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T bird

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Everything posted by T bird

  1. lockdowns don’t do crap!!..... prove me wrong!???.... until you close Walmart and Costco etc!..... we are not accomplishing a dam thing!!
  2. If y’all think a lockdown is gonna prevent people from riding...... Y’all better get real!!
  3. If the trails open, and stay open, how do “they” honestly expect people to not travel to where the snow is? People have copious amounts of money invested into this fabulous sport, and to be told stay home?.... I just can’t see it happening!... and for folks in the accommodation industry..... are they really going to tell people no stay home???
  4. Maybe could try this? I mean I’m certain they would come in handy for “those times”
  5. That’s my plan as well. Been riding my cat new since 12. Ready for something different. 850 it will likely be. Not sure which one to choose
  6. Well I ended up with about 16” in total. Really wet and heavy. Was great to see that much snow for December 1. Managed to get a few hrs of riding around with the kids on the old doo!!
  7. This will be season #2 for me w mine. Kinda liking it to be quite honest... I just put a bunch of sausage or pepperettes in it last year for everyone! Seemed to go ever well..... I always bring plenty of other stuff as well
  8. Why bother wasting riding time??? Bring your food w you for the day!...if “these” places are so sought after... go there at the end of the riding day!... when it really counts!!
  9. Very nice gesture. I wish my dad was around so I could do the same for him. Hopefully I’m around long enough my children will do the same! Nice sled btw! enjoy the season! I’m eagerly waiting!
  10. Oh it’s all original as far as I can tell! 75 Olympique 340 twin free air w E/S
  11. Wasn’t much but I’ll take it. Found this gem hiding inside a customer’s shop earlier in the summer. 600$. 2 new plugs and some fresh gas and it fired right up. Needs some tlc but otherwise rideable!
  12. Obviously someone touched a soft spot with you on this. I applaud all volunteer’s across the board! Sometimes it just doesn’t work as a permit buyer to volunteer as much as one would think. I on the other hand do what I can without being asked... such as a quad ride through local trails to brush things back.... saves them from doing it and we gain a bit more “room” in the corners!!
  13. crap happens fellers!! No need to get yer britches in a bunch!!!
  14. I do remember riding in late November of ‘08. In fact I rode my sled right down #2 Hwy to my cousins place and doubled him to the dealership to get his sled so we could go ride. (It helped that he works there)..... sure would love one of those years!
  15. TD is a joke straight up!... shop and support local!
  16. At least it’s “hooked” to a 3/4 ton!
  17. My 2012 cat 800 full coverage w $2M liability is 365$ at my local mutual insurance company
  18. I am in the most southern part of D5 which is Glencoe district snowmobile club. The trail is less than 5 mins from my house. I buy permit every year and put it towards my local club. I ride from home when possible but trailer to wherever I have to go. It’s just the way it is and I have no problem with it for a sport I enjoy so much!
  19. Bring stuff w you and make sandwiches in your room. Been doing it for years. Bring a crock pot, throw a roast in it and you have a meal ready when you get back.
  20. Same w me! Went to local place!.. ezee peezee!! Actually went there for oil and filter for truck and thought might as as well get stickers!.. went so smooth I grabbed some beverages of choice on the way out!.... gotta love small town shoppin!
  21. I’m sure I heard it was cancelled. Or maybe they worded it as postponed until 2021
  22. Finally managed to get passes ordered. Had to call head office in Barrie to get it all straightened out!.... I still think it’s much more convenient to walk into a local business and make my purchase for pass. But that is my 2cents worth! Bring on the winter!
  23. Oh how I wish you posted this 3 weeks ago!! This would have been perfect for my better half since I’ve been on cats For the last 10 years!! Instead she’s now in the yellow club!..... which is really twisting my arm!!.... I wanna 8fiddy!! Torn between poo or doo!.... rode poo for first 10 years! Never have had it in me to pull the trigger on a doo!
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