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Everything posted by skidooboy

  1. play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I wish these idiots would have to sign a legal waiver stating, if they get into an accident, have a head injury, or worse, their personal assets are charged, not an insurance company. that would make people think twice. ok, maybe not. Ski
  2. If cat would have offered this with a dual rail set up, I would be all over it. not sold on the single rail, with all the track, and rail issues they are having. we ride too much trail, to the play areas to be on a single rail, tippy sled. Ski
  3. dubreuilville is in Algoma Health region, Chapleau is in Sudbury region. the two could not be linked, per health regulations. dub no longer connects directly to chapleau and hasnt for many years. now you must link from searchmont, wawa, aubrey falls, to chapleau. Dub could not link to Hornepayne for the same reason. marathon, to white river/dub, same issue. different districts. Ski
  4. same way we feel about our little slice of heaven. so much crown land, logging roads, bush trails, heritage trails. can ride for days, never touch the same piece of ground. short cuts, long ways around, portages, lake, river running.... never the same, always something new. Ski
  5. the bad thing is, with conditions like this is, the clubs cant groom, if the night time temps dont drop below freezing. it will only make things worse. the warm wet snow just balls up, and sticks to the drag. best scenario is temps that drop just before dark, until about 10am or so. gives the club, groomer, and mother nature, to help fix the traffic damage. Ski
  6. they asked you to do that because they pay HUGE fees to the online booking sources. this saves them money, and you money. I am sure you can appreciate that. just ask Mo at the NL motel in Wawa, on how much the booking services get. Ski
  7. guess they dont want looping, touring riders there. usually we would stage at a hotel, leave rigs, ride for 3-5 days, return, load up, stay another night, and drive home. they received payment for 2 or more nights lodging, depending how long we stayed, the plan, loop etc... now, if it is a tiny parking area, I can see the need for offsite parking, when you are not onsite but, I wouldnt be excited about staying there again. a couple times in wawa years ago, we had to park offsite, not a fan. voiced my displeasure with my wallet. Ski
  8. lightning is a lesser model than the "regular full legend". look at skin thickness, framing, stud walls, and axle. most of the lightning will have standard leaf spring axle, over the torsion. there is a difference in pricing, and resale. 7' wide will tow nicer than the 8'+ wide, in the wind. not a fan of the front door, or fuel doors, to me they introduce another place to leak. but, with that said, if you dont get one long enough to pull straight in, and stagger the towables... backing one in to load sucks!!! good luck with your decision, and purchase. Ski
  9. thanks @Re:Leaf, maybe next year all the trails will open, the border will be open, and you guys and gals can set up a loop ride, and we can do an old fashioned OC ride in. we need a family reunion after all this. ride safe! have fun, take lots of pics, as @zrtkat says, we enjoy living through your pics, stories, descriptions, when we cant be there ourselves. say hi to the gang for us. Ski
  10. good choice, not that you had one. LOL! My wife is usually the one who kicks my butt, and says, load up, stop whining, let's go! usually ends up great too. safe travels to both of you. hope it is a good week off, and great riding. Ski
  11. keep posting these @1049, Mark! he cant resist those pics, no matter how hard he tries. enjoy your rides boys and girls. doo it, for those who cant be with you! ski
  12. go td, go... looks like warmth and a bit of rain, then snow. town will get wiped out for roads, hotel, fuel but, the trails will survive and be decent. once it cools down, they will start grooming again. go up, relax, ride when you can, enjoy friends, when you cant. as stated above, you will kick yourself, if you dont. or you may do worse, if people start posting up how good it actually is. showing a good snowfall for weds, too. https://www.theweathernetwork.com/ca/weather/ontario/hearst spring riding in effect, wait until later in the day to ride, when the trail softens up. you will also get a few days to get used to the time change, that is a huge bonus. you dont have to do it, while trying to go to work. Lynne and I always took the week after the change, for that reason. longer days, warmer, have time to adjust to the time change. you and @Mrs Turbo Doo, should go up and enjoy yourselves. you work hard, and deserve a break, from work, and the last year. Ski
  13. not a fan of the tipped up rails on the skid frames. polaris has changed their line up, and built on their success and failures. new line up looks great. Ski
  14. why do the decals have to yell? asking for a friend. Ski
  15. I carry sanitizer in all my vehicles, when sledding it is in the backpack, or dash bag. same on the dirt bike, and street bike. again, I have been doing this for years. winter is cold and flu season, I assume everyone is sick until I prove it otherwise. you have to decide how much risk and precautions you want to take/provide. before all this started I was a germofobe, I really havent changed what I do, except avoid people more. Ski
  16. that is why you hand sanitize before pumping, and again after. or, protective glove up prior, and dispose of the gloves (properly) after (then sanitize). limits your exposure, and limits your possibility of exposing others. I have been doing this for years! Ski
  17. wasnt knocking, or mocking them, was more of a public service announcement, to help those plan for their ride around the closure. trying to keep everyone safe, and having good rides, & good memories. but, I see your point, I could have worded it a bit different. Ski
  18. Basecamp is saying the entire loop is closed to the canyon for Wednesday, on the book of feces. plan accordingly. guessing they wont be there to fuel you up, if you decide to ignore the warning, and closure. your results may vary. Ski
  19. you guys can, always have been able to... just have to fly across the border. us on the other hand have no option. Ski
  20. wouldnt that be nice for U.S residents with property in Ontario? Ski
  21. as stated above, closures asked about are from health unit borders. Ski
  22. the companion and the queens are now both owned by the same owner. Ski
  23. article I was referring to: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-canada-is-sleepwalking-into-a-third-wave-and-it-could-be-the-worst-one/?fbclid=IwAR09A7A7tC6m0bZd-Cae1b_Q_1aLJjZRz5PqQho5PiKpmOs8RiBqIfVu8j0 Ski
  24. getting ready for the next round of "issues"... I saw yesterday the fear mongers are already talking about the Canadian third wave of the virus, talking about, it could be the worse than the previous 2. we are never getting out of this. SMH. ready to sell our place, so I can get my belongings back, and move on with my life. Ski
  25. good luck on finding cat parts anywhere. if the dealer doesnt have them in stock, cat/textron backorders just about EVERYTHING. Sorry for your mishap, I wish you luck on the repairs, and parts finding. Ski
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