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Tickets being issued for riding closed trails?


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Limerick Lake - LATE AUTUMN 2009 News

History and Lore of Limerick Lake as published in Bancroft Times, November 26, 2009

NEWS UPDATE: December 22, 2009

A colder than predicted morning with the temps around -10F. Hopefully the ice will reach a safe to travel thickness before this coming weekend’s predicted foot of snow falls. Note that the OFSC trails are still closed, and impatient early season riders were being ticketed by OPP and MNR over this past weekend.

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Could :curse: :curse: if you can't wait like the rest of us, screw 'em ticket away I say

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Just what we need more landowner issues or bad press. Sounds like one of the less intelligent ones that linger on DooTalk.

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so it is here,I must go,,,,'E’ (West) McCarthur’s Mills to just East of Hwy 41 Limited

'E' (East) East of Hwy 41 to Quackenbush Limited,, :mrgreen::mrgreen:

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I don't have issues with them being ticketed. I'm glad to hear there is some enforcement because this is something we can point to if we have a complaint from another landowner.

and just so long as putting on an orange vest does not give you the right of passage......

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I don't have issues with them being ticketed. I'm glad to hear there is some enforcement because this is something we can point to if we have a complaint from another landowner.

and just so long as putting on an orange vest does not give you the right of passage......

Ahem to that !! I've seen enought orange vest B.S. to make me want to :puke:

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I don't have issues with them being ticketed. I'm glad to hear there is some enforcement because this is something we can point to if we have a complaint from another landowner.

and just so long as putting on an orange vest does not give you the right of passage......

Ahem to that !! I've seen enought orange vest B.S. to make me want to :puke:

How about putting on one of those orange vests and volunteering to help get the trails ready. You too could be one of those out on the trails early. I had my first taste of it on Saturday. Believe me we were not out for a joy ride. I had so much mud on my sled it wasn't funny. The engine compartment needs a good cleaning. Spent a bunch of money at the coin wash cleaning the "snert" off the sled. My feet were wet and cold. We were slow and careful stopping frequently to get off and walk ahead before we went further. There are others with orange vests that were going to have to come back with the chainsaws to clear trees that the beavers left across the trails. Somebody has to get the trails ready and it seems to fall to the handfull of volunteers that often wear those orange vests. If we don't go out and do the early season stuff the trails will never get open for those who just want to ride.

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I don't have issues with them being ticketed. I'm glad to hear there is some enforcement because this is something we can point to if we have a complaint from another landowner.

and just so long as putting on an orange vest does not give you the right of passage......

Ahem to that !! I've seen enought orange vest B.S. to make me want to :puke:

How about putting on one of those orange vests and volunteering to help get the trails ready. .

STG is a VERY active member of the Snow Crest Riders so I am unsure where this comment is coming from :wtf::crazy:

Ya know what they say about assumptions don't ya.........

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I don't have issues with them being ticketed. I'm glad to hear there is some enforcement because this is something we can point to if we have a complaint from another landowner.

and just so long as putting on an orange vest does not give you the right of passage......

Ahem to that !! I've seen enought orange vest B.S. to make me want to :puke:

How about putting on one of those orange vests and volunteering to help get the trails ready. .

STG is a VERY active member of the Snow Crest Riders so I am unsure where this comment is coming from :wtf::crazy:

Ya know what they say about assumptions don't ya.........

Then his efforts are greatly appreciated... his comments sure seemed to be pointed to the guys in the orange vests being out on the trails early so now I am really confused. When we were out there the vests worked to identify us to landowners and any others we may come across such as the OPP that we were club volunteers out working on the trails rather than just people out for a premature ride on closed trails. What does he have against the guys in the orange vests?

In reference to being on the trails early and being ticketed he said he has seen enough orange vest B.S. to make him puke. If an apology is due I sincerely offer it. Just not sure what is wanting to make him "puke"

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Well the Orange vest is not only to identify a goodwill ambassador for the club its also a safety feature. I'm know better than the average Joe out on our trails. Number 1 reason I where it is because I am proud to help keep the paying riders happy Hand out maps , help someone who's stranded , give directions. I'm no trail Nazi and for those of you who know you know what I do.

As for the holyier than holy being aloud to volunteer and be out on the trails before they are open , you are required to get permission from our club executive to be out early to open them. Yes I'm on the club executive and yes permission is granted.

Don't dare lump me into the few who abuse wearing the vest.

I'm a damn proud volunteer and I'm the cure not the cause.

I think we all need to relax and stop attacking eachother this place is supposed to be fun.

Ok Rant over.

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I don't have issues with them being ticketed. I'm glad to hear there is some enforcement because this is something we can point to if we have a complaint from another landowner.

and just so long as putting on an orange vest does not give you the right of passage......

Ahem to that !! I've seen enought orange vest B.S. to make me want to :puke:

How about putting on one of those orange vests and volunteering to help get the trails ready. .

STG is a VERY active member of the Snow Crest Riders so I am unsure where this comment is coming from :wtf::crazy:

Ya know what they say about assumptions don't ya.........

Then his efforts are greatly appreciated... his comments sure seemed to be pointed to the guys in the orange vests being out on the trails early so now I am really confused. When we were out there the vests worked to identify us to landowners and any others we may come across such as the OPP that we were club volunteers out working on the trails rather than just people out for a premature ride on closed trails. What does he have against the guys in the orange vests?

In reference to being on the trails early and being ticketed he said he has seen enough orange vest B.S. to make him puke. If an apology is due I sincerely offer it. Just not sure what is wanting to make him "puke"

As flamboyant as STG is, he does not laud his work behind the scenes but if you are around here long enough you realise all he does for the sport and the people involved in it.

He was merely stating that sometimes when people don or never take off the Orange vest it often leads to a change in ones personality, leading to powertripping and/or an over abundance of ones ego. He doesnt dislike volunteers/trail patrol but he loathes the in your face, Im better than you, and/or "Im a volunteer why arent you" attitude.

The real volunteers or trail patrol do so quietly and look to recieve little or no praise.

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Well the Orange vest is not only to identify a goodwill ambassador for the club its also a safety feature. I'm know better than the average Joe out on our trails. Number 1 reason I where it is because I am proud to help keep the paying riders happy Hand out maps , help someone who's stranded , give directions. I'm no trail Nazi and for those of you who know you know what I do.

As for the holyier than holy being aloud to volunteer and be out on the trails before they are open , you are required to get permission from our club executive to be out early to open them. Yes I'm on the club executive and yes permission is granted.

Don't dare lump me into the few who abuse wearing the vest.

I'm a damn proud volunteer and I'm the cure not the cause.

I think we all need to relax and stop attacking eachother this place is supposed to be fun.

Ok Rant over.


I think we all realise the work you do and how much you care about the sport and people. I think a lot of us wish there were more like you.


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There are many more out there like me , you just haven't met them yet Buns !

That is why we do what we do.

For the love of the sport !

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I don't have issues with them being ticketed. I'm glad to hear there is some enforcement because this is something we can point to if we have a complaint from another landowner.

and just so long as putting on an orange vest does not give you the right of passage......

Ahem to that !! I've seen enought orange vest B.S. to make me want to :puke:

How about putting on one of those orange vests and volunteering to help get the trails ready. .

STG is a VERY active member of the Snow Crest Riders so I am unsure where this comment is coming from :wtf::crazy:

Ya know what they say about assumptions don't ya.........

Then his efforts are greatly appreciated... his comments sure seemed to be pointed to the guys in the orange vests being out on the trails early so now I am really confused. When we were out there the vests worked to identify us to landowners and any others we may come across such as the OPP that we were club volunteers out working on the trails rather than just people out for a premature ride on closed trails. What does he have against the guys in the orange vests?

In reference to being on the trails early and being ticketed he said he has seen enough orange vest B.S. to make him puke. If an apology is due I sincerely offer it. Just not sure what is wanting to make him "puke"

I believe the comment was directed towards the odd trail patrol or STOP member who let the vest/crest go to their head. I personally have yet to meet a Trail Patrol that was not an ambassador of the sport. However, it does happen anytime you put someone who would normally never achieve a position of authority in an authoritative position, volunteer or otherwise.

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I don't have issues with them being ticketed. I'm glad to hear there is some enforcement because this is something we can point to if we have a complaint from another landowner.

and just so long as putting on an orange vest does not give you the right of passage......

Ahem to that !! I've seen enought orange vest B.S. to make me want to :puke:

How about putting on one of those orange vests and volunteering to help get the trails ready. .

STG is a VERY active member of the Snow Crest Riders so I am unsure where this comment is coming from :wtf::crazy:

Ya know what they say about assumptions don't ya.........

Then his efforts are greatly appreciated... his comments sure seemed to be pointed to the guys in the orange vests being out on the trails early so now I am really confused. When we were out there the vests worked to identify us to landowners and any others we may come across such as the OPP that we were club volunteers out working on the trails rather than just people out for a premature ride on closed trails. What does he have against the guys in the orange vests?

In reference to being on the trails early and being ticketed he said he has seen enough orange vest B.S. to make him puke. If an apology is due I sincerely offer it. Just not sure what is wanting to make him "puke"

I believe the comment was directed towards the odd trail patrol or STOP member who let the vest/crest go to their head. I personally have yet to meet a Trail Patrol that was not an ambassador of the sport. However, it does happen anytime you put someone who would normally never achieve a position of authority in an authoritative position, volunteer or otherwise.

Now I understand where he was coming from. STG my sincere apologies. I too have met the power hungry egotists, thankfully few and far between. Ran into one last winter out on the trail. One of those riding with us had just bought his first sled, brand new, and got the permit from the dealer. This was his second ride ever. The dealer put the permit on the side of the cowling. The Trail Patrol guy gave him a real hard time, wanted him to peel off the existing permit and buy a replacement permit on the spot. Didn't make for an enjoyable day for any of us especially the newbie who didn't know what was right and wrong and just went with where the dealer put the permit.

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