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Robinsons Dorset On - Temp Closure


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My daughter did babysitting,worked at coffee shops and other jobs and paid for half her Fanshawe tuition,and now she has a great job in the mortgage business,so proud of her

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18 hours ago, Muskoka Man said:

My daughter did babysitting,worked at coffee shops and other jobs and paid for half her Fanshawe tuition,and now she has a great job in the mortgage business,so proud of her

Next step up will be bank manager repossessing houses!!! Lol 😂 

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5 hours ago, catinental couch said:

Next step up will be bank manager repossessing houses!!! Lol 😂 

Maybe ,she is a comptroller for a company that finds mortgages ,not for the big banks ,she is in the Barrie area 

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27 minutes ago, Muskoka Man said:

Maybe ,she is a comptroller for a company that finds mortgages ,not for the big banks ,she is in the Barrie area 

She might not make it in a bank then. Sounds like she has some compassion for people. 

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On 4/6/2023 at 10:28 AM, Spiderman said:

My daughter is 16 and has been working for a year and a half. She is the only one in her peer group who works.

It's been a tremendous experience for her in so many ways.

She is taking a "leave" for the summer and has secured good employment in Huntsville for the summer so she can cottage and work.

Kid is smart :)


If she is interested in telephony, gets her drivers license she can work for Bell installing and maintaining phone service for cottage country. They hire students every summer to ride in the boats, climb  ladders and fix phone lines in the great outdoors.

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On 4/4/2023 at 11:36 PM, Blackstar said:


I'm hiring right now. Ran a posting on Indeed. Got 50 responses. Sent requests for interviews to 20 candidates. Got 4 who agreed to an interview. The first was Tyler who never showed for his scheduled time. When messaged he said he had to help his grandfather, he'd get back when he had more time.


I have interviews set up with Ali, Ravinder and Aziz tomorrow. I bet they all show and are excited to get the job.



So  Happy Easter BTW    and any updates ?

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I’m hoping Tyler’s grandfather had a chat with Tyler about life. Then Tyler showed up the next day on time for his job interview and Blackstar hired him. Tyler’s been working hard for the last four days and goes home dog tired after each day. He shows up the next morning bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to take on any task that is asked of him….



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On 4/8/2023 at 8:10 AM, volunteer2 said:

So  Happy Easter BTW    and any updates ?

All 3 showed for interviews. Aziz came a day late but he did let us know he had a flat tire. He starts tomorrow. Did not hire either of the other 2.

We had another guy who scheduled an interview but didn’t show.


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I'll have to stop @ Robinsons next time I'm thru - never been. And the discussion around employment was on par with friends who hired last few years have said - folks don't show up, or if they do - quit after a day. Some longer, but rarely into the next season ( landscaping in the one case, warehousing the other...to the point where temp agencies have taken over the latter. Hiring is their headache,  not yours).

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10 hours ago, Canuck said:

I'll have to stop @ Robinsons next time I'm thru - never been. And the discussion around employment was on par with friends who hired last few years have said - folks don't show up, or if they do - quit after a day. Some longer, but rarely into the next season ( landscaping in the one case, warehousing the other...to the point where temp agencies have taken over the latter. Hiring is their headache,  not yours).


Well, landscaping etc. is hard physical work, long days, in crazy hot weather, for not so great pay. 

Can't say I blame anyone for wanting something else.


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The one day employment was a longer ( two sides ) story. The landscaper approached it in his somewhat old school manner. Worked the yoot hard  on Day 1 - to show him what's ahead. If you're going to quit, quit now, before he invested time in the learning curve / training. Yoot chose Door #2 - didn't return the next day. Anyhow, many approaches to management - I'm not in that business owner's shoes ( boots ). Hard working guy. High expectations. 

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3 hours ago, Spiderman said:


Well, landscaping etc. is hard physical work, long days, in crazy hot weather, for not so great pay. 

Can't say I blame anyone for wanting something else.



Sounds like perfect fit for young kids looking for some summer employment, spent outside, etc......

Earn some money, enjoy our nice summers and get some much needed exercise!

I am not sure what the pay is, but I assume it is higher than the normal summer type student jobs given being a more physical type of job......pretty sure it used to be.


I was just talking to a grandparent at hockey about this, he used to do pool work in the summer when he was off all summer being a teacher, he worked along side a couple of local NHL players too that did the same thing with summers off, do not recall the names of the guys - obviously going back quite a while and would not happen in todays world.  


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37 minutes ago, stoney said:


Sounds like perfect fit for young kids looking for some summer employment, spent outside, etc......

Earn some money, enjoy our nice summers and get some much needed exercise!

I am not sure what the pay is, but I assume it is higher than the normal summer type student jobs given being a more physical type of job......pretty sure it used to be.


I was just talking to a grandparent at hockey about this, he used to do pool work in the summer when he was off all summer being a teacher, he worked along side a couple of local NHL players too that did the same thing with summers off, do not recall the names of the guys - obviously going back quite a while and would not happen in todays world.  



Listen, both of my parents walked to school uphill both ways with one pair of shoes their whole lives too....

Times have changed, its not 1950 anymore.

There is plenty of very good paying jobs for these kids now that are not as physically demanding, good for them if they can find that kind of work and save their body for having fun instead! :)

Work ethic comes in all forms

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42 minutes ago, Spiderman said:


Listen, both of my parents walked to school uphill both ways with one pair of shoes their whole lives too....

Times have changed, its not 1950 anymore.

There is plenty of very good paying jobs for these kids now that are not as physically demanding, good for them if they can find that kind of work and save their body for having fun instead! :)

Work ethic comes in all forms


LOL, they had shoes, good for them, they were spoiled :)


Yes, times have changed, but I think some hard physical work at any age (for those that are capable), especially younger age, is good, regardless of era!

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1 hour ago, stoney said:


LOL, they had shoes, good for them, they were spoiled :)


Yes, times have changed, but I think some hard physical work at any age (for those that are capable), especially younger age, is good, regardless of era!


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On 4/9/2023 at 8:51 PM, Blackstar said:

All 3 showed for interviews. Aziz came a day late but he did let us know he had a flat tire. He starts tomorrow. Did not hire either of the other 2.

We had another guy who scheduled an interview but didn’t show.



Aziz worked Monday. No show today....lol




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11 hours ago, Blackstar said:


Aziz worked Monday. No show today....lol





Hard work! :)


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19 minutes ago, Spiderman said:


Hard work! :)


Clearly much too hard “physical” work … 🤔

And Blackstar being a slave driver perhaps….lol


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18 minutes ago, stoney said:

Clearly much too hard “physical” work … 🤔

And Blackstar being a slave driver perhaps….lol



People love to pretend they want to do the physical work - then they do it - and quickly realize it's not fun.


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19 minutes ago, Spiderman said:


People love to pretend they want to do the physical work - then they do it - and quickly realize it's not fun.


I agree this is the case now more than ever before, sadly. 
But, makes those that are willing to do the physical work, that much more valuable. 

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19 minutes ago, stoney said:

I agree this is the case now more than ever before, sadly. 
But, makes those that are willing to do the physical work, that much more valuable. 

Big time - get a landscaping project quote these days...........


When we were doing our back patio - I got three quotes - wife and I looked at each other and said only way this is getting done is if we do it.


It was a tonne of work - rewarding - turned out great - and we saved a pile of money - and are still married too :)



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7 minutes ago, Spiderman said:

Big time - get a landscaping project quote these days...........


When we were doing our back patio - I got three quotes - wife and I looked at each other and said only way this is getting done is if we do it.


It was a tonne of work - rewarding - turned out great - and we saved a pile of money - and are still married too :)



Yep - same here, replaced my basement floor a few years ago in the old part of the house - existing one was garbage, thin, no gravel/drainage, etc....

Received one quote, few said they would quote, but never submitted. The one quote was almost double what I was willing to pay and the guy called me to ask what I thought, told him thanks but you are 12K more than what I figured it would cost hiring someone and no way you have that much wiggle room, so did it myself with the wife and cost less than half of what I expected it would cost hiring someone, she ran the mini ex and I did all the grunt work....

Kids helped spreading the gravel out in the basement too!


We are still "happily" married as well, most days.....lol 

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1 hour ago, Spiderman said:


People love to pretend they want to do the physical work - then they do it - and quickly realize it's not fun.



It only becomes fun once your conditioned and in shape for it. It takes a few months or so to adjust fully, then it is both fun and rewarding. Remember the key to a good employee has nothing to do with experience, qualifications, education. The key aatributes of a great employee are these types of traits;


1. Having a good attitude

2. punctual

3. Be attentive and a good listener

4. Apply what you have been told

5. Dont speak unless necessary

6. Stand attentatively, no hands in pockets, no sitting down

7. no phone use during work

8. Dress appropriately for your job

9. Be flexible and willing to adapt

10. Cooperate well with others

11. Be trust worthy and honest

12. This list can go one and on, but its a good start



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2 hours ago, stoney said:

Clearly much too hard “physical” work … 🤔

And Blackstar being a slave driver perhaps….lol


Not me who pushes them, it’s the other employees. They don’t want to make up for another guys short comings. If the guy is going to quit then better to find out early.

2 hours ago, Spiderman said:


People love to pretend they want to do the physical work - then they do it - and quickly realize it's not fun.


Exactly. We stress manual labour in the ads, must be able to lift 100lbs, must be able to work 10-12 hours days in the weather, push a wheelbarrow for 4 hours at a time, etc. It’s repeated in the interview. Still you get people who show up completely incapable of doing the job. Fat, old, short, or with no understanding of what hard work is, etc. 


My employee who was working with him for the day thought he was an ok worker. Ran out of gas around 3pm but he is in Ramadan fast right now so can’t eat or drink during the day. Had he of mentioned that I probably wouldn’t have hired him because there is no way he could make it here.

My employee said it was a medium work day, not heavy but it was 11.5 hrs.



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10 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

Not me who pushes them, it’s the other employees. They don’t want to make up for another guys short comings. If the guy is going to quit then better to find out early.




Yep, same issue elsewhere - the other guys busting their buts want the same level from the "new guy", otherwise it does not work out and move on to next person, which sadly take many attempts.


Good luck! 

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