Ya don't need to pay for his time, just buy the dual rate spring package and do the rest yourself.
Perhaps there is some adjustment with what you have already, but I do not think there is enough adjustment based on the stock spring rates and you'll need new springs to obtain what you might be looking for - I have a friend that swapped his springs on his XRS and happy with the lower COG and increased handling characteristics that came along with it.
Perhaps the 850 could use a clutch kit to get your rpm in a more happier spot for your style of riding as well.......one things I know I always found on my 800 sleds over the years was coming into the corners with brake and throttle at the same time to find that happy balance when looking to ride harder in the corners.
I received a text from Jeremy at the fishing moose lodge last night, he was going to take the bully with no drag, to pack from there to the Dubreuilville limits today, and if all went well, he would take the drag the next day. There has been 1 pass on the D trail from White River to FIshing Moose. I saw the itg has the d108a limited from dub to hwy 11 now. There was a sled accident that closed the trail near the old Bambino's truck stop near 631/hwy11 yesterday. I did not hear what happened. Things are starting to open up. Now we need people to ride and frequent the businesses that help make this happen. Good to see you check in @matt17 It's been a minuite since we shared a trail, and some fishing. I hope things are going well in Wawa for you all! Ski
Yeah not allot of snow that way either, some of it was thin last weekend, just north of Stratford. Best trails were club trails off main route they had good snow coverage.
I am with you 100 % . I simply solved my lack of tech ability by riding with the younger generation . They can pull up which way to go ,trail conditions ,what days the restaurant is open what the hours are what's on the menu , soup of the day . if there is fuel near by, if they have premium , any road running to get to the location .When the temp. is going to drop and start snowing . All while l am trying to find my glasses . More power to the next generation .