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  1. Past hour
  2. Weather is the only thing we can't control. Prices will go up as ridership goes down though - there is no way around it.
  3. Today
  4. I am a little worried about future of Ontario sledding. With way things are going below barrie could be snow free in next decade. Musoka barely getting what southern Ontario use to get years ago.,North is seeing a shorter season too with big loop not open because of shortage of snow again, cold this winter. Big permit increases won't bold well for ofsc this winter. Ultimately if it snows permits will sell themselves if it stays. Wait and see what un folds this winter.
  5. Yesterday
  6. Here are last year's prices. First post from Scottyr. 😉
  7. Ontario and Quebec are so different, why would permit rates be close to the same. Totally different way of thinking, approach to life, spending habits and cost of living. Are the upcoming permits prices always out this early, seems earlier than normal? Ontario releases theirs, around Sep?
  8. That's true if you going to ride. Quebec smart though they have kept 3 day and 7 day passes reasonable. Ontario can't get a one day pass, 7 day pass is more then full cost of a season permit so many just shake thier head and go to Quebec I think lately.
  9. Last week
  10. I believe the pre -October 31 is a first this year but then there is a second discounted time until Dec. as well.
  11. The last 3 years I’ve bought 2 Quebec and Ontario passes last year I didn’t use the Ontario ones. This year I may have to forgo the Ontario ones . In the big scheme of things the passes are a small part of the deal I’ve put 400 dollars worth of gas and oil though the two sleds in one day before .
  12. If Ontario charged that permit sales will melt away guranteed. That's why it is where it is today. Still some riders that felel we should get a free or discounted permit because of lousy weather last few years. Not many hard core rides left in province willing to drop that much on a permit. A few but they aren't majority percentages that's for sure.
  13. Quebec Permit Fees for next winter. Ontario is way too cheap.
  14. stoney


    Cannot recall a MAY24 weekend that nice in a while.....but my memory has failed me before..... Heat is welcomed as is the nice weather considering we have hardly strung together many nice days up to now - lots of rain though.... Good for the bugs, good for ater temps, etc..... I was anticipating a crappy summer since the winter was, who knows though.
  15. Spiderman


    Already way too hot. Lets go back to winter please
  16. 95rxl650


    I had the top on the boat. My natural cover is getting a wee bit thin these days.
  17. soupkids


    Hot here in sudbury as well
  18. LuvMyViper


    It's hotter than a hookers door knob on nickel night today!!!!
  19. Earlier
  20. Grass is green, river is like glass, bugs are out, on the opening day of walleye season. Happy 2-4 Day Weekend! Ski
  21. Yup not even close. No matter what the environment there will always be people struggling/renters. Today, that number sadly is growing. But the 80's, 90's one could easily save for a down payment on a detached home. In late 80's while both living at home, myself and my brother saved enough for a 25% total down payment on a detached home in Brampton in one year. That was enough for the rent to carry the mortgage. In fact it was so easy, we did for three consecutive years and had 3 fully detached rental homes with 25% down on each. We started this one year after graduation. If I had decided to not go to school and went into the trades, we would have likely had close to 10. There is no formula for that now. To think it's still the same today and let our kids struggle like we did is laughable.
  22. The 80's, 90''s, and early 2000's and now are not even close to an apples to apples comparison - so it sounds good, but it's not reality for what is currently in place.
  23. Nice now there is room to park mine in drive way, next year and use airport to come up on weekends 😎.
  24. Thanks to all for replies. trailer is SOLD
  25. I agree. I've been hearing "our kids won't be able to afford houses" since the 80's. Sure they will. Just like we did. Borrow the down payment from the parents, get in the market and focus on the long term. My wife and I didn't have any money in savings when we bought our first house. Rent was taking all our income. So that's why we bought.
  26. That's what happens when contractors are busy. They throw out crazy estimates. Up to people to negotiate abit or find another contractor or wait. I had that happen a few times too. I just wait until they need work and amazing how much price comes down 😎.
  27. I'm a rock star. Didnt get paid when I was young and too old to get paid now. lol Joking aside, I've turned down 30k in work this spring just because it'll hurt too much. I also agreed to do a couple I didnt want to do just because the folks had estimates designed to empty theyre retirement savings and I'll be happy to help them out for 1/4 of previous estimates. People are throwing out crazy estimates to folks that have no where to turn and living on a budget. It's sad.
  28. I think some of the "kids" you speak of are making some pretty good coin with the jobs out there, if they were smart and willing to work......I see my nephews and their friends, some are doing okay. Not to suggest they are not living a fine line, but I think we all did until we were in what our 40's, where we started to see some "financial freedoms".....but the youger kids of today are for sure living a finer line with everything costing so much & getting some help from ma and pa.
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