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Everything posted by Sledguy74

  1. Groomer is out this morning boys ..... time to ride
  2. Trails are pretty out here some trail changes between Teviotdale and Arthur but all are groomed, truck stop not too busy today
  3. Anyone know why there is a small section on the B110 into Dundalk is still red ?
  4. Wish we’d get some snow tonight to ad to the ride tomorrow not forecast much locally
  5. The B109 was in nice shape up past Drayton, I didn’t have enough fuel to get to Arthur but that trail was hard packed and smooth!! will be heading that way again soon
  6. Gotta out of work early and did a shake down ride first for the season 47 miles saw around 15 or so riding some trucks and trailers at the lions park in Elmira and the church in Drayton nice sunny day , trails were decent for a first ride
  7. I rode from Elmira to Tobermory new years weekend in 1995 with two buddies, 286 miles one way on a 1987 Indy 600 it was one long day and I was never so sore and tired in my life but at least I had some suspension lol pretty impressed with what they did in 71
  8. This weekend will mark the 50th anniversary my parents and their friends took the trek from Owen Sound to Tobermory. The story made it to newspaper and this picture was taken in Tobermory when they got there. I cannot imagine riding on a 1971 skidoo 440 with two adults that far no trails back them just used cottage roads and hydro line. One of the group worked for Ontario hydro and know where to get gas and oil for the trek up and back. A hotel owner opened up some rooms for them as it would normally be closed for the season
  9. Fuel cooler sprung a leak......all fixed and ready
  10. B110 open down to Orangeville now unfortunately duramax is in getting a fuel leak fixed...
  11. Looks like Seaforth to Listowel has opened up (yellow) on the interactive map
  12. Club saying there are out with groomers trying to get things opened up for weekend Will have to wait and see
  13. https://www.myhealthunit.ca//en/news/index.aspx?newsId=f0c499ae-459a-4acb-b8d8-f5dbab77584f just read same thing
  14. More cold and snow forecast for the week Hope it actually shows up!
  15. Saw about 12 sleds out west of Elmira in small groups. Some new and old iron its pretty thin but the groomed fields looked ok
  16. Noticed the local trails are open now too but with +2 C forecast for today I didn't feel like going out
  17. Nice to see some Sunday morning snow here in the south !
  18. Never complained about oil price, use amsoil or Polaris . Schaeffer was a brand I never heard of.
  19. Ya I hear you, just curious if anyone used it and how it worked I saw the ad and was just curious
  20. Saw as on Snowmobiler TV for Schaeffer synthetic 2-stroke oil.......anyone heard of it? use it ? thx
  21. Looks like we got lucky in the south, not much rain at all, and a few cms of snow Glad the weather man was wrong this time!
  22. Not related but was reading the crazy cost to renew in California..... glad I don’t live there ! ..Registration Fee: $46.00. California Highway Patrol Fee: $23.00. Vehicle License Fee: 0.65% vehicle's value.
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