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skidooboy last won the day on October 5

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  • Location
  • Main Riding Area
    northeast of superior
  • Club
    club Allouette
  • Sled
    2018 arctic cat XF High Country 8000 Ltd 141
  • Previous and/or Other Sleds
    2009 Arctic Cat M8 153 sno pro
  • 21/22 Mileage
  • 20/21 Mileage
    zero thank you Covid
  • 19/20 Mileage
  • 18/19 Mileage
  • 17/18 Mileage
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  1. FXR makes good gear, just expensive to buy the latest and greatest. Buying non current is more cost effective. Go to their site, look up the waterproof, windproof, insulation numbers, and make the choice, if it is right for your situation. Ski
  2. If you are thawing sleds, make sure there are drains in the floor, or when the heat goes off, the floor will be a skating rink, and the doors possibly frozen shut. Ski
  3. LUP= Land Use Permit. MOU=Memorandum Of Understanding. Same thing one is regular language, one is legalese. Ski
  4. Cat's with the 800 Suzuki motors were pretty darn bulletproof. The 2010-2017's (800ho motor) were the highest HP numbers. 08-09 (non HO) were still pretty darn good. I wouldnt buy a used sled with more than 1500 miles on it but, that is just me. I go by the notion of thinking of sleds like cars x10. IE: 10,000 miles= 100,000 miles. you know the more miles, the more stuff is going to nickel and dime you, or worse. If what they are offering is the cleanest thing they own, Walk away!. Ski
  5. We usually get our LUP for our land about this time of the year. This year our new agreement came last night. Unless it is different from district/club to club/district, one thing that may turn off many land owners is, the end date of the agreement. The current start date is dec 1 2024, the end date states until further notice. I know, it made me raise my eyebrow's. For those saying this was sprung on the clubs, volunteers, this is not true. The clubs have always needed the agreement signed but because of the difficultly on getting access to the owners, and having past agreements in place, it was just the norm to go the path of least resistance, until it was brought up by some entity. The clubs can and should start the agreement gathering as soon as the season is over, to prep for the next. then you have 5-7 months to get them all in place, instead of a few weeks. Just this year, the mandate & subsequent threat of closure, and or inclusion and insurance protection came down stating that, 100% of the properties that trails run on must have a signed LUP, to be an active part of the system. I wonder how that will work with the crown lands? Does a gov't entity have to sign off on every property, or is this already in place? I see a cluster f*&% of a season coming, just for the signed LUP issue, and many hundreds, if not thousands of km's not linked, closed, or never opened from the LUP issue alone. Then people will just "trespass" to get from one groomed section to the next because, "that was always the way we went". I hope I am wrong, in my fears. Ski
  6. Yes, they are dated start and stop dates, for insurance and liability purposes. Ski
  7. Been out for a little while, the longer the bolts, the easier to bend them. When the bolt bends, they get stuck in the spindle/ski bushings. The Cat guys were talking about the bending. With everything, take it with a grain of salt. Some people like them, some dont. Ski
  8. With the advent of taller and taller lug tracks even for trail riding, installing studs requires going longer and longer. With more leverage, the longer studs pull out easier, and then you start having clearance issues to the tunnel roof, and distance from the track/stud tips, to the front heat exchanger. Same scenario with I-Grips. Personally, I havent rode with studs, since my second snowmobile as an adult. We havent used studs since 2003 or so. I dont miss them at all. Ski
  9. Drought early on in mid Michigan, we have no walnuts on our trees at all. Been really dry in Dubreuilville this summer too. Water levels on all lakes and rivers are really low. The nice thing there... We havent had much blackflies, since Canada day. Ski
  10. Their "fix" is... Use fuel with ethanol. Polaris seems to think the Non Ethanol fuel is causing more of a static build up, charge, and fire happens because of E free fuel. Cant make this crap up. Ski
  11. For the record, El Nino means, little boy, usually a warmer pattern. La Nina means little girl, similar warm pattern, not as aggressive. Guessing winter will be better but, it wont be a super winter like predicted by almanac's. I would be glad to be wrong but, historically, I am not holding my breath. Ski
  12. In a non city storm drain/sewage system, that is ok but, most municipalities have adopted the no sand/dirt on road solutions, to prevent clogging the drain systems, and costly cleaning/repair from using aggregate for winter road treatments. Believe me, I would rather see lightly sanded, over any salt but, with liability, litigation and politics, and the govt trying to save us from ourselves... That isnt possible any longer. Ski
  13. Grass is green, river is like glass, bugs are out, on the opening day of walleye season. Happy 2-4 Day Weekend! Ski
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