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zrtkat last won the day on August 17

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About zrtkat

  • Birthday 12/25/1956

Profile Information

  • Location
    Berlin Center,Ohio
  • Main Riding Area
  • Sled
    2024 Arctic -Cat Catalyst
  • Previous and/or Other Sleds
    polaris fusion,xc800,AC crosstour, Arctic -Cat crosstrek
  • 16/17 Mileage
    2500 mi
  • 13/14 Mileage
    2,345 miles
  • Interests
    hunting,snowmobiling,fishing,horses,hay farmer
  • Gender

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  1. Thanks for the update hoping the trails hold up heading up Sunday hoping to Temiscaming but might have to make the drive to Valdor. Greg
  2. If we go might have to drive to Val for and start from there . There are no rooms available at the temrose for the date we wanted to start so we are just waiting and see what develops with this weather.
  3. Well we where going to start in Temiscaming To Val+for To pouir De lacs 100 To st raymond To Roberval To Chibouqamau To Val -dor Back to Temiscaming Was going on the 18th but cancelled trip postponed it another week and will see what happens. Not too promising this year might still have a brand new sled next year with no miles on it.
  4. Hopefully the following week has some snow in the forecast.
  5. We have 2 brand new 600 Catalyst Riots hoping to put our first miles on them starting February 19th if everything goes well Should have put on 2000 miles on them at end of trip will give you my opinion of the new chassis . Hopefully the weather cooperates with us in Quebec. Zrtkat
  6. zrtkat


    That's why we put our reservation in early get all our rooms booked figures it might get busy towards the end of the month. Hopefully they get more snow before our launch date of the 19th of February. Greg
  7. They are starving their dealers that's why there has been a lot of dealers in my area are no longer with Arctic cat.closest dealer to me is over a hour away.
  8. I ordered my new sled for next year didn't think it was going to happen the website went down at 9:00 am could not get through. It was back and running and we got 2 new sleds ordered. I am getting too old to be handling those heavy Turbos so should be happy and also went with a 146" track .
  9. He told me to try to Order online from Arctic cat on Tuesday and if I get in to order I can pick him to deliver the new Arctic cat. Will see what happens but pretty sure the website will be over whelmed with people trying to order. Greg,
  10. Well I built my new Arctic cat online and they send it too the dealer for a quote,he replies with a quote. Pre-order does not start till March 7th my dealer calls me this morning tells me Arctic cat allocated him so many sleds and the one I ordered is not available. Snowmobile ordering has surely changed since my last new one in 2017. Greg
  11. zrtkat

    Mont lauier

    We stayed at the comfort inn in mt Laurier nice place restaurant on site ,they have a place where you lock your sleds up overnight with cables and it is monitored. Do not know about hot tubs though. Zrtkat
  12. Merry Christmas 🌲crazy weather here in Ohio ,they say by the weekend going to be close to 60 degrees. Zrtkat and Crew
  13. Looking good 😊 great scenery let us know how much snow you got there after the storm . Good day to get to the hotel early with the storm approaching.
  14. Looks like a beautiful day for snowmobiling mark looks like buetiful trails, scenery, good times, looks like a snow storm heading your way be careful , Greg
  15. knob !" Please explain why I am a Knob ??? Whatever that means ??????
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