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  1. Today
  2. Roads are higher too. They really build them up today.
  3. Yesterday
  4. My sister in law is a road building engineer with SNC Lavalin and she said that part of the reason that that there is less snow on the roads is because the ditches are more than double the depth than they were even 25 years ago.
  5. Oh no, toilet paper is in a category of it own.....those are bare essentials!
  6. so like toilet paper in 2020 then!
  7. Oh my mistake. Thanks for clearing that up. It was hard to get. People were fighting over skids when it arrived. Had two bag limit too is all I remember.
  8. As per normal you are spouting facts that are not correct. Dave K is correct. It was Windsor Salt NOT Sifto that was on strike last year. Sifto was extremely busy last year because of the Windsor strike. They were so busy that they ran straight through in stead of closing for their annual 3 week maintenance shutdown last August.
  9. Wasnt it windsor salt that ws on strike last year? I may be wrong, but I prefer Windsor softener salt, and had a hard time getting it.
  10. When on strike last year and suppliers couldn't count on them is part of it too. Especially for softener salt.
  11. Last week
  12. LOL - no, not for us at all! Way better in terms of scraping down to the gravel all the way to the ditches.......cannot afford any law suites now a days.....
  13. Actually sanding is coming back in style for some rural townships for gravel roads. Salt has gotten so expensive and eco unfriendly that sand is looking better. The largest salt mine in the world in Goderich laid off 87 of over 400 workers a few weeks ago due to low demand for salt in the US and Canada. I'm sure the mild winter had something to do with it. They have gone from normally loading 5 Algoma ships a week at this time other years to 1 or 2 ships a week this spring.
  14. In a non city storm drain/sewage system, that is ok but, most municipalities have adopted the no sand/dirt on road solutions, to prevent clogging the drain systems, and costly cleaning/repair from using aggregate for winter road treatments. Believe me, I would rather see lightly sanded, over any salt but, with liability, litigation and politics, and the govt trying to save us from ourselves... That isnt possible any longer. Ski
  15. Pack it down hard and just lightly sand it. Way better traction and vehicle control. This wet mushy mess that salt creates is a mess for everyone!
  16. Yes and they put that blue chloride salt that works down into minus 30 too. Never had that option years ago.
  17. The "new" Canadian generation of truck and car drivers
  18. Way better now to whom? - not sledders!
  19. All of my crew are buying the early bird Quebec permits this year.
  20. One more thing added to list that differ from ON to QC - efforts to ensure the roads are entirely cleared to avoid liability issues. I know we had more snow years ago, but I am sure all can remember the roads are cleaned way better now then they ever were in the past......used to be considerations for sledders, all but gone now in ON.
  21. Road running wouldn’t be so bad if it were not for the winters and now the winter maintenance expectations, they are plowed and sanded now they’re pavement most of the time after one day in the sun.
  22. Going to be less trails in future too, no way around it. I can see more trails in d5 and d9 disappearing for a variety of reason. Road running already increasing over the years. Some of these trails only used a day or two last year and some none at all. My uncle said in parry sound trail behind his place only opened for two or three weeks too. Sad state of affaires from 6 week season we use to get in south and 8 to 12 weeks in musoka area been shrinking too. North is getting season musoka use to get too 😳
  23. Weather is the only thing we can't control. Prices will go up as ridership goes down though - there is no way around it.
  24. I am a little worried about future of Ontario sledding. With way things are going below barrie could be snow free in next decade. Musoka barely getting what southern Ontario use to get years ago.,North is seeing a shorter season too with big loop not open because of shortage of snow again, cold this winter. Big permit increases won't bold well for ofsc this winter. Ultimately if it snows permits will sell themselves if it stays. Wait and see what un folds this winter.
  25. Here are last year's prices. First post from Scottyr. 😉
  26. Ontario and Quebec are so different, why would permit rates be close to the same. Totally different way of thinking, approach to life, spending habits and cost of living. Are the upcoming permits prices always out this early, seems earlier than normal? Ontario releases theirs, around Sep?
  27. That's true if you going to ride. Quebec smart though they have kept 3 day and 7 day passes reasonable. Ontario can't get a one day pass, 7 day pass is more then full cost of a season permit so many just shake thier head and go to Quebec I think lately.
  28. I believe the pre -October 31 is a first this year but then there is a second discounted time until Dec. as well.
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