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Any Grooming???

Turbo Burgo

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With all of the recent early snow, just wondering if any clubs are out grooming yet?  I know it's early and most clubs are probobly not 100% prepared (groomers, signage, insurance, etc.) but a foot in Barrie, 2 feet in the London area and many other areas receiving some significant snowfall should definately necessitate taking advantage of the early winter.  Hell, I've heard they've been sledding out in Alberta since Thanksgiving!!!

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My guess is a lot of farmers fields aren't ready yet.  Still lots of plowing to do etc... due to the wet fall.

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Still harvesting, too!

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With all of the recent early snow, just wondering if any clubs are out grooming yet?  I know it's early and most clubs are probobly not 100% prepared (groomers, signage, insurance, etc.) but a foot in Barrie, 2 feet in the London area and many other areas receiving some significant snowfall should definately necessitate taking advantage of the early winter.  Hell, I've heard they've been sledding out in Alberta since Thanksgiving!!!

Who ever told you there is a foot of snow in Barrie needs to get a new tape measure or new glasses 

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Crops up so late this year, still looking at possible re-routing on one of my clubs trails.

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Still harvesting, too!

There is no frost either. A groomer would just ruin wheat fields now!

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There is no frost either. A groomer would just ruin wheat fields now!

Must be warmer in Baden. we put in stakes on Saturday and drove the pickup through most of the fields (other than wheat & alfalfa) and it didn't leave permanent marks in most of them. There was definitely some frost as we could tell by the feel of the post pounder.

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Must be warmer in Baden. we put in stakes on Saturday and drove the pickup through most of the fields (other than wheat & alfalfa) and it didn't leave permanent marks in most of them.

There was definitely some frost as we could tell

by the feel of the post pounder.

Just pounded in driveway markers today at the home farm! Was easy no frost and driveway usually freezes first! Ground is saturated going to take a few weeks to freeze it to any depth!

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There's no frost in the ground up in Hearst either.  We got a good dose of fluffy snow lately, insulating the very soaked ground.  When I plowed behind my shed the other day, there was water and grass coming out of the blade like there's no tomorrow.


I'd bet it takes another 3-4 weeks before we get anything freeze under the snow we have.  We went for a little sled ride the other day with the sleigh behind (flat bottom).  Every dip in the trail had water in it.

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Well no one would Volunteer........................... :nana:

Did you let it idle for an hour, while you did your Circle check!

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I groomed this morning............................................................does that count?

I do not need to hear about your manscaping. Horrible image - can't shake it! AAARRRGGGG

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