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Our "Modified" RAN Tour (Now With Pics)


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Huntsville really needs to get something figured out with the 88 around hwy 11 overpass, we ride under the tracks and it always make me nervous as hell even for that 30 seconds....

X 2...I've also used that unofficial alternative (beside railway tracks) on the odd occasion and it makes me equally nervous. In addition, the section of 88 on Townline Rd. is really ugly most of the time too, except after a fresh snowfall. Getting around/through Huntsville is just a royal PITA


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Inspirational! Gotta like this aspect of this forum - touring reports. There should be a section for these tours. Thanks for taking the trouble and effort to post your trip. Our sled is packed up for our trip home today, but looking at your report, got this feeling that I should roll it off the trailer for a few hours ride this morning before leaving!

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Good idea slomo. It's a beautiful sunny day.

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I've also used that unofficial alternative (beside railway tracks) on the odd occasion and it makes me equally nervous.


TOP C goes underneath Hwy' 69 west of C105D where the highway goes over the CN tracks. Quite a span there, so the trail is a far distance from the tracks.


Inspirational! Gotta like this aspect of this forum - touring reports. There should be a section for these tours. Thanks for taking the trouble and effort to post your trip. 

I always enjoy zrtkat's reports (and the other folks) so I like to report too. There hasn't been much covered on the RAN tour, so I thought there'd be extra interest. 

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Great pics and info about your trip!


Thanks for sharing! 

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