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Everything posted by Ox

  1. I can'r be sure what I have and haven't gotten, and I understand that I'm on the wrong side of the river, but I buy 2 tags every year (and seldom actually ride groomed trail if we can help it) and I don't think that I've gotten Supertrax in quite some time, and I'm not sure aboot the Go Skidooing magazine, but it seems like there are seasons that I don't git that either, but Shirley a lot more than since I have seen a Supertrax. IDK what the stance is on sending to the other side of the river is? edit: Now watch, I'll go home tonight and find a mag in the bucket. You wait! .
  2. I would think that the fact that your wife is in the health care field would be a deterant to letting you cross as if anyone is going to be around sick people, it would be her. And It's ass_u_med that you have prolly been hanging around her recently? You would think this is Black Plague territory the way this has been let to continue, and it's not as bad as many other flu's that go around in other years. Keep propagating the scare folks!
  3. So, you are under the impression that the Halfway folks skirted on over to Sudbury for pizza and beer or what?
  4. Nope, got that one figgered out, that is some other BS rhyme. LOL!
  5. Well, sometimes I know that it was just a clearance issue. IDK if there is another reason to doo this or not. Possibly getting the body down into the cooling of the snow a bit better maybe?
  6. I just got word from Halfway that he is "in country" and planning to be open for this winters season. He does mention that it "will likely be different this year", and by that - I doubt that he knows for sure what exactly that means anymore than anybody else, but at least that means that D will be open to Wawa, and that gas and food will be available. Not that I will likely be getting my assets accrost the river this year (planning on just heading west in stead) but they did at least let these folks slip accrost. (from Michigan)
  7. I've seen the OEM's doo this already. Seems odd, but what doo I know. I've never been a fancy shock guy. If the trail is rough enough to justify fancy shocks, I will find some 'nother place to ride or slow down, not git a snowcross machine.
  8. You know - I used'ta be able to rattle that whole thing off, but now I forget how it starts out... I seem to store more and more in a zip file, and while it's still there - somewhere, some of the links seem to be broken sometimes. Can you git me started? Maybe "listen listen"? Boy, my remembery jist aint what it once was when I didn't have so much to remember....
  9. So - are they going out to the hwy to git around the park then? If they don't go through the park, then it might be useable for skidoo trail in the future? Even without the "park" consideration, I wonder if they might'a went that way anyhow - as that is big territory back in the park! There's a reason that the hwy is where it is.
  10. I have heard "new line" many times, but am still asking if this is a re-string, or a whole additional line. I am getting the pigture that it must be a second line, but just trying to be clear.
  11. I directed a chum that likes to C/C ski there last year. I guess they won't be planning on making the trip this year ....
  12. SDB (or whoever else): From a post that I read on the Wawa skidoo club facebook page - it sounds as if they are simply adding a second line next to the current hydro line, not replacing? Starting at Anjigami and heading NW. Can anyone confirm or deny? They updated the Anjigami facility in 2003, and it must be 6-8 times as large as it was before. I wonder what the porpoise for this is? They haven't built any new dams in 50 years have they? If they aren't running a new line up from down south (and - maybe that is phase II of the project, not yet scheduled?) then I would have to wonder where the extra hydro would be coming from to justify the expansion? Unless of course it is just a re-stringing of the old and not a second line?
  13. Well Shirley the porpoise of "air-chocks mahn" is to address a variable load application. Is there one 150# person on board, or two 300# people? And the second one clear to the back will count double than the front person as well. So - that is a 6 to 1 variable in load.
  14. My guess is that there likely wasn't much for hockey in many of these towns in the last many years? Unless they were staying at each other houses? Like Manitouwadge... They HAD 2 full motels in town, and you better hope they can find an empty room between the two if you roll into town and there's hockey in town this weekend! We got the last room at least once, and we were the only folks there that didn't know everyone else.* ... and then when '08 came through - they all shut down, so then what? *Kind'a like all the kids in the ski towns in Colorado. They all knew each other, and then there was a few sledders mixed in ... Subaru's and diesel trucks.... I guess we all got along OK... ???
  15. I thought that the current mine was in the Localsh area. No? Heck, they were digging a test hole near Localsh 25 years ago by now. I remember them hauling it out of there and on to (I ass_u_me) White River (well, the 614 concession anyhow) for processing almost 20 yrs ago. Those trucks would make that road at Localsh - built up out of swamp dirt - just shake when they would roll by! I have doubt that _ that road would hold up to too much traffic like that, but I ass_u_me that they doo the processing on site now... Like normal - it's either feast or famine in the north... 10 year cycles +/- OK, so if logging has taken off aggin, then why are they moving the mill? Are they hauling it back to QB? Or just moving it locally? I'm kind'a wondering if they are trying to git away from the hometown in hopes of getting help and such - if Dub is, or is to become so busy? As for the "Industrial Park"? I'll believe that when I see it.
  16. SDB: Would you like to expand on the uptick @ Dub? Is the mill back open aggin or what? Shirley that mill couldn't take THAT many employees can it? Is there more going on (new) than that?
  17. Well, romping through the bush - not so concerned. But running down the road is a horse of a differ'nt colour. I took the "shortcut" trail up to Halfway last spring - and I'm sure that I have deeper keels than most of you - but I was clipping stones a lot. And there was a lot more snow on those roads than there is in this pic. I don't think that my boy's dual runner Doo skis (Simmons knock-offs) ever hit anything tho.
  18. Looks like an '80's Doo clutch. You sure that it is STILL hot enough to heat supper from after all these years? We used too have Hotdoggers on our sleds, but the novelty of that wore off a long time ago. I'm good with a bag of chips, jerky, Debbies, or whatever else to git through the day at this point. I s'pose for someone that is able to ride from home most of the time - it's not that big'a deal, but when my sled hits the snow - I Shirley don't want to sit around half the day dick'n with a dad blamed fire or whatnot. I have already carried Sterno stove on my 4wheeler and used that in the bush too. Not sure I will doo that aggin or not?
  19. That's gotta be hard on your ski runners!
  20. Second verse, same as the first.... There are only 4 dealers in all of Canada that snow-checked any Kitty's this year? And of those 4, they sold 732 of them? Why doo I git the feeling that someone did a poor job of understanding the info they were given?
  21. Is Black Creek open this year? I don't see any signs of life from Halfway yet.
  22. I put this rack on my sled that is for a Grand Touring, and I really like it! I just toss an ATV bag in and go. The bag isn't tied down, it just fits like a glove, but I doo have bungees holding the shovel on, so ... I got new aftermarket muffs as well as my old (and I mean OLD!) Doo muffs were long wasted. I wouldn't want these for trail riding tho I don't think. These light weight ones like to blow up off your hands, but for what we doo - they are the cats meow. I have a set of the old, real heavy muffs with the wool (?) inside that go quite a ways up your fore-arm, and are plenty stiff to not move an inch, but those don't go off-trail werth a hoot. Still sporting the 1990's Doo tank bag. Is there anything out there that is anywhere near what that is these days? Oh yeah, my '90's helmet too. LOL! I hated the newer ones that I tried on. So I stock up on the model that I like whenever one the right size and condition come up on ebay. I would really like to build a perminent gas tank on this yet, but just not gotten a plan together that I liked yet, so I just toss a 2 gal jerry on the back and go, but it's not that nice...
  23. Well, it looks like he's Done....
  24. I don't think that this has been mentioned in this h'yah thread yet, but it was in the current SnowTech magazine that while Minnesnowta had kicked the sledders out, Wisconsin had open arms and was essentially having their own Hayday's over there somewhere.
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