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Everything posted by skidooboy

  1. from a friend in Georgia: Someone had posted it and she thought it was worth sharing. I agree. Ski “I am seeing so much anxiety about resuming business, and so much anger about continued regulations. People are feeling the need to catapult to one side or the other, then fight the opposition. Here’s my perspective, from a mainstream medical model. I think a lot of folks have fallen into the idea that social distancing was meant to stop the viral spread. It wasn’t-it was meant to SLOW it while we put medical infrastructure in place. It has worked. We have, in most parts of Georgia, not been overwhelmed like we likely would have been without protective measures. In the meantime, our testing procedures have gotten better. We’ve increased our ventilator count. We’ve gotten a little better handle on PPE supply chains, and many have helped by making masks and gowns. Phoebe in Albany has a second COVID-19 ICU opened, and Atlanta has a field hospital ready to go. It’s not perfect, but it’s much better than it was seven weeks ago. A vaccine is a long way off. At some point, people have to be systematically exposed to begin the building of (hopeful) herd immunity. We will likely begin to experience a real increase in cases after reopening. Ideally, that exposure is controlled and calculated, in phases, to allow our medical community to respond adequately, and reduce the number of severe or fatal cases. That’s where we are. Whether you feel like Georgia is opening too soon, or not soon enough, we were never going to social distance this thing into nonexistence. You now need to proceed as your health, wallet, and conscience allow. If you are medically vulnerable, you do not need to be a part of what is about to happen. Stay home if you can. If you’re not, or if your financial vulnerability trumps your health concerns, you need to proceed in ways that continue to protect yourself, and the elderly and medically vulnerable around you. All of us need to calm down. Quit telling people who are financially struggling that they don’t care about human lives. Quit telling people who are truly at risk of dying from this virus that they are cowering in fear. Remember that until you’ve walked in someone else’s shoes, you should probably be careful in your judgement's and subsequent harsh words. We don’t HAVE to choose an either/or proposition and fight, we could choose other ways to be. Examples include but are not limited to: “I think this may be too soon, so I will continue to shelter myself, and pray/make masks/ check on those who can’t.” “I really need to go back to work, so I will do so, but I will be careful and try to protect myself, my family, and those around me with healthy strategies.” See how those positions allow each of us to do what we need to, and also respect those who are choosing differently? One thing that allows us to do this is humility. I can acknowledge that I am not an epidemiologist/economist/whatever, that I am making decisions based on my understanding of complex subjects and my own personal health and financial situation, that I am not all knowing, always right, and an expert in all fields, and that each person around me is doing their best too. We can make different choices and still be a supportive community. We can learn and evolve in our understanding of these issues.”
  2. one of the things i personally would like to see is a PERMANENT DEDICATED TRAIL SYSTEM DESIGNATION FOR OUR TRAILS. this will end the logging, town, land owner issues. this has been done in michigan and other states. it ends A LOT OF PROBLEMS. Ski
  3. self isolated in Dubreuilville for 2 weeks march 13th-26th, then came home to michigan, thursday will be 14 days here, total so far close to 28 days, only going to the grocery 1 time per week (MAX), trying to stretch to 10-14 days, only one of us goes, with a list. it is getting old already. our vehicles are all nice and detailed though. spring clean up on the lawn has begun, i will be mowing by saturday. i am ready to ride the dirt or street bikes, you can only watch so much tv. the hbo mini doc/movie Chernobyl, was PRETTY DARN GOOD THOUGH! stay safe and healthy, my friends. Ski
  4. the short answer is no. there is riding but, no organized trails. that, and thunder bay is not a snowmobile friendly community. that is why there is no more ride around lake superior stories. Ski
  5. my latest "dream" is to put my foot in lake superior at wawa (sandy beach), then ride cross country, to james bay and stand on the ice. need some big help though. trying to get Denis, marc g, excited about this... you in? my thought is, one workhorse sled with supplies, spares and fuel. we all take turns riding it, and our own sleds. that way no one gets stuck riding the "tanker". Ski
  6. a group on my motorcycle racing forum ride from the keys to the bahamas on jet skis, every year. like sledding on open water. we could do it here too. any large river/lake system with no dams, or portages, we could ride town to town. Ski
  7. from the map, you can bypass a bit of the street running, by going straight down klondike, to the outdoorsman. we did that for years.
  8. i cannot answer that under penalty of law. Ski
  9. they (quebec) are "suggesting" clubs cease grooming. i believe it should be left up to the clubs and their membership. Ski
  10. ^^^^ this... for more than 10 years. shake hands, touch money, touch a door handle, fuel pump... HAND SANITIZER. and never touch your face without washing hands, or sanitizing. common sense for germophobes. Ski
  11. you can wear these over outer layer coats as well... food for thought. Ski
  12. i guess i am in the minority, i am for telling tourists to stay home or ride local but, to say the clubs cant groom in the far north, ESPECIALLY ON CROWN LAND, is a slap in the face to the local permit buyer. they (the ofsc, and the districts) should allow the clubs to groom all their trails ONE MORE TIME. for the most part, that will get us through to the melt. it is a good will gesture, and makes locals believe their permit cost was money well spent. we already have people saying due to limited grooming to their favorite lake destination trails, they are not buying permits next season. COME ON OFSC, LET THE LOCALS RIDE! Ski
  13. food for thought, if you are serious about this, look for a tekvest or other armor with a FULL, SOLID CHEST PLATE, NOT A ZIPPERED TWO PIECE CHEST PLATE. the one piece plate, will disperse energy across the entire panel. while the zippered panel is "more convenient" you have to decide on how much protection YOU WANT. we have been running the tekvests for close to 15 years, wouldnt ever ride without it, even to go fishing. hit a big drift on the lake, and get kicked, have a ski hook under the snow, and pitch you off, fall in the parking lot... these help mitigate your injury risk. just like knee guards. ever take a cheese grater running board to the shin, above your boot? yeah, you know what i am talking about. with that said, this year i switched out to a lighter, although still impact rated KTM "body armor" type pressure suit. this gives me elbow, and shoulder protection. wearing something, is better than nothing. to us, it just another piece of safety equipment, no different than a helmet. choose wisely. Ski
  14. make sure you have scratchers, towns, roads, bypasses are getting thin, in areas. ride safe, watch the weather, early spring riding in effect. have fun. Ski
  15. was a pleasure Kris. enjoyed our chat, and stories. rubber side down, have a great rest of your trip. Ski
  16. they close at 5, better swing in as soon as you arrive. or tell me what you need, and we can get it, before we leave for the day. we are going fishing it appears. i will pm you my cell, you can text me. Ski
  17. technical difficulties with the house christmas lights, for your beacon. garage and barn are lit. house only has half a string. #10 rue des pins. half way between hotel and gas bar. cant miss us. dont have much selection for beer, so BYOB Ski
  18. we are in dub, will be here until tuesday afternoonish. Ski
  19. saw on FB, marathon sno kickers made it to Manitouwadge with the groomer. now we need people to use this trail to grow interest to expand grooming, and trail access. step in the right direction. thanks to ALL that made this possible. Ski
  20. saw on FB, marathon sno kickers made it to Manitouwadge with the groomer. now we need people to use this trail to grow interest to expand grooming, and trail access. step in the right direction. thanks to ALL that made this possible. Ski
  21. Kris, we should be in Dub, monday. i may be up all week. Lynne is going home on Tuesday. we are 4 houses toward the motel, from the gas station. the christmas lights are on, when we are in town. who all is going with you? Nunz? Ski
  22. how do we fix this? driving me crazy. Ski
  23. the OFSC took that away due to liability. only updates allowed are the official itg. thats it! welcome to political correctness. we allowed this to happen. Ski
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