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Strong Farmer

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Everything posted by Strong Farmer

  1. Buy it tonight still have time. 200 is better then 280 and you still get same amount of riding time 😆. a few winters ago i trailed to milverton to ride about half a dozen times. Trails were great 😎.
  2. I dont find ts skis bad at all. I guess I spent too much time on a Yamaha before 🤦‍♂️.
  3. Not in Ontario though. Lots are doing just corn and bean rotations because of higher returns or higher land prices and rents. Wheat acres in Ontario last year where just over 1 million. 5 year running average js 3.0 million acres. I can rember 4 or 5 million acres of wheat in Ontario 20 years ago.
  4. Only good thing more and more farmers are avoiding wheat crops in the rotation. Not all but there is allot less wheat out there currently then 10 years ago.
  5. I agree my farm insurance went up by almost 20 percent. Paying over 20 k to ensure everything now minus my toys 🤦‍♂️.
  6. Just got mine too. Just under 567 for full coverage on a 2017 skidoo.
  7. Sign near halfway heaven so it be close to 130 km’s from half way to chapleau.
  8. All I remember is if you follow road from moose horn down to trail you save 16 km’s heading towards chapleau. I burned about 10L to halfway from moose using short cut I think it was just over 40 miles from lodge to halfway then another 85 miles to wawa or somthing like that. We took trail 5 and by passed it, last time with good hard packed trail conditions. That day we could have made wawa without filling up at halfway but bought 10L and skipped wawa that day and went straight to dub. You can also take the lake but I wouldn’t do it without knowing conditions at the time, instead of road. That keep you from back tracking too. Shepard morses road ends at trail. Only plowed a km or so past moose horn, but sides are usually iced up. Wide Goat trail after plowed section ends at trail.
  9. None in stock but can order them and they delivery then to you in about a week.
  10. https://www.royaldistributing.com/ca_en/snowtracker-steering-stabilizer-extreme-carbide-kit-for-ski-doo-19226.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIw9OQr4KHggMV8y3UAR0mkwUEEAQYAiABEgIXoPD_BwE 🤷🏽‍♂️
  11. If you take short cut near cheapleai can shave off 16 km’s I think it was. Lots. Run sheapard Morse road that is un plowed about 1 km past moose horn lodge. It’s always a well packed goat trail. It meets trail at end of road.
  12. Nice maybe someone should grab a sample and do a test 😆.
  13. Why is that 🤔 Snail mail where you live?
  14. Funny thing is sledders carried magpie for awhile then they booked up with mine and I think lumber mill has started back up too. Now only a few maybe 4 or so rooms left for sledders.
  15. Can’t wait to see what colour permits are this year. Anyone have a guess 🤔.
  16. Merry thanksgiving 😆
  17. Good weather it won’t be a problem with 10L of gas. Bad weather it might not be enough if you get a burst of fresh snow and drifts. Group ride have to take turns breaking trail to make it. Half way was safety net. Get fuel bite to it and wait it out.
  18. Without heat in winter those buildings will rot fast. No way to heat them without fuel and that means keeping road open to bring in fuel and check place. Thats a big expense without any revenue. They really need a new location closer to a road to be viable.
  19. Your right, I thought they said it needed a million dollars a few years ago in repairs and that’s one reason they closed. Wanted dollars from Canadian government. Maybe it be heritage site soon and it will qualify 🙏. longer it sites bigger that bill will be to bring it back.
  20. Yikes. Can you change blade on those or is that not in any more either?
  21. Too early to tell. Hopefully we get some cold in December but once it gets cold lakes will fire up the squalls and burry usually area’s no doubt. Your right Ontario will have riding some where within a stone throw of barrie this winter. I buy permit save 80 bucks and if I only use it a few times. Who cares. I support something I enjoy with my hard earned dollars.
  22. That was last good year here. I think clubs logged 12 to 13 weeks in southern Ontario that year. last year we had like 3 days of open trails 🤬. not surprising after golfers were out for two weeks in plus 14 C weather in early January here 🤦‍♂️. a few years ago wasn’t too bad here. Maybe 8 weeks of open trails I believe. Been a few years since it’s been decent here no doubt. Time for a change 🙏
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