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Dubreuilville house cam pics winter 2024-25


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49 minutes ago, Ox said:

Yeah, well - it's night, and the Montreal River cams don't work well in the dark, and the Wawa Goose cam has been down for a while now.

I wish the goose cam would git fixed.




Ask and ye shall receive. https://511on.ca/ you can find multiple cams all around Ontario. The Soo to Thunder Bay has multiple cams on 17, including all the popular spots. Most work at night too. Ski

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I guess I missed it?

I don't see anything there for Algoma?



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39 minutes ago, Ox said:

I guess I missed it?

I don't see anything there for Algoma?




It is for all of Ontario roads, move the popup screen on the upper left corner to get a full screen view, choose the camera, road construction, and accident icons, and then you need to move the map to where you want to look. Click on the camera icons to see the cam view. There are cams at Heyden, 2 different ones at Goulais River, Batchawana, Pancake, Montreal hill, Red Rock, Wawa corner at 101 by the airport and goose, Hawk junction & 101, Missanabbi & 101, 2 at Chapleau, 519-17 at Dub turn, White River, Hornepayne, and even a few on 129, and Searchmont etc...


Come on Grandpaw, get with the technology. :D 


There are cams to see how bad the border wait is on both sides: https://www.saultbridge.com/bridge-traffic-camera-north/ 

https://www.saultbridge.com/bridge-traffic-camera-south/ Plus the Mackinaw cams: https://www.mackinacbridge.org/fares-traffic/bridge-cam/


Mdot has cams for all highways too, you can look at pics all the way up 75 to see how traffic, or road conditions are. https://mdotjboss.state.mi.us/MiDrive/map?reset=true# just select the camera icon to see cams. Heck they have snow plow tracker too. I can look at almost every inch of pavement between home and Dub, to make a good travel plan. Especially the border cams, we will just go to dinner, shop, or whatever, and let the line die down, if it is really bad.


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Weekend update. Ccccccold for the foreseeable future, our areas need a bit more snow to go. Sorry it isnt a better report. Ski





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Like I said, Ccccccold!



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Colder yet today. check out the feels like temp. Ski

Screenshot (2).png

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Highway 17 has been closed from Soo to White River almost everyday this week. Inland we didn't get enough to write home about. Club is brushing, packing, signing, and even grooming local stuff, to gauge when and how far to go to connect other communities. I heard they groomed to the Kabi river, where we meet Hornepayne but, haven't confirmed it, and not showing on the itg yet. Wawa has land use permit issues, ice issues on Wawa lake, and snow depth issues, to fully connect their systems, from what I have heard, saw. 


We have a big system coming from the south, along with 60-80kph winds. The road will close for sure. I will keep an eye on cams and report back, later in das week. Ski





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Snow is adding up, more yellows and greens showing up around Wawa, Dub, Hornepayne. It is looking like we are almost connected north and south, we just need to connect west and we will be whole. Unfortunately there isnt much help from White River to Dub. We have one bridge that cant be crossed with a groomer, and really only Jeremy and Cynthia at the fishing moose lodge are the only ones working on that trail. They really need some help and support. We may head up to shovel out, and get a ride in, later in the week. Ski





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I received a text from Jeremy at the fishing moose lodge last night, he was going to take the bully with no drag, to pack from there to the Dubreuilville limits today, and if all went well, he would take the drag the next day. There has been 1 pass on the D trail from White River to FIshing Moose. I saw the itg has the d108a limited from dub to hwy 11 now. There was a sled accident that closed the trail near the old Bambino's truck stop near 631/hwy11 yesterday. I did not hear what happened.  Things are starting to open up. Now we need people to ride and frequent the businesses that help make this happen. Good to see you check in @matt17 It's been a minuite since we shared a trail, and some fishing. I hope things are going well in Wawa for you all! Ski 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now we're cookin with gas. Top trails are open from the Soo, all the way north and west to Marathon and Manitouwadge, and all the way to the Hearst and Northern Corridor. There is a red section or two between Chapleau and Timmins, to fully connect the Big Loop. Keep an eye on the ITG for further updates. Ski





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