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Strong Farmer

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Everything posted by Strong Farmer

  1. Nice, say Hi for me. My dad spent hours talking to him. I didn't even know he wanted to sell place. Darn it could have bought it, would have been a great car club in summer months and a few chicken parties 😆
  2. No heavy rain today base is holding 😎
  3. Is that Sled Eddie on Mach 😎.
  4. Main trails were getting beat side traails were mint in many area's
  5. I know but it's rare if no base left. I can't remember many years trails would re open after losing base in February. Wait and see. You ride by yourself usually?
  6. I guess that's it folks in our area. 😳 Fat lady is signing already! Hard to recover in middle of Feb
  7. Yes was raining on my way home today. You missed a great day on trails. Best conditions of year so far.
  8. Never a waste of money on something you enjoy. We can't control weather. I am sure you get a ride yet 😎.
  9. Ok well I give you an update tomorrow night. I should be ok if not too cold. Decided to just relax and let my worker do more tomorrow. 😎
  10. Crazy laws you be surprised. My aunt was turning left in Kitchener. Sitting there with her signal on. She waisted until traffic slowed there was two lanes so four lanes total. Light turned yellow then red and she turned and got hit at 110 km an hour didn't see speeding car thru traffic. Police determined she was at fault and couldn't prove the speed or exact warabouts of other car. 🤷🏽‍♂️
  11. No have mild ammonia. Just sitting on couch hoping to go back out to barn for another round tonight. 🤦‍♂️ Cant breathe very well. Hoping to ride Tuesday we shall see. Hoping to find a riding partner encase I can't breathe out there 😎. It might be my last ride 😳. Wife going to kill me but she leaves at 7:30 with my son. Not saying anything just going. Usually Better at start of day 🙏
  12. Anyone riding on Tuesday! Thinking of dropping some where in district 9. Hope to start around 9:30 am and go until we are done. No set time to be home.
  13. I see you back out on Tuesday 😆
  14. He have to slow down too and proceed with caution. You have to give adequate space for any vehicle wether it's a horse and buggy, bicycle etc. On my way home I seen a omish guy biking with a heavy cable spool around his arm in snow. I stopped and said give me your address and cell number I drop it off at your house. He thanked me, since it was much easier to bike in snow without it. another accident waiting to happen, he was all over road 😆.
  15. I dunno. I was traveling behind some pedal bikers on a road near me. One guy had a dash cam and claimed I passed to close to them. I slowed right down and was following them traveling two and two. So I waited until it was clear and passed them. They called cops with my license plate. They showed up at my house. I had a polite conversation with officer. I said to show me video if you have it. He said he didn't need too since my storey matched what he saw on video. I asked him if he was going to go back to them and ask them to ride single file like they are suppose too. He said if I had hit them on back side of a hill I be at fault 🤦‍♂️. Bottom line laws are stupid.
  16. That's a tough one probabily find out if an accident occurred both be at fault.
  17. Yes old trail thru the flats was pretty good. Why was it moved? Rode thru there a few years ago it was abit of a splash across river at bottom. Imagine it's still wide open or very thin?
  18. Not sure had somthing to do with shipping chickens in minus 20 weather and cold air coming into barns creates a fine mist that's hard to breathe in.
  19. Why I be going next week later in week. Come down with minor ammonia infection. So can't take cold for long periods of time. Once it warms up I go 😎.
  20. Give it time next week weather doesn't like great, it go to ice I think. Then another 4 to 6" on top we are all set. Not very cold next week so not going to help wet area's hopefully wet stuff stays away 🙏
  21. Maybe you should try a Polaris next. 😎 apparantky new matrix does everything well. I want to get one too.
  22. Listowel area has more snow so maybe Fergus Elora area does too
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