Did mine at 28,000 kms and was when the idle changed and cold starting got difficult. Had to hold a bit of throttle to keep running up to operating temperature.
Nice....but too clean for what I'd do to it. lol
I had a Formula deluxe until recently. Known as a sleeper sled with the electric start and reverse and hang with the best of them across the lake. I still have my old Poo XC700 SP too. I beat the old stuff up when snow is low fall and spring. Mud, gravel, rocks, stumps, they dont care. Just need a little lube on the slides once in awhile. Great fun.
Was out on Simcoe today from Beaverton area.
Hard crust on top with pockets of snow. Great running for sleds. And fast
If you break through crust in more sheltered bay areas you could have issues.