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Well I think mother nature is basically having a hissy fit. Winters are definently different the last number of years and like it or not sledding is a shortened season. That said not certain how folks can complain about the cost of a trail permit. Tells me that these folks do not understand how the system is operated and maintained. It's a bargain when all facts are considered and many people put in tons of volunteer hours for us to enjoy. The ones that crack me up the most are folks who buy expensive sleds, add expensive accessories then moan about the price of a permit. If all the work that was done on trails was completed by folks earning money permits would be about $2k a season. The weather is out of everyone's control but we will all feel the pinch from that.

On the boat front I feel like I'm getting it there too from mother nature. Where did the 7 ft of water go from Georgian Bay. Have had to keep adding dock the last few years and it's up to 110 ft but water keeps going down and at current levels won't be enough. As level out that far plateau's for a 1/4 mile no option to extend. Need a new boat but won't be buying one or it would sit around like my new sled :). Of course will still go to show and look but hopefully not buy (didn't listen to myself on the new sled though) Downside is that all a sled needs a quick blast of snow and good to go. Filling up Georgian Bay? may not live long enough to see the way things are going. Could trailer or dock at Marina (that has been dredged) but defeats reason for living on the bay. I know wahh wahh wahh, ok rant for today done.......

I complain about the pass because it goes up for no reason other than cash grab on dec1. So living in southern ontario on dec1 I have no idea if I will get much riding or some at all. But I am forced to pay 60 bucks more to make that decision. Ofsc is run like the government is run. In their best interest, like a business to make money. I see many people buying passes only to sell them on kijiji later. The stupid dec1 first pricing has forced people into breaking the law. Make it one fee regardless of when you buy it. Like everything else in society.

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Are you saying that you don't want the $50 discount for buying early?

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Ha I knew someone would say that. I'll just keep buying my pre dec 1 permit so that I can either stare at my sled, or drive 4 hours to see to snow. :)

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freezy, batten the hatches you r gona get it bad we r at -37 with the swill factor

its on your door step expect 30 cms

im sending this storm to ont

sreeb for all my friends

my banks are at 5 ft

8 hrs of daylite

bla bla bla

:icon_tinykitball: :icon_tinykitball: :icon_tinykitball: :icon_tinykitball:

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i feel your pain atomic....im down the road from you.....i forget what a groomer looks like on elmiras trails...i mean i really forget....and by the way the long range is looking,im almost positive we wont see one this season either...the so called weather experts say..this same low-no snow cycle...will haunt us for the next 5 seasons....now that better be wrong or sledding will pretty much dissolve around these parts!?

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One of the reasons the pass went up this year is there is now a groomer replacement fund of which each pass has $10.00 go towards. Never mind the rising fuel costs which clubs still have to purchase prior to the season starting or in some cases like us new double walled tanks where we remotely park groomers and fuel them. Big $$$

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freezy, batten the hatches you r gona get it bad we r at -37 with the swill factor

its on your door step expect 30 cms

im sending this storm to ont

sreeb for all my friends

my banks are at 5 ft

8 hrs of daylite

bla bla bla

:icon_tinykitball: :icon_tinykitball: :icon_tinykitball: :icon_tinykitball:

winds of 75kph last night

We did not get much snow maybe 10cm but do have a 2 foot drift in front of the garage

Hard to tell with all the wind we had, just outside the city like 3 blocks from my place you could not see 20 feet in front of ya

closed HWYs all over outside the city about 200-300transports parked along the HWYs

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I see its +8 in Timmins and raining right now :(

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It's a beautiful sunny spring day here. Hard to believe it is the middle of January and not the end of March!

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i emailed our storm to ontario

should be there soon



:icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: for all my friends

Thank buddy! 04 keerc!

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Something to keep in mind is that if it were one price for the year OFSC would not survive as folks would never buy permits up front and the system would not have sufficient revenue to function. Although I'm no longer involved I doubt the fact that OFSC turns a profit all funds go back into the sport. Understand can be difficult to swallow price of a permit but it is still a good deal if say comapred to an annual ski pass that gives you access to 5 km of trails versus 20,000 plus.

As for the weather holy crap spent the day outside and not once had a jacket. Worked up a sweat removing the Xmas lights. Cooling down Monday but almost starting from scratch..... heading to the boat show friday can't test ride sleds but could almost test ride boats................

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i emailed our storm to ontario

should be there soon



:icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: for all my friends

Thanks dood !!! A little further North though please !!!

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I complain about the pass because it goes up for no reason other than cash grab on dec1. So living in southern ontario on dec1 I have no idea if I will get much riding or some at all. But I am forced to pay 60 bucks more to make that decision. Ofsc is run like the government is run. In their best interest, like a business to make money. I see many people buying passes only to sell them on kijiji later. The stupid dec1 first pricing has forced people into breaking the law. Make it one fee regardless of when you buy it. Like everything else in society.

The $10 increase isn't just a cash grab as you suggest. The system operates at a deficit essentially each year. We have received provincial grants that have helped out enormously. The $10 increase goes to a dedicated groomer replacement fund. Not just for whatever someone feels like spending it on.

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The $10 increase isn't just a cash grab as you suggest. The system operates at a deficit essentially each year. We have received provincial grants that have helped out enormously. The $10 increase goes to a dedicated groomer replacement fund. Not just for whatever someone feels like spending it on.


The weather sucks, but I always seem to get my money and more out of my trail pass. I have bought early, since 1993. My worst year was 500km, back in 1997 to 1998. (Very warm low snow year too) first ride last year was feb 20, last ride was march 6. Put on about 1100km. We have time yet to get our money and more out of the pass.

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The weather sucks, but I always seem to get my money and more out of my trail pass. I have bought early, since 1993. My worst year was 500km, back in 1997 to 1998. (Very warm low snow year too) first ride last year was feb 20, last ride was march 6. Put on about 1100km. We have time yet to get our money and more out of the pass.

I always get my moneys worth out of the trail pass too. What else can you do for $210. How many

days on a ski hill

days on a golf course

dinners and a movie and dinner doesn't mean McDonalds

nights at the sports bar

trips to the boat show. - don't forget to include parking

It's a real bargain

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I complain about the pass because it goes up for no reason other than cash grab on dec1. So living in southern ontario on dec1 I have no idea if I will get much riding or some at all. But I am forced to pay 60 bucks more to make that decision. Ofsc is run like the government is run. In their best interest, like a business to make money. I see many people buying passes only to sell them on kijiji later. The stupid dec1 first pricing has forced people into breaking the law. Make it one fee regardless of when you buy it. Like everything else in society.

Many things are discounted for early purchase not the least of which are ski hill passes or seasonal trailor park fees. It is an accepted part of society and if the OFSC did not do it, many clubs wouldn't have the money available to get the trails in and land levelling/early packing started.

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ddid you get it

:icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow: :icon_snow:

9 degC right now, raining, and not one drop of snow anywhere to be seen. Looks like April outside.

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I always get my moneys worth out of the trail pass too. What else can you do for $210. How many

days on a ski hill

days on a golf course

dinners and a movie and dinner doesn't mean McDonalds

nights at the sports bar

trips to the boat show. - don't forget to include parking

It's a real bargain

Devil's advocate! Ski hills have snow!

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Devil's advocate! Ski hills have snow!

There is always snow, somewhere in Ontario. A one week permit Is 140. So if you ride three weekends, early permit is a good deal. I hope this regional thing doesn't go thru though. I am happy with the early seasonal permit for all of Ontario.

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I think we are all completely P****** off at mother f@@@@@@@ nature. I also hope the regional permit thing doesn't go through. But if it does I will ALWAYS buy the provincial permit and I will ALWAYS buy at least one and buy preseason. 02Sled explained it well. I've been saying that to people for years. I truly believe there is great value in our permits compared to other leisure activities. Ontario permits are still cheaper than quebec permits. (athough Quebec seems to be doing better in the snow department, bloody french...lol..Im just jealous)

Its just frustrating to keep waiting, and when things appear to be starting that F@@@@@ B##### mother nature wipes it out. I have no problem trailering, but with much of the revenue coming from District 5 if people have to start trailering 6 hours or more, they will be rarely doing so if even ever.

Our club has had our biggest fundraiser severely hampered these last few years save one. We are a very frugal club and since last year was such a bust we went out on a limb an bought a new drag to try to improve local trails to somewhat repay folks who ride around here. Grooming equipment is as we know a huge expense, and even with the $10 levy from every permit it doesnt help if there's no snow to groom.

Snow is financially necessary to much of our province and I pray every day for another snow fall like we had Dec 8, 2010 (between 3-5 feet)

Please Please get cold, stay cold and snow snow snow. But for us lets not give up on this wonderful past time. I won't !

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