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Everything posted by XTC500

  1. The Companion has the tours on their website. Snowmobile Packages | companion-hotel-motel
  2. Not sure if this has been brought up here. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/travel/article-how-to-make-the-most-out-of-the-new-ontario-staycation-tax-credit/?fbclid=IwAR0f6UE_Ha62lBNQ7kKk4ZunPvxop8mQ6DUsA3WFsXTYE-OcecbdyM8pJAU
  3. Today on Facebook. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DaPIlcDoeA3Y%26fbclid%3DIwAR3_9NWtK3XSRhNAF945L5-zF3SJ0KypDWV_iYq7-uwc7VNWaL_Q11TVuTc&h=AT26iT9YpsGxdgFzFjQ20pEKkk0n2bUPjpCt8m8fqueVpea_w-bLjWjwgw0dmBdMYNKbw2ZJqTETioNf9KzcH9KcNclvJh-xvXJFuX6k7G1AEZGeHnHkrJ03B0BRnPE3K7m6&__tn__=%2CmH-y-R&c[0]=AT1oCvQLPD3yRmJDWTTXOSZzsI14GVWDUd1ooNxFuJq014MzCguDeOjF3-YwoShn9hZT8QU8YpDovq84YU6U6JgNNX5mU9cnjd8e_1Dk6i7yN08Z6DP9bjiNJRVuAQnmSfqaPm_0IOvxywUHUlSChPhk92k0vMQw_HSjlePQR5pD2LtYCHxW-t6Y6uEUfqhi9QX0d5H8cmpFMDJF4hFSQ7ABTZ3E4Op_wD9eSCiZ4n-Jahss8ZO5NZ-Q_RGBM2hbrd2eQh2L_evCcnRn84AArO1peH30yjsf
  4. Lucky you! I have nothin but dandelions growing in my lawn!
  5. Monkton arena gives you easy trail access.
  6. Hmmm. A grey area like depending on the officers mood does he enforce the 50k/h speed limit? Share some links regarding the officers busting drivers with out of date stickers. I missed that on the news. Thanks
  7. I haven't moved and didn't receive my renewal notice. Is it because of this? https://www.ontario.ca/page/extended-validation-periods
  8. Watching those leaf sprung machines bash through the moguled bush trail @ 14:20 brings back memories.
  9. You need to do your homework before you post. https://wiikwemkoong.ca
  10. I think the ones with a financial interest in you such as hotels, restaurant owners, will welcome you. But at gas stations, restaurants your likely to run into local patrons that are not as welcoming.
  11. I was referring to this: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/sudbury/m-chigeeng-first-nations-manitoulin-island-highway-checkpoints-1.5555552
  12. They may not do it, but it's clear, visitors from the south will not be welcome in the north. I'm not inclined to go where I'm not welcomed. The natives closed the highway on Manitoulin last spring/summer.
  13. Large, This forum has turned into a soapbox for people to use to bitch about politics.
  14. Speaking of vintage I saw this beauty on kijiji. https://www.kijiji.ca/v-snowmobile/stratford-on/mercury-rocket-lightening/1541846271 I was in my early teens when a neighboring farmer got one of those. Everyone on our road was aghast at the obscene 30 hp sled! Who needs that much power!
  15. I think we're kidding ourselves to think we could maintain a safe distance and/or wear masks & not contaminate one another when spending a number of days on a sled trip with a group of friends/relatives. I don't think the masks would cut it for even the ride north in the confined space of a pickup truck with someone outside your home bubble. Grilled asparagus is awesome!!
  16. Campbell Soup = X brand Keep your eye out for the next Johnnie Walker or Glenfiddich contest! The prize would be more to what your liking.
  17. It sure beats the ridiculousness usually going on in the "Rant of the Day" thread.
  18. I agree on grey. I store my sled in the trailer over the summer & didn't want the heat that black would attract in the summer or white for visibility reasons in the snow.
  19. I've always kept track of the mileage of all my vehicles & check the dash reading vs the actual fuel used/100km driven. My 2016 Tacoma dash gauge is very accurate for day to day driving. Within 0.2L/100km. But pulling a trailer, the bigger the load & hilly, I find it's less accurate. Within 3.0L/100km. The dash gauge reads more L/100km than I'm actually using.
  20. I used something that worked just like the Biteharder Ambassador on the rear coil springs of my 1988 Plymouth Reliant. Purchased from CTC. We used to grossly overload that car with camping gear & those spacers in the rear coil springs kept the rear end from sagging. https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/superior-18-1901-18907-spring-booster-0220018p.html
  21. Could be tough finding accommodation in or near Wawa. It's a busy area now. https://www.saultstar.com/news/local-news/exceptionally-hard-to-find-a-home-in-wawa-official
  22. I think that was the 2014 trip. The outfitter on the north side of Lake Abitibi was Steel Mountain Outfitters . I think this is one of the railway bridges your talking about. I wish I had pics of the bridge we found by mistake.
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