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Everything posted by Spiderman

  1. 100%. Your bill of sale - if you traded - is your contract. Unless you agree to deliver yours in advance - or your contract says otherwise, technically you get mine - when I get the one on the bill of sale, and you ( dealer ) get paid as outlined.
  2. Kawi Will likely end up the same way - but we're holding out for now. Bought a carrier, both kids gear lol
  3. We still don't even have a VIN # for a dirt bike that is supposed to deliver by the end of this month. I do feel for dealers - hard to deliver any kind of "service" when you can't get anything concrete from your suppliers.
  4. I am comfortable driving in snow - but I am not comfortable believing the others around me are lol
  5. Pretty much daily occurrence is it not?
  6. Had memberships last year for me and kids. Played 3-4 rounds a week and not a single "covid" case ever at the course. It's all bullshit - all of it.
  7. It will never stop now. CBC posted an article where the Dr. admitted that Covid will permanently replace the flu and cold - that the cold and flu has officially been "renamed" It's pathetic.
  8. Craziness - Camp Tawingo shuttered for another summer season. I truly hate living here. Best of luck to your daughter. Cheers
  9. Listen to Tam, listen to the no mind drama teacher, and a listen to fat boy and his team of slide show specialists and you have your answers. If you want to go to a sled show - you better book your flight and get over the border. We are in the midst of booking summer hockey camps for my son in the US because there is and will be NOTHING in Ontario for another year at least. We are a joke. End of rant.
  10. People who didn't get their orders last year got priority - if they wished so - which makes sense. We have been told the day the 2022 are released - order. We'll be following that directive. My kids dirt bike is being held on deposit - supposed to deliver by end of May. No VIN # yet...... If it's not here by end of July - I'll push my deposit to next year and get the next size bike ordered. Still can't get a trailer hitch for my 2021 vehicle either. All in all - 2021 sucks lol
  11. That's a good sign - our dealer told us last week his were back ordered into the end of July now.
  12. Weren't some Polaris sleds shipped with no shocks last year?
  13. Ah, I didn't know. This should be easy then based on what you are saying for those that feel the need to know.
  14. I think you would need to file a request officially through their Freedom of Information Office and my suspicion is that it would be declined, but one could always try.
  15. Its funny, I was expecting that to be my situation with Covid etc., but it actually turned out to be the worst year I have ever had for sledding mileage since I have been born. A lot variables etc. out of my control - is what it is - just another crap thing to add to the pile of dissapointing news for 2020/2021.
  16. Nutters response makes sense to me. My only question - truthfully, would be other than for some minor interest sake, what difference would/does it make if you know this information or not?
  17. Only reason I would ever contact my club would be to volunteer or tell them what a kick ass job they do year in and year out.
  18. Good question - mine never left the envelope it came in.
  19. Only Quebec? If that's the case - then it really sucks - lost revenue If not - then it still sucks - just not quite as badly.
  20. Unfortunate - more will follow as well. This provincial shut down in an effort to reduce travel/spread is killing everything in it's path - you will see much more to follow:
  21. Yes and no - missing the fact the insurance company are watching you too and then thinking they aren't smart enough to see right through you. lol
  22. Didn't realise you had turned 65 already All joking aside, nice ride!.
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