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Everything posted by burndog

  1. those units are up by close to 20% from 2yrs ago, craziness!
  2. Always keepin six on things!
  3. too damn crazy, no new used for me til next year, looking for a rockin blizzard or?
  4. Legally licensed & INSURED, in good faith you've purchased a permit with your name on the paperwork. Who cares if the actual sticker isn't for the new machine.
  5. A lot of the same bunch, or for certain same "don't give a F" mindset
  6. I'm told the legion has a new cook and Silver Sands has awesome grub
  7. be going on 25 yrs since I've seen snow arrive at end of Oct. and stay on the ground where I hang my hat
  8. RDist. sells same in two different sizes
  9. pretty sure most don't sweat the cost of fuel in respect to toys
  10. AF1 for early purchase, never had issue with the carrier
  11. membership sales up by 15% last/this yr. and 2.6 pt. cost increase this year looks pretty dandy to me
  12. Pretty sad, no year given. why not tho, as stated dealer's sellin old stock for 15/20% more
  13. Apples to oranges. "You in the south" can't mandate the weather/temps. needed to ride locally. I'm not looking for compensation but, the "almighty players" have economically ruined the better part of two seasons around here.
  14. Good gesture and near cash is always golden! Federation still taken care of business.
  15. Yep, I'm the guy. Finally made it into the "club", thought for a bit I wasn't up to snuff or the snow had to melt 1st! Had the time to snoop around as a guest this past season because as most know riding in my "neck of the woods" was an illegal evil thing to doo! Looking forward to the read, occasionally some input, and perhaps meeting and or riding. thks again revrnd
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