails today driving thru on our way North, don't expect much..
  6. More Kap Fuel options....Raxfins new location is awesome...
  7. Will Doo. We will see you guys hopefully sometime. We are hopeful that we can get back up March 24, 25, 26, 27. Rooms booked, fingers and toes crossed weather holds. Our weather for the next 5 days looks spectacular...
  8. Our timing is off again.... Hearst, Friday night with OC Member @Evil and company. Kap and Cochrane the rest of the time. We are back up March 24, 25, 26, 27. Weather permitting...
  9. Potentially. We will see what our group is up to. May want to place a reservation, FYI....
  10. If you want food in SRF, visit Ellies Bristro...
  11. New owners, that place is a disaster. Restaurant quality is down. We never fuel up there anyways. Damco in Moonbeam, or Kap...
  12. We are in the NCDN starting Thursday for 5 days....
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