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Everything posted by 1049

  1. Agich,s Kaby kabins . Don’t worry I’m not staying at Uncles!!
  2. Hornepayne spending the night down there
  3. Nice night for a ride.Rode all the loops around Hearst today all in pretty good shape getting a little choppy by tonight
  4. Looks very similar to this end of town
  5. Yup that was us just getting supper at Chuck’s
  6. Just turning around and heading north again 15 c just south of Latchford
  7. A little warm in Timmins . And things that make you say WTF
  8. Kinda messy in cochrane going to make a run for the truck and move it to Kap today
  9. Go for it .January is along ways off . Last year after the border closed we drove to Dubreuilville 14 hours for the last two days of riding Patrick called me and told us the trails were closing midnight Saturday the 21 a trip missed Is one you will never get back !!!!!
  10. It’s all part of the fun if everything went perfect we would have nothing to talk about lol
  11. We were the only ones at the Advantage last night I’m sure you could get a room
  12. That’s where we stayed last night nothing fancy but clean $98 with tax the Casey is a Chuck’s also
  13. I would still skip the canyon ride straight to Hearst and ride over there
  14. If the rain would have held off a bit longer I was going to move my truck to Kap tonight hopefully tomorrow I can swim to it lol
  15. It won’t be the best you are probably better going to Hearst and riding the loops north of Hearst it’s in much better shape over there
  16. Just road it today yellow is definitely appropriate it’s getting thin in a lot of places .East side is better but there’s about two Kms of road running that’s pretty much bare 15 Kms south of the canyon
  17. It’s raining in Cochrane now has been for about two hours not hard we rode in the rain for about a hour coming back from the canyon. Hopefully not much my truck is in Timmins was going to go get it and bring it up here but was starting to get wet though
  18. Thanks for going to Kap I just took your room at westway Lol
  19. Ski doo the ones Blake has they work great
  20. Especially if his Wife finds out his girlfriend is pregnant lol
  21. Man you guys worry to much I told everyone it will be fine Hahaha
  22. In Kap now eating lunch . It was -13 in Hearst this morning the sun is shining about +3 now things are still 99% . If we don’t get much rain things will be fine don’t leave home with out scratchers !
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