Owen Sound trail from the Bayshore community centre/East side boat launch is finally open. Plenty of parking. Best Western Inn on the bay is also located right there.
Unfortunately we have no trails other than the railbed open. It's about 35kms from the trail head to the first available loop at Berkeley.
I don't know how long the restaurant or its owners have owned the parking area across the sideroad. It was a bulk fuel depot at one time many years ago.
Mount Forest Drifters confirmed that the lot across from the restaurant also belongs to the Spot. I have parked there for over 15 years and believe the 'P' icon for parking has been on the map since before the use of the ITG name. So, it seems that the only thing that has changed is that the parking toll is now closer to mandatory. I have dined at the Spot more often than I have parked at their lot, so I don't feel guilty. Maybe restaurant ownership has changed over time, or there are more 'parkers' using the lot now who don't have a meal there.
I see that the 'closed' section of B111 just east of highway 6 is now 'open' yellow.