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Everything posted by Spiderman

  1. Assuming we will be ordering 5 again this year.
  2. Lol, subtle changes for sure I like the old stuff - but holy smokes does the old ever look old now.
  3. Both of my kids are draped in FxR gear and love it. my sister is new to riding and has all FXR gear and says warm and comfortable. I think you’re safe with it.
  4. Sadly has always felt that way, and thought to be that way - which is insane when you consider the former President of the OFSC lived/worked there!
  5. Go with the Cat, I am with Blackstar, and can’t trust $$ being spent on maintenance when you won’t fork out $35.00 for proper stickers.
  6. Don't let having or not having a trailer deter a good purchase. I don't have a trailer for the dirt bike. I rent a 4'x9' full size tire equipped motorcycle trailer with folding ramp from U-Haul for $17.00 for 24 hours. I did the math, that is a lot of trips to the track with 0 maintenance to worry about or having it in my driveway. Point being - you can rent something if you need to go and pick up something that works for you
  7. On the bold - I have little to no doubt they are. The work carried out by the few dedicated passionate people is never in question from my perspective
  8. 100% - will not stop them - idiots will always be idiots. Doing nothing is not a good defence once the claim comes across you're table All the police can do is issue them a trespassing ticket - whoopee
  9. Say Trail 1 ( # example ) is on the ITG - rider checks on-line- its "open" and they decide to ride it that day. Eventually it is going to come to/intersect a trail NOT on the ITG ( LUP issue as an example ). Once one track goes down there - we all know where that leads to The clubs or Property owners are going to need something like a sign - saying "closed" - and some caution tape or some form of a barrier closing that section off. Leaving it off the ITG alone is not going to be enough when you have perfectly good open trails leading right on up to it.
  10. it's like self diagnosing your medical ailment researching things..... It's good to have some awareness - but take it with a grain of salt and don't let everyone else's experience dictate yours: Put your own toe in the water
  11. Well, to be fair, the net is where every single little issue gets reported. How many did they sell vs. how many failed and why is what really matters
  12. I had a 2009 version of the Polaris 800 - which by all accounts were un-reliable and pieces of crap. Put over 3000 miles on it w/o any issues. My Cat 800 Suzuki has a little under 5000 miles on it ( I think lol ) - no problems to date I try to avoid buying anything used if I can - because I don't trust people more than I would not trust a product - if that makes any sense
  13. Well, the rider won't see the trail on the map - so presumably should not be on it to begin with? I don't use the ITG or gps or any of that stuff, so we'll see how things go out there lol
  14. The need for these to be signed and be current make 100% complete sense and is the right thing to do because of the insurance/liability landscape we exist in. i That said, to give this a mere few months to be completed is ridiculous - and I can only hope ( and assume ) - the delay in getting this out to the member clubs is from the insurer making the call. Once trails close, they rarely re-open - this will be a task and trail reduction will be the end result here.
  15. More doors closing than opening. ride while you can cause it’ll be gone within 10 years.
  16. got it. Can see how that would be some work. I assume they need to be signed/witnessed in person? Does the "witness" need to be an identified member of the club?
  17. Are the agreements annual?
  18. Still want…… should answer your question.
  19. Looking good, this is my favorite time of the year
  20. How about this one? https://www.mobilemarine.com/inventory/2016-arctic-cat-zr-9000-el-tigre-129-huntsville-on-p1h-1y1-12096457i
  21. Looks pretty good, but wouldn't it be just as easy to put down a few ski and track guides?
  22. No, I wish I did though. The sled overall looks great and like you, I find it an interesting sled. Doo to me are the least exciting right now
  23. Coat is approaching 30 years old! that is wild to me lol
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