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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2023 in all areas

  1. I wish Blake and Turbo Doo would check back in sometime. A difference of opinion doesnt equal ill will in my opinion but to each their own i guess. Nunz has stuck around! Yay! Also Panther340 disagreed with some covid opinions too and it got heated a bit at times and he's still around. Always a great contributor and stuck by his opinion and respected others right to do so. Never met ya bud but i respect that and kudos to ya for that.
    11 points
  2. Took my 8yr old Granddaughter for loop thru my 40 acre Sugar bush this afternoon, she loves to ask about the tracks she sees , ( rabbit, fox, coyote, turkey) and commented on the beauty of all the snow on the branches. ......and its those shared moments that make it worthwhile to keep the 1998 340 cat running another year !
    11 points
  3. I just got back from 5 days in Quebec. We saddlebagged it to a different lodge/hotel every night. Trails were "good". Not amazing, but better than what we have in the South.
    7 points
  4. Spent the weekend in Temagami at the Polaris Ambassador meet and ride, had a great time meeting fellow riders and ambassadors from Ontario, with the support of the riders and sponsors we raised 4000 for the local snowmobile club.
    5 points
  5. If we look back to the beginning, we have lost allot of great contributors. This last deal, I don't really understand. I guess some are not happy and have left, I respect that. The last few years the whole world has changed, there is separation everywhere, it has no boundaries. It's up to each individual to either get along, ignore, forget or forgive. There have been many over the years I didn't think much of, no different then every day life, mostly I just let it roll off. I've been part of some heated discussions on here, it is what it is, at the end of the day we all love the same sport. I wish the others would just come back and get over their differences, but if they don't they don't. It's their choice, and I firmly believe we all have a choice, just as our charter of Freedoms and rights states. This is a tuff season province wide for our sport, I hope everyone finds happiness in what they are doing and gets to do some sledding, wherever that may be.
    5 points
  6. Always ! My garage is stocked with Sleemans .
    4 points
  7. Wakomata Wilderness We were back on the Wakomata Wilderness for the first time this season. A scenic way of getting to Black Creek Outfitters.
    4 points
  8. Another awesome day riding just over 400km from Kanawata to Lac Faillon. Trails were fast and wide with a few bumps and fresh powder thrown in just for fun. Few pictures from the day.
    4 points
  9. So I personally do not know what all the drama is about but I can say this. While I’m not a regular chatty person Ihave been part of this forum for over 20 years.if I recall a crash or something back in the day that eliminated my profile once maybe twice. Recall this was started by LMV way back and rode with a number of members way back. This site at one time was where you needed to go to find trail conditions in Ontario as there was no ITG or anything close. There was a tight knit group of folks and back in the early 2000’s I likely posted far more regularl back then. Times change, people change and ideals change. I always enjoyed the snowmobile focus of the group. I believe it will survive, it’s the folks that remain part of the group that will ensure that. I continue to check in during the season and if I feel I can contribute in a meaningful manner will do so.
    4 points
  10. The polarization of society in past three years has even gone so far as dividing families ( including my own) One of the best things this site did was separating those sensitive topics to that Monkey Forum. I am purposely not a member there because when we didn't have it , even though I would say to myself I would ignore or not read certain posts.....I am too passionate ( and well informed ) and would be tempted to read and reply.....so now with it separate in Monkey section, I can avoid easier. So as long as Moderators keep that stuff over in Monkey, I think we all , in the rest of the forums, can get along with other common passions like the outdoor sports , or technical helps , non political jokes.....etc.. so I consider you all people I am confident would be friends if we met in my garage with a beer.
    3 points
  11. I used to wonder why anyone would let internet chatter and/or a differing of opinions let them get so wound up to the point they would need to leave. But.....,I did vacate a site I frequented daily for several years a little over a year ago and have never looked at it again. I am glad I did - it was good for me, so I guess I can better understand now why some may choose to do what they do. In any event, I enjoy the members here and most importantly - really appreciate the valuable sledding information I get from here, see pictures of people out riding, or just talk about sledding ( since I don't get to ride much ) - that is the passion part and the reason I come here. Glad those that are here are still here.
    3 points
  12. Had about 25 sleds through my place today .All new sleds they pretty much have it packed . going out for a sign check tomorrow .
    3 points
  13. Why ask to have your account deleted? Seems childish to me?
    3 points
  14. Hi Bill, sorry to hear this. I'm not too often on the forum and just saw this. Remember a few years ago 2015 or so I fought cancer and I'm still here and seem to be in remission. My last checkup will be this coming March. It was a long journey, the surgery, Radiation and Hormonal treatment has left its toll on me. I could have chosen any advance country in the world to treat me but I trusted the Canadian Specialists and looking back I made the right decision. I'm 70 now and still sledding with my buddy, the Yamaha Vector. Still rockets me around. Forsure life will change for you and some physical adjustments will have to be made, but it will never be the same. Through it all, with Radiation pellets in my left leg, I still sledded with Blake G, Glenn, Grizzly Griff and a lot of the members I met on this forum. However, I wish you the best on this journey. Cheers 🍻
    3 points
  15. Got back home today after a mini three night/two day trip out of Mattawa Golf and Ski. Our group of 6, for the most part, lucked out with the weather and the grooming schedules. Wednesday, we rode 290 km from Golf and Ski eastward via the A trail to Deep River for an early Timmi's lunch, and then back via the 130 series local North Renfrew and 190 series Missing Link trails. Most of the trail we rode had been groomed Monday or Tuesday, and even those that hadn't (the 'dead end" 137 and 136), were tolerable. That day's riding is about as good as it gets in Ontario. Every time I take a new person on that ride, they are super impressed with the scenery, and trail quality and variety. Thursday, we did the same 240 km route that gtowe referred to above, but in the opposite direction. From Golf and Ski, we went thru Mattawa via the A trail and A112A, unfortunately still via the downtown road bridge, then northwest toward North Bay on A112A, to the A trail, south on the A with a detour in/out on BF201 to the Dinner Bell for a delicious lunch. After lunch we carried on back to the A trail, south/east back to our hosts. The trails were in very good shape with 3-6" of fresh snow on top of mostly very smooth base. Sled traffic was minimal both days. Sadly we saw a broken down groomer on the A trail about 15 km west of Golf and Ski. With the colder weather this coming week, the slush should freeze on the Mattawa River, allowing that crossing to open. The hospitality for three nights was excellent at a modest price, which may be important to some, as the fuel prices for both sleds and trucks are still too high. If you haven't ridden this area recently, make the effort to go there.
    3 points
  16. Just rode from the info center to Sunridge, back to edgewater for lunch and back to the info center yesterday. I'd say it was 70/30 fresh groomed to bombed out. We left the trucks at 8 am and got back at 2:30 for a total of 130 miles.
    2 points
  17. Rode Sudbury form Thursday to Saturday. Some good some bad. Snowed all the way up Wednesday night. I think they forgot about the D trail completely.....
    2 points
  18. Last trip I did with my father was based out of there. Great spot.
    2 points
  19. You guys sure do get out there. Thanks for letting us see your travels.
    2 points
  20. I am sure it will open in time. When we were up in the Corridor a week ago, we heard that lack of a good freeze keeps that trail from being opened sooner. Lots of wet areas.
    2 points
  21. Not a jab at all, sorry that offends you. it was a anecdotal way to describe what happened. some didnt agree with others on certain items, dug their heels in, then just left, vs trying to work out differences, or ignoring the differences, or better yet, ignoring those they didnt agree with, or like. But to leave, start your own places (not the first time that has happened here either), then to invite people from here, to join their newly formed group, seemed to be a weird change of events. (at least to me). I dont wish any ill will, nor do I have bad feelings for the people that left. I just think it was sad that, it was just those things that made people turn on one another and leave. having the ignore feature turned on for the people that upset you the most, is a great tool to utilize on any media platform. and I am with Ox, I dont believe in deleting someones account fully. there are links, helpful tips, history, that help others. wanting all of your info you shared with others wiped from existence just doenst make sense. unless there was, is, some high security risk. Ski
    2 points
  22. Waking up to more white gold falling down is nice to see!
    2 points
  23. Rode out of Hearst last Friday through Monday. Great trails almost everywhere up there. The yellow section from the end of the Hearst/Hornepayne at Mooseland over to the west is the only issue. The snow is fine, but this section has not been given enough grooming over the last few seasons to successfully break the saplings off. When it is cold and the drag cuts into the trail a bit, they are broken/cut off. The current state is to the point of causing many to turn back to Hearst. My group continued and found the best trail conditions I’ve seen since its reopening in I think 2018-2019 season. We’ve ridden it every season except the 2020-2021. We met a guy trying to cut some of the growth with a homemade sled-knife he was dragging, but it really wasn’t working. Other than a few low areas (bottom of the hills) where water cut through during warm temps, the trail is real good once past the long bridge on Hwy11. The trail is green at that point. Really liked staying at the “Between the Bridges Inn” on Hwy11 in Geraldton. Park in front of your room. Moonbeam Clubhouse was cranking on Saturday afternoon and ran into Dennis and his group from Hearst. Too bad it’s such a long drive. Great 750 miles. Scott
    2 points
  24. Has anyone else noticed that OC has lost 2 more long time contributors that added a lot of good information and humor to the forum? Blake has been absent from the forum this season. Turbo Turbo Doo has been absent with the exception of a couple of posts about 2 weeks ago. One of those was his request to have his profile deleted. Too bad we are continuing to loose great guys and worthy contributors. Not a good thing.
    1 point
  25. I think we will have to trailer. If so Ill drop at the Sprucedale community centre
    1 point
  26. sprucedale/kearney is open. DYSC has threatened to open up a few trails if they have snow. Ill be up there same time with my son if your riding
    1 point
  27. Here is the bottom line as I see it. You don't like what's said and feel you need to leave. Then do it. Don't whinge and start your own place while using the forum you just left to start your own place. That's wrong. A few that left that did this If they come back will not get a second thought nor a second of my time because of this. But that's my own opinion and not the one of this forum. Secondly, I value anyone's opinion whether or not I agree with them. I also fully believe in a persons right to do and go where they want. So ayone whom I dont agree with that stayed. Good on you. So I hope everyone ( and I do mean everyone) is ok and has a decent life.
    1 point
  28. I’m my opinion, generally guys don’t hold on to these things, grudges, hard feelings, etc….like girls usually do (no offense). Yes guys have their hard lines or opinions, but usually in the end agree to disagree and have a few laughs over a few beverages. We all have value to add in some way, shape or form, some small and some big. Letting others control that is to bad based on a difference of opinion or ideology.
    1 point
  29. About 3 more inches or so today. Should be close to enough snow to open this week in north d5 🙏.
    1 point
  30. Hey Ox.. I started my first forum in 1998 after tc.com went off the deep end. I started with a local Kitchener forum and then moved it onto the New Dundee SC website and that really took off from there.. I started the oc.com forum in 2000 I think. I remember you from the tc.com days
    1 point
  31. I am a mod on another site, and we have had folks git pissed off and leave, and want all of their posts taken down. (informative site - machining) The Powers That Be have yielded to one or two and I find that complete BS. It leaves holes in threads, and also, there have been reports of links to other posts being wrong now doo to a post prior to it having been removed now. Personally - I'd say that if you want to leave, then just leave. Quit posting, and your profile will sink. One option that I can live with is that the profile is closed, and all posts are now under "Guest" moniker. You can't search much now, but at least the thread makes sense to go back and read. As a member/contributor, I hope that you never allow folks to delete posts, but then on a site like this - prolly not so big'a deal. Not likely searching form much tech info here anyway... .
    1 point
  32. He must have been watching all those SUV TV commercials. Next he’ll have his ski rack on and heading up the ski mountain instead of taking the chair lift!
    1 point
  33. And there hasn't been any problems in the Monkey Barrel. It's just a place where people post what ever they want and no one gets offended. It's more of a fun place than a political thing. Think of it as a safe place within a safe space. It's nice to have place where we can post without being attack for our belief or just our bad sense of humour. It's not the first time we had a revolt by main posters and I'm sure it won't be the last. It's the other 99% of forum members that enjoy the forum that still makes it a great place imo. Imagine a forum started to make friends and riding buddies turned into a place of hate and like always it was egos that made thing go bad. I was asked by many people to try and fix the fighting/bickering that had festered for a longtime. The problem was solved and everything went back to normal again but for some reason that wasn't enough for some people.
    1 point
  34. missing it, monkey barrel didnt start until the "problems" and difference of opinion during covid. that was when several left, starting their own website and FB page to be sledding only, instead of a social club around sledding. was kind of I'm taking my ball and going home kind of theater. I miss the larger group, and the more threads, discussions, pics, reports, trip reports, the things people were building, working on. the fights were in the open, before the barrel was offered. Ski
    1 point
  35. Todays ride was from shawinigan to kanawata, around 340km. Great day on the trails….most were fast and good, but some rough stuff too. Ran into quite a few Americans.
    1 point
  36. He has been past our place since my last post so has covered a lot of ground today even though it is one pass in many areas. The lips at the edge of the packed trail are 4-5" high. We are supposed to have winds from almost every direction along with the snow over the next 20 hours. Hopefully the packed trail will fill in again with fresh snow. That will sure help the base.
    1 point
  37. I’m sure the club volunteers are doing what they can for us
    1 point
  38. Agree ,should be out at least packing . All the effort put in to stake and brush the trails deserves at least an attempt at opening up.
    1 point
  39. It’s a beautiful area to ride in. My phone just told me that we were there 7 years ago today.
    1 point
  40. Im glad the Monkey barrel forum was put in. Keeps everything else PG, and enter at your own risk if you want to. Made it a friendlier place again IMO.
    1 point
  41. I frequent a few forums and they all have the same or similar atmospheres. I really don’t understand why anyone takes a forum as offensive, take the good and / or bad from them and carry on. It’s not personal or shouldn’t be. But agreed though, many people bring different values and losing what some have to offer takes a bit away from any forum.
    1 point
  42. I agree but there isn't much anyone can do if forum members self-ban themselves. We need snow and open trails and the forum will be full of happy and interesting people.. Happy Trails
    1 point
  43. small section of trail open near owen sound ,here comes the south 😄
    1 point
  44. Always sad when people decide to leave the sport or just leave the forum. There are a few people on here that are less than friendly at times and the world has become more divided than ever. Its a sad state we are in, but we all need to come together in our common activity, snowmobiling, and focus on having fun, being safe and having a good laugh. Enjoy the trails, enjoy friends.
    1 point
  45. DIY , as most rental companies didn’t want to rent a 160 hp 850 cc machine to a 15 year old for some reason???? 🤔🤔🙄 that being said , Saturday we rode by ourselves at Boulder to get use to powder and mountain riding (and the narrow ski stance and 2” tracks!) and Sunday the owner Mike , came out with us on his 850 turbo and took us to Frisby ridge to some spots not easily accessible unless your a local. Was the best day ever. Seriously. Note , my son is better at two things than me already. Fishing and back country snowmobiling !
    1 point
  46. no, they are not on the trail any longer. when they eliminated the F trail, they eliminated the access to flame lake. sad, for Karen, Gary, and Maureen. that was a favorite trail stop, and overnight place for us. Ski
    1 point
  47. Not enough snow. We did a trail audit today and fixed a lot of downed stakes and signs from the heavy winds a while back. On trail that had 2 passes with the groomer yesterday, our carbides were down in the dirt many places.
    0 points
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