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Everything posted by Spiderman

  1. Especially now with all the "new variant" horseshit going on. I am really exhausted trying to deal with having everything except living in my house and eating having just been taken away at the stroke of one persons power - it's not sitting well with me and it's really pissing me off seeing the affect this is having on my children, our future..........
  2. https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90h07 Might be a worthwhile read and perhaps a consult to determine if in fact a PHU has authority to exercise over outdoor Crown land use. Like in every other thing in life, people with authority can say and do a lot things, that does not mean they are correct, have that ability, or that it's lawful. We have a court system process for a reason. Just something to consider.
  3. Has anyone looked to confirm that a local PHU has authority to make decisions over Crown Land? Don't the MNR oversee Crown Land?
  4. My son broke 2 $200.00 sticks on the rink two nights ago, so a $400.00 night ( one-timers are getting really good though That sucks, but it won't deter us from playing hockey. The trespass charge certainly will not deter a soul from doing trespassing - and the price of the permit remains the best value for anything I can think of.
  5. Hopefully the dogs are wearing masks and social distancing
  6. If it was the 80's/90's, those would also be great for the trail side smoke
  7. I would NEVER say that in print/on-line
  8. Holy crap! a Unicorn......, I mean, people having fun - what's that feel like? lol
  9. Sorry to hear that, truthfully, but we will agree to disagree as to what is worth what. Stay safe.
  10. Great, so I noticed in the article it doesn't say anywhere at all what is being done, or what was done with all of these infected people? If the solution is - "please quarantine for 14 days" - then end the friggin lockdown, open it up and lets get on with life here. Our governments are failing it's citizens on every level
  11. Hopefully the ink in their pens freezes.
  12. Hopefully the ink in their pens freezes.
  13. They are not shut down because people are still legally allowed to travel - it's a "recommendation" - nothing more - hence the pleading for people to "do the right thing". There is no definition of "essential" in the legislation either - so anything could qualify. As long as that is all going on - we are getting locked down for what reason exactly?
  14. Exactly, as has been pointed out - there is nothing they can do about you being from anywhere riding an open or limited trail, with a pass and all other legal requirements. It can make for nothing more than a little conversation - which can be cordial and respectful both ways.
  15. It's fine, Justin asked them to please quarantine for 14 days, it's Canada, everybody just does the "right thing", and he did say please, so it shouldn't be an issue.
  16. I went to your Pro Hockey Life on christmas eve - was an excellent experience.
  17. Yes, and that's why I said they will use the "document check" as the reason/purpose for the stop. They can't stop you for the sole purpose of determining your reason for being out or where you are from - that's been clear in the communication and it's been legally confirmed, hence the other reason, which they can and would do - which there is no issue - it's safe/smart to make sure people are legal ( paperwork/pass wise ).
  18. What is the ticket for/charge? They legally can't stop you for that purpose - so naturally, they will a simple document check as the reason, which is fine and a non-issue, but what is the actual charge?
  19. hey, I think it's reasonably safe to say that most of us truly understand what the bigger picture white elephant in the room is - and it's nothing new, it's been going on for a long time, other than the "pandemic" has really put the spot light directly on it. It's a very unfortunate situation all the way around and everyone is just trying to do their best.
  20. Which is fine, write them away, if that is their mandate from above, keep your job, not worth it, but bottom line is there is nothing preventing anyone in this province from freely moving around for "essential" ( which is not defined by the way ). If you decide to take your chances, pay the consequences - not hard to figure out.
  21. Oh my, look, Toronto hosptials overflowing ICU's in the past from the flu..... Wake the frig up people, this has been going on forever...... Spoonfed and lead. https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/toronto-area-hospitals-overwhelmed-as-flu-hits-harder-than-usual-1.2165666 https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/health-headlines/hospitals-overwhelmed-by-flu-and-norovirus-patients-1.1108376 https://toronto.citynews.ca/2018/02/13/toronto-hospital-flu/
  22. The BIGGEST demographic of people I have seen who are "pro" lockdown are retired individuals, those already on government assistance, and those with no kids and disruption to work The rest of the poplulation, have had enough of it. I don't support it - at any level. I am speaking out for the sake of my children's future. They are losing out on so much, they are suffering, and the ones who are pro lockdown have not a care in the world and this will have ZERO affect on them.
  23. It's entirely possible they are being quite as well because it's out of their hands?
  24. That's what your masks are supposed to be for - wear it, or stay home. Stop with the drama, if we both went into the hospital at the same time and both needed life saving medical care, but only 1 could get it, do not pretend you are going to give up your spot for me, you wouldn't, and this is no different, it's about protecting yourself first, by doing so, you are helping others, nothing more.
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