great story bill of strength and and adversity you live your life on finding a way thru positivity and never letting hardship get in the way of pulling through the really tough times .we are behind you 110 percent looking forward to your new adventures and beating this latest challenge.
The 503 has not been groomed.
The Snow Rabbit, we share with Stoney Lake, is down. That's what we use to groom the 503. Apparently, it doesn't like deep snow as the air intake likes to ingest snow and freeze up. A new intake is being built.
We have been packing with the BR and then grooming with the T6 all week. Most trails are groomed. Some trails are just packed. Overall, the trails are good/excellent.
Mississauga Lake is not staked. Too much slush.
I wanted to do this run on thursday and couldn't get my regular riding buddies to commit. I'm hoping the trails survive next week and more snow comes with the predicted cold.
Looking for sled accessable hotel/motel accommodation suggestions between Turkey Point and Parkhill.