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Strong Farmer

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Everything posted by Strong Farmer

  1. Sounds like wolves are on run again and deee hanging in big packs to survive. That area kind of scares me for wolves with all deer around.
  2. I agree. Changed allot since early 2000’s, even. In 1990’s we use to snowmobile from Xmas to March break in southern Ontario most years. Now we can’t even get a base started here. Wings nights could sled to three of them usually and milvertons too. At this rate might be no more snow below Barrie by 2030.
  3. Yeah that sucks and trail pass numbers are going to tank next year if this keeps up.
  4. And no wonder they removed how many actual km’s Of trail is open, a few years back. Now we can’t see actual number no more.
  5. I see Bridgeport was out grooming early in week. Looks like more frost is needed in area. Said only made it across three fields and got two groomers stuck and broke a few chains. Can’t say they aren’t trying in south.
  6. The first one must have been pissed off. Maybe the guy with kid was in middle of trail and other guy was traveling fast down middle too. So he made up part of storey to make it sound good and posted on net. Never fails. Always a wise crack out there!
  7. Don’t give them any ideas.
  8. Never ends no doubt. Wait until ares gets drifts and everyone goes off to play in deep stuff. Field will look like it was harvested in middle of winter.
  9. Good chance someone has a video out there. Busy weekend and helmet cams are popular now. If it wasn’t you, how do you know it is real and not a joke by someone trying to get attention?
  10. Ask on hcsa Facebook page. They will tell you if staked or not I believe. Good ground of guys and ladies!
  11. What I notice is riders get lazy when they are in a group following someone. They think it is safe to cut corners sharp, ride in middle of trail and ride faster when they are behind there buddy. Gets dangerous when group gets spread out abit and on coming riders approach. When I see a rider hold up his glove with 3 or more sleds I know right away to get off trail and wait in a safe spot, especially if I can’t see any sleds coming. I know they will be coming at me at a high rate of speed in middle of trail and might possibly slide thru a corner and hit me (that happened to me in Dorset and I was on my side of trail). One guy slid into me and then his buddy did same thing for a three sled pile up.
  12. Wow getting ugly there. Sounds like not going to open any time soon either. That is too bad! Maybe word will get around and people will stay off for a change, otherwise trails could be gone for good you think?
  13. Not just d1. Almost every district is having some sort of land use permission issue. Makes me wonder if ofsc lawyers changed wording on land use agreements and now there is back lash. Seems strange there has been all these issues at start of snowmobile season.
  14. That isn’t good. Could be lost forever if riders don’t stay off closed trails
  15. I am sure they will put a bill in too. I would if it was my business. Crash into private property and knock out power. They are on hook for damages related to accident. Hydro will charge a pretty penny too. Glad no one was hurt, as that could have been a disaster. Kudo’s to how they handled it, very well done.,I will always support them when In area too.
  16. Was it on 6 km road run by any chance. That road be be icy and taking lake is risky unless there is a highway of tracks. I always hated that trail for that reason.
  17. Seems to be happening across province now. Grca in our area put out a similar request I believe. Hailburton also having trouble now too with main trail leaving town. They had to put in a reoute until that issue gets resolved too.
  18. Wow that is going to be some Bill company’s insurance, is going to have to pay. Could have been allot worse though, no doubt.
  19. My 900 got terrible mileage too out of box. After I read posts about great mileage everyone else was getting, took it back to dealer. Turned out to be a weak ignition coil. About 20 percent better after that was fixed and has more power too!
  20. Think trails will open soon or is base too thin?
  21. Whst was cause of truck to leave the road you think?
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