UPDATE. Not 1 sled get stuck, but 3 sleds, and a side by side trying to recover a sled. Its no wonder trails get closed.
This sign is not a suggestion. It means closed. In this case it's because of 3 ft of water over the trail, and flowing water over bridges.
Yesterday we got a call from an upset landowner. Someone got stuck on the closed trail, and decided it would be a good idea to drive a jeep down the trail to recover the sled. This is private property. OPP were called. Charges were laid.
If we are unable to satisfy this landowner, we will have to reroute the trail. Requiring 6 km of road running to bypass his properties.
This morning, on the way by, a side by side is stuck in the same spot.
Trails are closed for a reason. Stay off closed trails.
No one wants 6 km of road running.
Some self entitled snowmobiler ruined the end of an awesome season for our club and volunteers. Without landowners we will not have a trail system.
Do better, and to those who obey the signs, and IATG, thank you. 1 person can ( and did) ruin it for us all.
Did a little 60km run with my wife this afternoon. Rode some of the Buckhorn and Twin Mountains(Bobcaygeon) trails. All were in 8/10 or better!
Came across this nice Jeep on our trails quite a few kms in. Had a talk with him and his girlfriend and got him headed the right way! SMH
Parking lot 1 was a full house. Many people getting their last ride in. Will do mine tmo.👍