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95rxl650 last won the day on June 27

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219 Excellent

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  • Location
  • Main Riding Area
    district 9
  • Sled
    14 zr7000 limited
  • Previous and/or Other Sleds
    poo's doo's and yamaha's
  • Interests
    family, fishing, sledding
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  1. 95rxl650


    I had the top on the boat. My natural cover is getting a wee bit thin these days.
  2. I'm a rock star. Didnt get paid when I was young and too old to get paid now. lol Joking aside, I've turned down 30k in work this spring just because it'll hurt too much. I also agreed to do a couple I didnt want to do just because the folks had estimates designed to empty theyre retirement savings and I'll be happy to help them out for 1/4 of previous estimates. People are throwing out crazy estimates to folks that have no where to turn and living on a budget. It's sad.
  3. Thats it right there. If your priced fair in a current market, serious buyers know it and not so inclined to try beating you up. They know if they do, they get shown the door.
  4. I sold an 8 foot box popup last summer that weighed in at just over 1000 dry. A guy working in BC sent his father from elliot lake to owen sound for pick it up. From the time I posted it till he got here I had well over 100 replies. It was insane. I listed one of my boats yesterday and it was sold in ten minutes by a fella from parry sound. Didnt want a water test, didnt want to see it run on muffs. Just pulled the cover off threw it in the truck and left. I guess folks are willing to travel for a good deal. I dont like sitting on things I'm selling, just want em gone.
  5. 95rxl650


    Glad I still have my snows on for travel the next few days. Looking out the window and streets are covered, salts getting laid down and sidewalk plows are getting to it. Below freezing until sunday. Main roads will be fine, but I travel rural side roads to much for summer tires. As the frost leaves the gravel they get destroyed. Add some snow and a freeze and they get outright dangerous. My ol' work van looks like it got dunked in a cement mixer some days.
  6. 95rxl650


    I thought so too until I got turned around by heavy cross winds in flash freeze conditions at highway speed. First time ever and it made me realize that 80kph was way to fast to be out of control. Not to mention the fact that things could have gone bad had I hurt someone just because I unprepared. I'm all about some good snow tires these days. Cheap compared to the potential for disaster in my books. On to the weather.... just got the boats home, had a couple good days fishing on G-Bay and next week calls for all below zero days and 20cm of snow.
  7. 95rxl650


    East side launch in Owen Sound has had use all winter and I've been working on rigging a new to me boat for the last week. To early for me though. Still tons of salt around here.
  8. 95rxl650


    I see we now have a few days of sunny skies coming. Sun is the killer. Having said that, we have a fresh inch in the last 45 minutes
  9. 95rxl650


    From what I can see around local trail heads there seems to be a base still hanging around. Better than expected. A good dump of a foot or so and it'll be back to riding in no time. Whats still on the ground is turning to a block of ice. Just need some cushion for it.
  10. 95rxl650


    Started measuring a second boat up to get it ready for for salmon fishing. A buddy sent pics yesterday of him frying up his catch while still on the water. Owen Sound launch had a few rigs in the parking lot. I'm moving on.
  11. Made it home last couple evenings on fumes and currently feel pretty beat up. lol Open fields have been the only good trails consistantly. Bush trails have beat the runners pretty off the skis. Came home up the railbed from Markdale last night and they whooped out the whole way. You ride 10 mile an hour or 50+ mile an hour or you get beat to crap. Anything in between and you need a sports bra. Let me add that I am neither a woman or a big lad. Had winds that made for some drifting☺️ and rode in freezing rain for a couple hours. Still put a smile on my face regardless. We definately need ALOT more snow. Even took a couple pics this time out. lol. Not really a picture guy. Bad pic of my iced up windshield
  12. We live in a country where everyone wants to sue someone, even for their own stupidity. In a court of morality, the truck driver never sees a courtroom. Judicial courts however???? At the very least he incurres related expenses, looses sleep over killing someone, and families are devestated all over poor judgement. AKA stupidity. I get it. Everyone works hard to play hard, but dont be stupid. Think about the results of your actions. In my eyes, stupid is no accident.
  13. My long awaited feeder trails through the tight stuff finally opened up. Rail beds and open fields were pretty decent around Owen Sound but better on the Huron side from Sauble down to Port Elgin and inland towards Durham. I rode from the house and was commited to the previously mentioned feeder (B trail). It connects east and west Owen Sound. Brutal...more suited for atv's or bikes. So bad I seeing temps in the hight 190's for about 6 kms. When I finally rolled in last night I shut it off and turned the key back on after a couple minutes and was looking at 224 temp. Back to trailering until there's atleast 2 more feet of snow around here. To much swamp land and not near enough snow for the clubs to do anything with. Valiant effort though.
  14. Got word last night that my wifes cousin smoked a dear, got tossed and run over. So far a broken leg. Not a good time I'd say.
  15. I dont want to point out anything, but I will say, get out and enjoy the outdoors the next couple days. Looks like another nice one today.
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