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Wolf day


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We had a club ride today and came across a large wolf who ran in front of us for a while. NO pic, but you don't see them that often even though there are a lot of tracks lately.

Then toninght while I was out grooming a pack of wolves used the trail I had just groomed an hour before. I followed their tracks for about a mile until the spot I was parking the groomer and walked out. Didn't get to see them, but I didn't really want to at that point lol.


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We had a club ride today and came across a large wolf who ran in front of us for a while. NO pic, but you don't see them that often even though there are a lot of tracks lately.

Then toninght while I was out grooming a pack of wolves used the trail I had just groomed an hour before. I followed their tracks for about a mile until the spot I was parking the groomer and walked out. Didn't get to see them, but I didn't really want to at that point lol.


We have seen many wolves on the trails and cutting across frozen lakes over the years. Last year we were not far behind one for about 2 miles on the trail between Hornepayne and Hearst. I watched a wolf scale a very steep side of the Magpie Reservoir like a mountain goat a few years ago. Very impressive! Last year we saw a pack on Dog Lake and followed them up to an island.

This year I saw a pack on the F Trail East of Dalton on the way to Chapleau from a distance and they were gone by the time I got there. What I saw was the reality of nature and the way these wolves stay alive. I never like to see this, but it is natural. I walked back about 50 meters to what I had passed after hitting the brakes and making sure my riding partner saw that I was stopping. I too started to feel funny about being there and got out of there after thinking about it.




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Seen too many deer kills for my liking over the years in the Apsley area. The most recent was 3 weeks ago out on Chandos Lake.

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we followed a pack coming back from halfway two years ago. (not august 2004) we would slow up so we didnt push them too hard but eventually we would catch up. they just stayed on the trail. one by one though they jumped off . after the last one jumped off we stopped to talk about how cool that had been and they began howling all around us , to regroup i guess. it was nearly dark , and in the middle of no where. it made the hair on the back of your neck stand up! a night i will never forget

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My daughter had a staring contest with one a few yrs ago from the other side of the trail.

Didn't take her long to decide that where there was one, there were likely more, and she came flying out onto the swamp with us with the flipper pegged to the bar!

She hasn't went to Ontario with us since. :cry2:


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