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Everything posted by stoney

  1. When did CAT stop the 1098? I thought a couple of years ago, which would think based on CAT now relying solely on the 998 YAMI mill, they had an agreement in place for x number of years to provide motors. And really, why would YAMI not want to still supply engines - not sure if the 998 is used on other platforms that YAMI supplies. Hopefully they still supply the motors as that is for sure the strength in that portion of the CAT line up.
  2. I am not seeing motor production will stop, just snowmobiles - I assume they will still produce the engine that CAT also uses....maybe I am wrong though.
  3. Can’t comment on comparisons other than a 900 turbo to a turbo R that at idle didn’t sound any different that was noticeable. A idle I feel mine is very quiet, slightly louder if in sport since it idles a bit higher at rest. Under load, you hear the turbo for sure.
  4. When I ran the two smoke I did the same, bought the one litre containers, taped lids and waited until sled took full litre to use entire container - never had an issue. One litre containers also packed better too.
  5. Or maybe a split gas/oil can - I’m guessing you won’t see a stackable fuel or oil caddy.
  6. You need to pay close attention to what LinQ accessories you buy - some of them are designed so you cannot stack other accessories on top, I assume so you do not overload the tunnel seeing as liquid is likely the heaviest thing straped to the rear. I have the 4 gallon gas container, that can hold oil too if you wish, that allows me to strap a bag to the top as well. There is a chart that gives you what options you have that can or cannot be stacked.
  7. Sure - wasn’t my point though (about being able to fly, drive, etc…) Just that there was zero checks, asks, etc…entering the US pertaining to the clot shot (lol - thanks Aaron). This was for me and the other 10 guys heading over in our group, as well anyone else I saw in the line ups at Pearson. Seeing ArcticCrusher post may explain why though the update/change. A friend who flew a couple months ago however did have an issue, no clot shot, no fly from Pearson, denied….drove to buffalo and flew from there instead…lol
  8. "clot shot"....LMAO, I like that!
  9. FYI - flying to the US from Canada last month and there were zero mention of experimental poke compliance, but as mentioned, it seems to be hit or miss.
  10. "Political challenges of todays bubble wrapped workforce" or "Blackstar's search for good honest employees not afraid to put in a solid day of physical work" lol
  11. Oh ya, anyone know how the new owners of Robinson are doing 😜
  12. Does the three month probation not still exist, that can be extended to six if after three things are border line? And you can let any employee go within that probation period without cause.
  13. LOL, very creative excuses. I agree, there are other ways to get to work vs. your own car....that is if you really want too! I remember when the five guys I use to work with years ago on a crew would all meet at one home and car pool from there to the jobs sites, even picked up a guy if needed along the way - there are always ways around things.
  14. When you consider the cost for a young person to own a car and the wages they likely make, it’s not surprising when the car breaks down that it puts them in a bad spot. Not saying it’s right or what’s he is asking for is, just something that I know I’ve thought of many times, especially when you consider fewer and fewer people either have the skill set, tools or want to work on their own cars, that saves you huge. I know I was and still am lucky to be able too because I hate spending that money to have a person fix my vehicle or stuff…..I guess something my dad bestowed in me at a young age. Besides, the bank is more likely to give him a car loan before they give him a loan to fix a car…lol
  15. Yep, same issue elsewhere - the other guys busting their buts want the same level from the "new guy", otherwise it does not work out and move on to next person, which sadly take many attempts. Good luck!
  16. Yep - same here, replaced my basement floor a few years ago in the old part of the house - existing one was garbage, thin, no gravel/drainage, etc.... Received one quote, few said they would quote, but never submitted. The one quote was almost double what I was willing to pay and the guy called me to ask what I thought, told him thanks but you are 12K more than what I figured it would cost hiring someone and no way you have that much wiggle room, so did it myself with the wife and cost less than half of what I expected it would cost hiring someone, she ran the mini ex and I did all the grunt work.... Kids helped spreading the gravel out in the basement too! We are still "happily" married as well, most days.....lol
  17. I agree this is the case now more than ever before, sadly. But, makes those that are willing to do the physical work, that much more valuable.
  18. Clearly much too hard “physical” work … 🤔 And Blackstar being a slave driver perhaps….lol
  19. LOL, they had shoes, good for them, they were spoiled Yes, times have changed, but I think some hard physical work at any age (for those that are capable), especially younger age, is good, regardless of era!
  20. Sounds like perfect fit for young kids looking for some summer employment, spent outside, etc...... Earn some money, enjoy our nice summers and get some much needed exercise! I am not sure what the pay is, but I assume it is higher than the normal summer type student jobs given being a more physical type of job......pretty sure it used to be. I was just talking to a grandparent at hockey about this, he used to do pool work in the summer when he was off all summer being a teacher, he worked along side a couple of local NHL players too that did the same thing with summers off, do not recall the names of the guys - obviously going back quite a while and would not happen in todays world.
  21. Very sad and unfortunate for the gentleman, family & friends. It seems as though it was a single person collision and no mention of other circumstances causing the accident. Seems like there are less accidents/deaths this year, not sure if that is an accurate statement or not.....hopefully there have been less.
  22. Curious, what options for jobs did your daughter have at 14 years old that she could work at? I thought you needed to be 15 to work at most places you see kids at i.e. Timmies, McD, grocery store, etc..... But maybe its 14 or perhaps lower.
  23. Paper delivery might be one still done by younger kids - although all I see now are adults doing it, but I think because there are no kids looking to do it. That was my first job, delivered the Toronto Star, made some good coin for candy, arcade, etc.....tips was where it was at....lol
  24. You’re such a mean father….😝 I think some of the challenges now are jobs we used to be able to do at younger ages, are no longer possible until you are certain age.
  25. Yes, that’s what I’m talking about. Parents now are not following in their parents foot prints with those values, ethics, etc….like get a job, pull your weight, forcing your child to accept responsibility, etc… Those same values we were taught from our parents that have stuck with some and lost with others….I’m sure there is a timeline where more evident in some age groups vs others. Crispy states reasons for this, like both parents working possibly creating this, which I think is partially true, but parents can still be relevant in kids life while working…is it also the gaming thing vs. getting outside, there are no losers, etc….anymore. Clearly we know now there is a lack of backbone in many, so going along with things that your parents would not have for fear of being different, not following the narrative.
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