LOL - I have had zero issues with safety and not running studs, sure you adjust your riding knowing you do not have them, but honestly, until you do not run them, you realize how you do not need them most times, depending where and how you ride.
I am adding them for traction while accelerating - rode a buddies 900T-R last year with studs and I was surprised at the difference I felt with his sled under acceleration, but that was it, so figured, why not try them, it is only some money and time.....
Your boy must be old enough now to consider some short trips with him, maybe a run from Vernon up to Sudbury for an overnight, or something like that.
Nothing on the plate so far.
we are day to day over here.
good call on the studs!
About time 😁
I feel safe being out there now with my son knowing people are being safer by studding 😁
They have been pretty honest lately. Even called and gave everyone refunds that had lodging or passes.
In past I had to pull teeth to get a refund when trails were toast.
@stonehaven has a cottage nearby if I am not mistaken, so he might have a better idea.
Looking at the MTH webcam, there is snow, but does not look like new stuff or a lot of it.....