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Everything posted by Spiderman

  1. And they will get 3. I filled my rink up yesterday - the snow is going to be an issue for me - but looking at the 14 day - it'll be a pool again in about 7 days.
  2. No, we like to pretend and "think" we're better. We're not.
  3. Diesel are polluters - too focused on saving the environment here - meanwhile in other parts of the world - their interest level in saving the environment is less than 0.
  4. I bought a 4L jug of oil yesterday for the first time in a long time - sticker shock!
  5. My lawn is still green - so there's that
  6. Was up through the Elora/Elmira area yesterday - everything staked and looks ready to go - need a little more cold and some snow though. Nice to see the signs up etc. - it at least gets the needle moving.
  7. Watch them - you'll see how many times the prices are dropped or how long they take to not sell. Tough slugging for a lot of people
  8. Saw that, then the next day saw the Unions for those employees are going to challenge them being forced back lol:
  9. Commercial stinks. Lack of tenants - lack of tenants paying rent.
  10. I don't see the real estate market rebounding to where it was anytime soon. I think those days are done done
  11. Unless the MSVA states it does - or vice versa - then no. With that in mind, I would say there is wording there somewhere. My father got a failing to stop for a stop sign ticket In Kearney - at a road crossing - never crossed over or showed on an abstract. Not sure where the lines blur/meet if at all.
  12. Some of the "dreamers" paid too much at the wrong time and are going to have to accept it's only worth what someone is willing to pay today. People currently selling homes they bought in the last 5 years are having a very harsh reality check as an example. There will be loads of inventory in everything soon - if you have cash on hand -you'll find some great deals.
  13. Rules of the road are HTA. Sleds fall under MSVA ( could state HTA applies ) but then no tickets or fines transfer over, so not sure.
  14. Asks are out of touch. The market is correcting quickly.
  15. lol - that was a debacle - that followed the by "rush" platform has kept me off them since. When I go back to new it will be a Polaris though - they're back doing great things.
  16. The PWC market is pretty small - so who knows. All I know is we did not get our two - and sure glad we kept the other two.
  17. We have the lowboy - tows/pulls nicely - very happy with it.
  18. Moving parts need to move - for sure helps
  19. I saw more in the ditches around Stratford yesterday
  20. See banks quarterly profits right now from a year ago? They are LOVING the interest rate hikes!
  21. Nanny states assumes nobody is exercising good judgement because there are a few cans around. Its ridiculous
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