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Everything posted by Ox

  1. I couldn't find a legend for the map. Am eye blind?
  2. That makes sense as it would be cheaper to haul up that as opposed to rail and THEN truck the rest of the way. [for the mine - not for the town only] But what doo you mean that the mine is closed already? Good grief - it just opened! Wiki doesn't seem to know anything aboot it closing. ???
  3. Yeah, I've been there over the 1st/4th one year. I have never been so uncomfortably HOT in my life! I'm sure that it was a fluke, but if it git's hot and calm, all that muskeg turns to a humidity machine! And the "Friendly Flies" (real name - look'm up) will make you go berzerk! Couldn't agree more on the KFC either. We took the bus tour, which ended in the dump, and I wish that we had a camera at the ready, but I kid you not - this black bear come along and picked up an [presumably] empty bucket of KFC and plopped his assets right down in a Lazy Boy that was lookin' ratt at us in the bus (it was just me, the Mrs., and the driver). Mrs. Ox said that all he needed was a remote yet! Yes, we took the train. Prox 20 yrs ago. I really don't see the value in the winter road? Who pays for that? The train still runs, so - other than being able to git'cher pick-up down to pavement to go someplace (anyplace!) else for a bit, I jist don't see the concern aboot supplies and whatnot. The train is there 3 times a week eh?
  4. It must have been '99 (?) when there just wasn't any snow at all, and then a big 3' dump the week of Christmas. The Lafarge lady from Searchmont said that it was hard to git in the Christmas spirit when there's no white, as they all but never are green that late in the year. But again - they got 3 or 3-1/2' in one dump - JIT for Christmas. And we was there to put tracks in it!
  5. What are you dooing in Moosonee anyhow? Just topping up the gas tanks eh? I'm sure that you could git sumpthin' to eat as well, but - so you don't fetch a meal, no biggie. ??? You're staying at Tozers camp several klicks south of town anyhow.... (in the pic) Folks really git me - like the statement above aboot 15 people that you don't know. It's always the other guy that's the problem. Shirley it wouldn't anyone in YOUR group that could come down with sumpthin' next?
  6. We learned many years ago to go when the core of the group wants to go, and not try to occomidate others. Just as you said - "those less dedicated"... There have been times when "this" weekend looked good for us, but someone else that wanted to go couldn't make that weekend werk asked if we could go the next weekend in stead? Then when "next" weekend comes, they end up bailing anyhow... and that weekend was not so good for us, but we made it werk... When possible - I like to schedule around the weather forecast these days. I've got my "-40*" T-shirt now. Dooing it again and again doesn't really change anything at this point, and my boy can't feel part of his chin from riding at -30*, so ...
  7. By the looks of the approach and exit, I'd say that he does that QUITE regularly.
  8. Ox


    Just think if one day _ Thunder Bay might get on board, and folks in town might be tempted to buy snowmachines, and be able to ride from home, and then it would be feasible for D/A to connect all the way to Minnesnowta by an actual maintained trail. And just think if that actually happened by the time I'm too old to be bouncing around off trail! (should that day come) And then maybe trails could be maintained up and through the Kenora area.... Oh my ... Just pondering possibilities... .
  9. Ox


    Timmins Snowmobile Club DdSateuScembeuliduoar 8 satt p9loe:aiol15 nhsPoriMehdl · It’s official! Tonight at Timmins City Council the bylaw amendment to allow snowmobile access to the proposed designated streets was passed unanimously. The Timmins Snowmobile Club would like to thank everyone involved in making this proposal a success. We would also like to remind all snowmobilers to ensure that this bylaw is reviewed and that guidelines/rules are followed. We will provide more information and post the official bylaw as soon as we can. We are looking forward to a great season! https://www.facebook.com/timminssnowmobileclub/ .
  10. But it already IS a factor! We have a sled in the bush and can't git to it, and can't ride there this winter either! My old sledding chum hasn't ridden with me (or anyone much for that matter) since his kids were born, starting around 2008 I think. He was all geared up to head to Halfway this year! AND he wanted to head west with us too! So he called me up a month'r two ago and asked aboot deadline for git'n the nice price on OFSC permits? I told him that the bridge was closed to all Yanks - including Yoopers. (Munising) "Oh! I didn't know that." So then he backed out on heading west now too under the premise that he $pent all his $$$ on home improvements and more sleds so that everyone in the whole fam damly have their own sled now. And then my boy has now backed out on heading west now too - under the reason of time. He could git a day to head north, but he would need to take at least 3 days to head west, and his company made them take 2 weeks off earlier and use their vacation time for it, and he was NOT a happy camper. So now it's just me and my "headin' west" chum now, and he texted me the other day to tell me that we need to be back right soon after New Years as his wife is fetchin' a new knee soon after, so hard to say if he will be able to head back out by March or not? (prolly, but who knows if Biden will even allow us to by then?) So - that's my season ..... .
  11. Boy - that was a lesson! I thought - Shirley that is further N than 49, but - nope, aboot dead smack on!
  12. A 2by worked fine on my chums Chevelle. Then you're always sliding off the bloody seat!
  13. So - that takes "travel" (compression) out of one helix of the spring?
  14. I'm guessing that the "club sled" is a wide track with a hitch?
  15. Ox

    Rain or snow

    Yeah, I had people telling me all late last week "a foot of snow on Monday". Huh? But when I checked or heard a forecast, I didn't hear anything of the like. Like we need a foot of snow on top of mud? We prolly did have a cpl inches on the ground at one point, but it's gone now.
  16. Yeah, you doo want to let it warm up, but starting regularly is good to keep the carbs fresh. I love the new machine with the fuel infection and all. I can go to the garage and fire it up and walk away. It shuts down in a few minutes if no rider input, so I might have to go fire it back up one more time. Rust inside the motor can normally be pointed to synthetic oil, as it has very little "sticky" to cling to surfaces. I wouldn't run synthetic in an older machine. I've never seen any rust inside any of my motors. .
  17. The "club sled" eh? I wonder if there is some way that I can write off my sled/expenses?
  18. Yeah, but the CK3 chassis went through 2003, and RER came out in 200.5 (?) on the Ser III Twin motors. So there was a 2-3 year overlap, but I don't think the trippples ever got it, but I could be wrong. There WAS sumpthing special aboot the last cpl year 800 blocks, but now I don't recall what that was. Maybe it was RER, but I don't remember any more.... I was thinking that it might be more like 780 / 800+ CC's or ???
  19. Was the FIII mentioned prior? I missed it... When I was lookin' to fetch a new sled back in '01, I threatened to buy a used Mach1 - which I believe had the single pipe - and long track it, but I ended up splurging to the new Zx Summit. No RER on trippples either.... Hmmm, I guess RER is not possible on the 580/670 with rotary valves, but the trippples with reeds - should actually have been possible, but I don't think that they ever bothered? .
  20. Ox

    Rain or snow

    Snow and wind and mud down here in NW corner of Ohio - for first day of gun season.
  21. Well, it sounds like you've turned a wrench before. Did you take the old bottom apart to see if/what the issue was? "A rod knockin' " isn't normal on a 2stroke. Many times in automotive - those "rods" are actually wrist pins, and will clatter for years. Put front and rear main seals in it! (checking run-out is a good idea as well.) .
  22. I was watching some vids of ladder ramps the other day, and one brand that appears to be "name brand" (I don't recall what it was) appeared to have forked tangs for at the tailgate so that it doesn't come up on you when loading. My ramps don't have that - and we have eaten the back of my truck a few times over the last 20 years, but that has always been in a spot where the bottom of the ramp did not set level, and generally was actually on ice (even melt water the one time - boy my chum was pissed! LOL!) I have seen on some of them that there is a strap from the upper middle that will hook to your ball hitch to help keep it from jumping up on you. This could be added to your ramp as well. Blake - has that snowflap been clipped? Ramsomair - The devil is in the details. (post dates) .
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