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Strong Farmer

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Everything posted by Strong Farmer

  1. Take it out and take it to Jeff at nh cycle. He can rebuild it some how I bet. He's very good at engines. Lots just slap in a Honda gx motor it seems too 🤷🏽‍♂️. Nothing runs like that orginal two stroke motor. How much did that one run you. Some are asking up to 3k for these things last made in 1998 or so I believe.
  2. You want to rent it out this winter before you tear it apart 🤔
  3. Nice. I been looking at mini z's. They are pretty nice and simple, well older ones anyways. No sense buying anying too good, it be into ditch and trees no doubt 😎. Have to learn some how I suppose. Teather kill switch cord is a must I think! I think I just pick up somthing decent that still works. It's not leaving our property anyways.
  4. At what age did some of you folks start your children, grandchildren on a regular mini z, 120 cc? Thanks better to buy old school one or some of newer models?
  5. Lots of variables. I use to go out of my way to buy new from a good dealer that do pdi properly and not have to do it myself is worth piece of mind for sure. I had that happen with new skidoo around here. Never did pdi on it. Had to take it back out of trailer and after I discovered shipping track clips locked track in place I couldn't move it a few feet to get door closed. They put it in with fork lift. The odometer was in miles too. I asked for pdi sheet never had one . 🤣 Lucky I noticed before I got home or I be even more pissed.
  6. I heard some dealers have tripple digits in yard from last year 😳
  7. Sales are going to be slow this fall too after the last few winters I think. Take some good incentives to get sleds moving early 🙏.
  8. Hopefully winter comes and stays next year 🙏
  9. Culverts are bigger under drive ways too and more random cement culverts to watch out for. I wouldn't ride a ditch I don't know, that's for sure.
  10. Hahaha I wonder were he went. Plc would know 😎.
  11. Roads are higher too. They really build them up today.
  12. Oh my mistake. Thanks for clearing that up. It was hard to get. People were fighting over skids when it arrived. Had two bag limit too is all I remember.
  13. When on strike last year and suppliers couldn't count on them is part of it too. Especially for softener salt.
  14. Yes and they put that blue chloride salt that works down into minus 30 too. Never had that option years ago.
  15. Going to be less trails in future too, no way around it. I can see more trails in d5 and d9 disappearing for a variety of reason. Road running already increasing over the years. Some of these trails only used a day or two last year and some none at all. My uncle said in parry sound trail behind his place only opened for two or three weeks too. Sad state of affaires from 6 week season we use to get in south and 8 to 12 weeks in musoka area been shrinking too. North is getting season musoka use to get too 😳
  16. I am a little worried about future of Ontario sledding. With way things are going below barrie could be snow free in next decade. Musoka barely getting what southern Ontario use to get years ago.,North is seeing a shorter season too with big loop not open because of shortage of snow again, cold this winter. Big permit increases won't bold well for ofsc this winter. Ultimately if it snows permits will sell themselves if it stays. Wait and see what un folds this winter.
  17. That's true if you going to ride. Quebec smart though they have kept 3 day and 7 day passes reasonable. Ontario can't get a one day pass, 7 day pass is more then full cost of a season permit so many just shake thier head and go to Quebec I think lately.
  18. If Ontario charged that permit sales will melt away guranteed. That's why it is where it is today. Still some riders that felel we should get a free or discounted permit because of lousy weather last few years. Not many hard core rides left in province willing to drop that much on a permit. A few but they aren't majority percentages that's for sure.
  19. Nice now there is room to park mine in drive way, next year and use airport to come up on weekends 😎.
  20. That's what happens when contractors are busy. They throw out crazy estimates. Up to people to negotiate abit or find another contractor or wait. I had that happen a few times too. I just wait until they need work and amazing how much price comes down 😎.
  21. Housing boom coming for sure especially for more affordable housing. They are putting town homes up in Kitchener and they are sold out before shovel even goes in ground. Selling town homes for 700 k ish. If you told me 15 years ago these things would be selling for 700 k I would have bought 10 units. Only low 200's then high 180's 😳
  22. Can't comment on your area. Around here you have some choices with trades people and materials. I have a few people I go too and they know they loose job if they wait too long, so they usually fir me in asap 😎. They know I pay fast too so that helps when other ones aren't paying 😎
  23. 🤷🏽‍♂️. This roofer is top knotch. Usually takes about 4 months to get anyone to do anything including small repair. Doing my basement now too at my own place. Haven't had any trouble getting trades people when I need them. Hold up is materials now floor suppose to be here tomorrow 🤷🏽‍♂️.
  24. Was never so easy to get a roofer. Called roofer last week said I need some shingles repaired, from wind storm. He came next day repaired that part of roof and told me front half of house needs replacing. Boss came over with quote in about 35 mins after worker phoned it in. I said ok and this week got front part of roof done. Usually takes a million phone calls and messages to get anyone to come out. Guess no one is spending money on roofs now.
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