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Everything posted by Sledguy74

  1. Back from show, got my maps & even new ATV map, had a nice chat with a old work retiree. feet tired from walking, was so nice to see those old vintage factor skidoo race sleds. I’ve read a lot about them but was cool to see them first hand. hooters girls were super friendly lol
  2. will be there hopefully when it opens Friday
  3. so many fond memories over the years, I'm glad it is under ownership who cares !
  4. https://www.facebook.com/127514140737898/posts/hope-everyone-had-a-great-summer-and-is-looking-forward-to-snowour-first-meeting/1351908578298442/
  5. Most likely will be there Friday when it opens
  6. Never have and never will bitch at a permit price! Heard Quebec trails are worth every penny.
  7. All lobby groups always have a set agenda that's how politics work. Im not here supporting one view over another im saying when public outcry gets loud enough government has to respond they want to keep their jobs
  8. This is a different subject but other countries influence when Canada does with immigration furthermore a lot of Canadian immigrates support the open policy you are referring too
  9. I'm not one to vent on here or the internet in general but this topic has touch the right or wrong nerve. Everytime there is a death from alcohol related accident it adds support to organizations like MAD. When a high profile event happens like that billionaire kid who killed the 3 kids and grand dad that creates a lot of support for increased enforcement and Ottawa or queens park have no choice but respond. The OPP are the tools the government responds with and change the rules to respond to the lobbying groups demands. If people smartened up there would be less enforcement not more like we have now
  10. No government in Ottawa would ever move off their ass if they were not pushed by the groups who elected them to say any party in Canada is Fascist is just uneducated immaturity !
  11. Sure the government impliments the change but it's lobby groups that push their agenda onto the government that really causes the change
  12. I'm ok with the new level of enforcement there are way too many tragities on our roads, waters and trails. Nothing upsets me more than seeing beer cans on the side of the trail, shore or road . This change has nothing to do with a police state but more pressure from the people of Ontario telling the government to stop this type of reckless behaviour from happening.
  13. Buddy had been seeing people out snowshoeing and cross country skying so he decided to take the dog for a walk
  14. My season over, was nice to get a few days riding in.
  15. Went out for a loop around Conestoga lake frewzing mist was a nuisance but both the Elmira and lake clubs had groomed traina were better that yesterday would have stayed out longer but face shield kept freezing up fingers crossed it won't rain OPP was checking licence stickers at the lake
  16. Also noticed some guys unloading at the lions park parking lot (not plowed) and the church parking lot next door. No idea if this is really ok
  17. well the snow gods answered our prayers 90+ miles today lots out riding some great spots and still some rough patches but who cares just glad to get out!
  18. 63 miles today, not a big loop we didn't start till 10 trails from Tevoitdale to Mount Forest were a bit choppy but ok Palmerston trails were not bad at all, grooming had heard up despite the traffic. thx to the clubs for all their hard work Every parking lot on Tevoitdale was packed with trucks and trailers..... Apparently there was a cow wandering the trail west of Mount Forest but we didn't see anything
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