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Everything posted by manotickmike

  1. My check is for $32.80. I SURE wish the OFSC would offer group liability insurance. I'm sure they're busy enough bailing though. Maybe next year.
  2. It shouldn't be a challenge. Even I figured it out! First year I neglected to cash the cheque, called the# and it was re-issued. This year I found the link, and got my rebate check before my trail pass. Intact is very accommodating. At least as far as trail insurance is concerned.
  3. Idiots like this always wind up bragging about it. Keep your ears open, and bat handy. Not too many sociopaths afraid of the "justice" system these days.
  4. It's typically the LAST guy in a train that is trying way too hard to keep up. I always say to leave yourself an "out" but that means going left when they come at you in your lane. Could lead to bigger troubles than leaving the trail. It's going to come to dash cams. I've already seen guys giving someone a "tune up" after a close call. I ride fast when I can see.
  5. Somebody in "risk management" drew attention to existing agreements apparently. HO blames the clubs, and vice versa. One trail here wanted OFSC to provide year round insurance to gain access that had been granted for YEARS. Why not? Nobody else pay for access, or does anything to maintain things. Volunteers with tons of hours in and other people treated like mushrooms are venting.
  6. Name and shame. NOT pictured, was where, on his 3rd and final backwards trip onto private property, he was within inches of my RV, drive wheels spinning, rig knifed. The cone you see is where he put it back after moving it out of my driveway. It was there because, get this, the road was closed a mile South, closed with a 6x12' sign, 1/2 the road barricaded. My driveway was an attractive place to drive into and turn around. I came home to ruts everywhere, the cone helped. After the truck incident, and a call to the police and city yielded nothing, in went the angle iron. It was fun to see them bent with paint on them.
  7. Just the beginning. Some say, of the end. It's REALLY hitting the fan in D1. Lots of finger pointing, apparently a club or 2 isn't going to do jack until the issues are resolved. Sad point, is that this was known to some before a pass was sold. And pass buyers are calling shenanigans. It's going to get ugly.
  8. I feel your pain, zoso. My "insider" friends are disgusted,angry, and ashamed... Nobody on the outside or in charge seems to be the least bit concerned. I won't drive within a mile of a truck these days. When I called the police and the trucking company about the F-wit stuck in my residential driveway, nobody gave a damn. Yes, I had LOTS of pics and evidence.
  9. Lots of cowboys this weekend. Can't wait for the more southern trails to open so the wanna be snow-X crowd doesn't have to travel so far. Blaming the sled doesn't work. If it won't stay on your side, slow the F down. Your lack of common sense shouldn't have to be MY problem.
  10. No excuse for this. Literally 1000s of trucks navigate that road in those conditions on a regular basis. If you spent any time along that road, you'd have a better understanding than most. It's the ONLY road. ALL traffic goes through there. Everything that moves. The train is gone. Thinking the government or the trucking companies are going to remedy this is defective thinking. You need to protect yourself.
  11. Sorry to have sparked this, I ran both the red sections several times today. Both up to Brent and company's usual excellent standards. Poker run a big hit.
  12. 5-10. About 1/2 what was forecast. Like usual.
  13. Irving truck stop. Highway 17 and #41 (Paul Martin Drive). Right on the trail. Sled friendly. Fuel and great food. Let's support them.
  14. It's not a complicated idea, WWII planes were boosted simply to account for reduced air density at elevation. It'll be interesting to see what happens when the knuckleheads get hold of it. Sidewinders are reliable trailable sleds at 270 hp with a stock muffler.
  15. Come join me as soon as things open, poplawchuk. Just so long as you don't mind hanging out with us old guys. Good parking where CR101 crosses Albion Road, ( Rideau Carleton Raceway Casino)
  16. I'm familiar with those spots, Paul, and we ran worse than that road x-ing a few times that day we met out by Limoges. The trail along 17 is likely just not ready. Too close to the highway. Hoping to be up that way for the Poker Run this weekend.
  17. Unfortunately, nobody else is coming up with the info in a timely fashion. Sad, really.
  18. Word is, they're now a joint operation. Amazing people. Can't say enough about such a community minded couple.
  19. Just thought you might like to know. Enjoy!
  20. Trudeau would be cutting a lot of 10.5 million cheques. I suggest the tried and true "wooden shampoo". Obviously, they were resisting.
  21. I see enforcement EVERY ride in PQ. Be it club members wearing vests FULLY empowered to stop and check riders, or SQ officers strategically placed. They know what they're doing, what to look for, and don't waste their time. Or mine. 75% of the time we're waved through. I'm not in Mt Laurier or equivalent usually, I tend to avoid the tourist areas and popular drop points if I can. I like to ride. I cut the numbers off my Ontario "plate" and stuck them on the sled. I'm not about style or fashion. That said, I've never had one of our groups hassled about numbers. If I had a complaint here, it's about locally sledding for 3 years, evenings and the odd weekend, and never seeing visible enforcement. It makes everyone nervous.
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