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riding ofsc with no permit


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On the trail they can't give you a street racing fine, but on the road to trail sections they can, if you are going 50km/hr over limit. Doesn't take much with limit in 30km to 50km/hr range.

actually it is 20kmh on a road with a 50kmh or less limit and 50kmh on roads with higher than a 50kmh limit. so a mere 70kmh on a road with a 50kmh limit would be 50 over.

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That is up to the judge. Like Wild Bill said he will as a Trail Patrol not a STOP swear out the charge as will other Trail Patrol. You then either pay the fine or go to court. You may find a lenient judge and he may fine a bit less than the full $1000 but if the judge happens to be a sledder you can pretty much count on the full $1000. Just remember the court you appear in is the court in the jurisdiction in which you were charged and in many areas the chances are high the local judge is also a local sledder. Don't forget the cost to appear in court. The travel time and time off work.  I dot my I's and cross my T's on my paperwork when I find someone as well as take pictures of the sled, the registration numbers and rider.

The ticket you as a Trail Patrol gives out is a trespass to property ticket, it is not a fine up to 1k, thefine that ranges from 200-1k given by police or STOP for failing to have a permit and you cannot issue that ticket, totally different charge than the trespass charge.

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if your doing 80 kmh down a road,that sleds are only allowed to do 30 kmh.thats 50 kmh over speed limit...thats a racing charge & your day is over...

Sorry the Highway traffic act does not pertain to sleds even on the road, it is still the MSVA and there is no stunt driving under the MSVA, however there is a careless charge that has a 300 fine attached to i.

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I've been thinking the same as Red has pointed out, troll.

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20 kmh through town trails and yes it is boring but the O.P.P. do not have to have sleds to catch you.You are trapped at the numerous road crossings.

I have had my info checked at port loring getting gas. Cops were just hanging out at the gas station checking info. They too had cars. You don't see them, until it is too late though. Good spot for them, since sledders need the gas.

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As an avid sledder for the past 20+ years and club volunteer for the last 10 i never understood why people have such a hard time spending a measley 200 bucks on a permit that can be used all over ontario for the entire winter! ive pissed more than that away at a bar with a group of friend in one night! GEESH! The permit is the cheapest part of sledding!

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are sure about that...if your on the road.i have heard guys getting charged with racing but was when it first came out...though careless is nothing to sneeze at...

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are sure about that...if your on the road.i have heard guys getting charged with racing but was when it first came out...though careless is nothing to sneeze at...

ODOT the SAVE officer on FS was the one that said that.

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reading his response i need to clarify. On the serviced part of the road, not the shoulder you can be charged, but you must be 50 over the posted limit not the limit under the MSVA for the HTA charge of stunt driving. My mistake. Thanks.

Not on the trails. On the highway its possible if the sled is traveling 50km/h plus in excess of the posted speed limit then it falls under the stunt driving legislation. I.E. 135km/h in a posted 80km/h while traveling on the serviced portion of the highway.


Want to hear something really odd. many trails are actually on roads that go unplowed in the winter, that would mean on a groomed trail you could be charged with stunt driving as you are on a road, you could also be charged with speeding for riding at 50kmh.

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popc1.gif.pagespeed.ce.fvtYvTHZ28.gif is what I put on HCS, when I opened the thread yesterday


To say this guy is real is laughable, best to ignore him

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thx for.for clearing that up for me .i heard you mention before about a trail on a winter road...you said ofsc can't stop people from driving on them...even if if it's groomed...as it could lead to someone's cottage,camp etc...seen guy around horseshoe with ''hummer tours'' drive up trail till he buried the thing...made a real mess

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Friend of mine had no permit and was hoping to buy one from the first clubhouse or stop patrol he came across while riding and drew the short stick and came across opp first, they fined him $240 for tresspassing and he still had to buy a permit afterwards!

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Friend of mine had no permit and was hoping to buy one from the first clubhouse or stop patrol he came across while riding and drew the short stick and came across opp first, they fined him $240 for tresspassing and he still had to buy a permit afterwards!

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Yep kid of a guy I know got stopped by the OPP and charged with trespass. So he left all pissy and moany and continued to ride the trails and got stopped again and got charged again. He was screaming mad the second time and tried to claim that he could not be charged twice in one day for the same thing. He father got into it with the police as well and screamed foul no fair.


The whole thing was outright hilarious! Like has been said you can fix ugly but you just can't fix stupid! Biggest problem is the acorn did not fall far from the tree.

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thx for.for clearing that up for me .i heard you mention before about a trail on a winter road...you said ofsc can't stop people from driving on them...even if if it's groomed...as it could lead to someone's cottage,camp etc...seen guy around horseshoe with ''hummer tours'' drive up trail till he buried the thing...made a real mess


I saw a truck with a blown transmission and four flat tires on the groomed trail once. A trail through the bush not a summer road. Made me laugh!


Course removal of the truck destroyed the trail and that made me a little sad till the groomer man fixed it like new.

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A lot of great feedback here.  I would like to hear from the original poster on their riding intentions this winter since they are know better educated. Kudos to them for asking the question. 

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Troll has the same thread going on Hardcoresleder forum.... They are tearing him a new one.

i read that,,,, it realy to bad that people that are new to the sport get there ass chewed for asking a question,,,,, his friends that he rides with are freeloaders . but good for him for getting a permit.

sometimes people on theses fourms are not very helpfuly, give him a brake

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 And Panther as long as you follow the exeptions to the letter I wish you nothing but luck and enjoyment in your catch. We have always accomadated fishermen in their quest for omega 3!

some folks could use the brain food 

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thank you!!! i asked the question to get actual useful replies because i had no idea about the issues related to this. and yes i posted the same thread on hcs becuase i wanted to get the most info to make a decision before december 1st. send the link to the threads to my sledding pals and i think theyll be buying the permit as well

thanks for everyone who didnt call me a troll and gave me a valuable rsslonse. i hope the rest of my years in the sport arent this painful and full of stupid chirps

i read that,,,, it realy to bad that people that are new to the sport get there ass chewed for asking a question,,,,, his friends that he rides with are freeloaders . but good for him for getting a permit.

sometimes people on theses fourms are not very helpfuly, give him a brake

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thank you!!! i asked the question to get actual useful replies because i had no idea about the issues related to this. and yes i posted the same thread on hcs becuase i wanted to get the most info to make a decision before december 1st. send the link to the threads to my sledding pals and i think theyll be buying the permit as well

thanks for everyone who didnt call me a troll and gave me a valuable rsslonse. i hope the rest of my years in the sport arent this painful and full of stupid chirps

i read that,,,, it realy to bad that people that are new to the sport get there ass chewed for asking a question,,,,, his friends that he rides with are freeloaders . but good for him for getting a permit.

sometimes people on theses fourms are not very helpfuly, give him a brake

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thank you!!! i asked the question to get actual useful replies because i had no idea about the issues related to this. and yes i posted the same thread on hcs becuase i wanted to get the most info to make a decision before december 1st. send the link to the threads to my sledding pals and i think theyll be buying the permit as well

thanks for everyone who didnt call me a troll and gave me a valuable rsslonse. i hope the rest of my years in the sport arent this painful and full of stupid chirps



Welcome to the sport.  I am afraid that you really touched a nerve with your original question and I am happy that you have decided to purchase a permit and join the sport and help support the clubs that make the trails possible.  Hopefully, you have convinced your friends as well.


This forum is usually pretty friendly and civil and full of good information.  Hopefully you will hang around and participate in the discussions.



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Your welcome Polarisnewbie.  It's important to get good information before making a decision, I hope you make the proper decision and help to contribute to the trail system.  You realize that a large portion of your 210 dollars goes towards Insurance, for the OFSC to protect itself from people sueing the club.  There's lots of reasons to buy a permit, but only one that really counts .....


..... Because it's the RIGHT decision.

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