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Another Late Season Ride


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I'm glad you guys had a good time and the conditions were perfect. I'm looking forward to riding with you next season.

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I had the opportunity to snowmobile with this group. The weather was great and the camaraderie better.

If you're wondering about the weather, it was awesome. Cold nights and warm (high of +2) days. We even woke up to fresh snowfall on Sunday!





(Moosifer and Sledjunk's snowmobiles. Moosifer's is the one without training wheels)


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thx to sj for getting the ride together...was great to meet lucky2...apexman...roman (canuck's buddy) aka ''candyman''....great to see the rest of the gang again too...had great rides & laughs with all...the trails were in amazing shape everywhere we rode & weather was perfect...the look-out tower is something to visit for sure...not sure which was funnist at motel...bil's hair trick or sledjunk's tuck & roll...on-trail...bill's over the handlebar at canyon was good one....missed some of the guys ''trail-blazing''...we tagged pretty well every sign in cochrane area with OC stickers...including the the camp at canyon,where we had hotdogs & pop...as far as N.A.I goes...was a little shakey...enuff said...sunday morning bill & i headed out on a105q towards quebec,with 5'' of fresh snow it was a great way to fin ish season.bill & i laughed half the way home about things done & said this wk-end,this was a great time with a bunch of funny guys that ride safe.can't wait till next season...think i used ''great'' too many times

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Departure from North Adventure Inn

(photo credit for most of the pictures that follow - "Candyman")


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There's been 'average' snow, but cold temps are keeping the base in great shape.


Lots of snow off trail.


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As you go north from Cochrane, the trees get smaller. Trails to the Fraserdale dam were mint


The lookout in the provincial park was a good place to stop


and the Abitibi Canyon Generating Station was an impressive sight (although it wasn't generating, lol)


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A snapshot of trail conditions in early April, 2013.



Bad - beginning of canyon; washout top left; guys who got closer said it looked like a treacherous climb


Ugly - ride through Kapuskasing from Yamaha/Arctic cat dealer (fancy that) to the river. Probably why the trail conditions in that section were limited)


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Can't end with "ugly"so I'll wrap it up with a pic from Smooth Rock Falls.

Guys stopping, laughing, helping each other out, bantering about sleds and simply being 'out there'.

Here's to next year.


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A couple of thoughts that were brought up for next year's early or late season rides:

1. Extreme Tours out of Fraserdale for a northern adventure (we ran into Bill a couple of times and he would love to plan a group ride)

2. Staging out of Elliot Lake and completing a loop through Timmins, Cochrane, Kap, Hearst, Wawa, D'ville, Chapleau and back to Elliot Lake. It's time to pull an STG et al on Luc's front lawn again :) (park there).

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Great shots, Canuck! And thanks to Candyman as well.

A weekend like this is priceless!

As for the NAI, yes it is still a little shaky, but a big improvement from the way it was. In speaking to Doreen, and seeing the improvements so far, I expect that things will be much better by next year.

It was an acceptable facility for this weekend and I expect it will be much better in the future.

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Wow!...some great pics, guys! Thanks for posting.

Sounds like you all had a blast...wish I could have been there.

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Sounds like the first annual OC cochrane ride , number 2 next year , with those pics there should be a good turnout for it

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Can't end with "ugly"so I'll wrap it up with a pic from Smooth Rock Falls.

Guys stopping, laughing, helping each other out, bantering about sleds and simply being 'out there'.

Here's to next year.


i am on the left sitting ''out there'' tryin to figure out how many beer i drank, what time i went to bed & will i ever drink another ''carling'' product again....yikes
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i am on the left sitting ''out there'' tryin to figure out how many beer i drank, what time i went to bed & will i ever drink another ''carling'' product again....yikes

I think they are talking about how to make the two that were up to three AM feel better . Lets go for a 465 km ride Yahoo ! L123 What a blast !

Here is my pictures


sucked they were closed


Groomer widening trail


quick stop

I call this down in front video

I had the best time! I still can't believe 465 kms with 11 riders in the group. You guys had a the best attitudes to go sledding FAST! Got scared when I saw Candyman coming strait at me at one corner :hyper: but i learned from that and did it myself when I missed one .Saw Moosifer do what seemed to be a figure skating (Camel Spin) move on his sled only followed by Sledjunk doing the same move on ice outside NAI a702b53a-26cc-48eb-aa9c-102d4a15af42_zps7b2828bb.jpg

Big thanks to Sledjunk for putting the last ride together for the best 992.1 kms on my me and my sled that I will never forget ,except that part around 12:00AM to 3:00 AM saturday morning with White Dragon that I still can't remember what we were talking about :Drinking2: :Drinking2: :Drinking2: :Drinking2: :Drinking2: . Also it was great to know that IQ turbo and Canuck also had good knowledge of the trails in the area which lead us all to a great ride. Thanks


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What can i say guys..This was even better than OC ride #1..What a way to cap off the season. Amazing bunch of guys. I cannot belive how well we all ride together, and get along. Almost like we have been riding for years. Great bunch of guys, amazing trails..Hard to find words to describe it..Again, thanks to SJ for setting this all up.. To ApexMan, Canuck, White Dragon, Ultrafrozen, Lucky2, Moosifier, Myself( IQ Turbo), Canuck's friend, White dragons friend, and oh yah, the flying dutchman, aka MY father in law. Thanks for a season of memories and stories..

I will post pictures as soon as i get them all loaded up..

Thanks guys..

Hopefully we can get together for breaky before the show in barrie..

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i'm not saying nothing, i'm just putting it out there that the trails are still open till the end of next weekend....lol.

i would also like to thank SJ for organizing the trip, and a thank you to all who put up with my under powered sled.

this trip was on my bucket list of places to ride, and it didn't disappoint, in fact it might have ruined me for riding the south..lol

did anyone get a pic of the moose?

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.... & will i ever drink another ''carling'' product again....yikes

Some of us were asleep by midnight!

The "Carling Trail Blazers" were troopers the next day.


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This adventure sounded like fun, too bad the timing didn't work out for me.

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Enough with the awesome pics already, I'm already bummed that I didn't make it out there .....

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This adventure sounded like fun, too bad the timing didn't work out for me.

the key word being ''Adventure'' as in polaris,,,that baby sips gas eh boys...

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Great pic guys :D

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the key word being ''Adventure'' as in polaris,,,that baby sips gas eh boys...

Maybe Polargas is a better name :lol: The only other thing that drinks that much is the owner :Drinking2::lmao::nana: mmmm " Carling"

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for those who used a CC to pay for the room at NAI, check your statment as my wife said there is an extra $3 per night charge on it from them.

i hope its not from ch 53 on the telly cause i didn't order it.

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for those who used a CC to pay for the room at NAI, check your statment as my wife said there is an extra $3 charge on it from them.

i hope its not from ch 53 on the telly cause i

didn't order it.

Maybe you forgot to flush the toilet?

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