Most of them around here are the local township, region, municipality, etc. The short story is that in many cases, no one actually knows who has the signing authority so it goes to council meeting, goes for review, goes to a legal team, blah, blah, blah and you wait for the answer to come at the speed of local government.
I see PLC has answered the same.
This was a very big job covering all landowners that trails cross in Ontario. Many municipalities hava a complicated procedure for approvals that includes their legal department and they take a long time especially when you run into things like the municipal contact retiring and the replacement knowing little about snowmobiling and nothing about sled trails. Then sometimes it has to go to council after that. If one property on a trail doesn't have a signed MOU the trail from the closest intersection in either direction can't even be staked or signed until that MOU is signed and put through the District office then the trail will show back up on the map and the other work starts. The people doing all this work are volunteers with jobs, families and a life away from snowmobiling. Some clubs started the process of getting the MOU's signed well over a year ago and still aren't finished..
As stated above, and last I knew the Companion and the Super8 (next door to one another), are owned by the same family. Either would work, and I would guess but, dont hold me to it, you could probably pay the fee in either, to utilize the heated barn for night time storage. Ski