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Everything posted by Gadgetman

  1. Called the dealer last week about my REN X, He said it was in. Assy this week, pick-up next week. (Forgot to ask how much was missing!) Called today to get an update, and determine how much Scotch to drink tonight, missing parts- lots of Scotch, complete - lots of Scotch . He just finished putting it together, only missing part is the DESS chip. Pick-up next week. Lots of Scotch!!! REN X, 1.5 Ice, Standard display, Remote Adjust. SN is 16. they installed the Block heater, Linq Q and USB outlet. Eastern On Dealer
  2. Hotel website also has pictures. (Would have been a stop on this years trip had we not flipped to Ontario.) http://www.hotelmatagami.com/
  3. I just sold my 2013 Vector, and before that had a 2010 Apex. Having had the seat off many times, and knowing how the rear area is constructed, I'm not seeing any way you can safely mount any type of 2nd seat, a bit further complicated by the fact that it is a short track. Your wife will be seating on the rear foam area where the storage compartment is. I've seen a person do a day ride that way, but the rear person really had to hold on to the driver, as not much butt support to keep the passenger stable. Agree that the Yam forum may have something, but, again, I've never seen anything on a "single" sled. Great motor, stupid fast, take it easy as you can literally pull the sled out from under you if you snap the throttle and aren't holding on. Welcome. Cheers
  4. Isn't that the MXZ Sport (600EFI) at $10K?
  5. I would never drive more than 50KM\Hr on that river at night, and only if I had too. I remember seeing an ice ridge on the shore that was about 3ft above where we were riding, telling me that the ice must have dropped that much at some point. Some of those stakes were very far apart (not a knock on the club), just saying if you are a tourist, that river can be a bad story, like this one, very easily.
  6. Yes. Magpie River. I've done it twice, in the day light, will not run it at night, even with GPS guidance. Also, I think I heard last year it was low water and they advised against any travel on it (I think). Polaris guy has purchased a Roto-Pax for both oil and fuel, as back-up. I have an on-line video running the Magpie river. Search APEXLTX56 Dub5 Magpie River - Winter Run 6 min point start some blowing snow. 9min point I'm drifting left of the trail. 11:45min those fish huts are really close to the trail...
  7. Our saddle bag trip is planned for last week of Feb. (Moved from a QC trip.) I really hope my buddy stays with buying the Mach instead of that 2S Polaris, otherwise I think he will be sweating the 165KM leg from Hearst to Hornpayne. With the move from first week of Feb, no rooms in Duberville, so a long day all the way to Wawa from Hearst for us old sh_ts..) (You newer Polaris 850 guys, what range are you getting, after the break-in?)
  8. My computer ITG shows both sides Red, which my understanding means no one at the Camp to provide fuel.
  9. Even in QC, sometimes the only food available is inside the gas station, using cases of beer as a table.
  10. Checked my fuel log. 2017 last time I put the sled on the trail early January, otherwise, since then it's been late Jan or early Feb, first local ride for the trails around Ottawa.
  11. An investigation is continuing into a snowmobile crash Friday afternoon in the city’s rural Constance Bay area that claimed the life of a 14-year-old. Police were called to the scene on Archie Street shortly after 3 p.m. It’s not clear if the victim was driving or was a passenger on the vehicle. The victim was taken to hospital in Arnprior, where she died of her injuries. Police did not identify the victim. The coroner’s office is investigating. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/girl-14-dies-in-constance-bay-area-snowmobile-crash/ar-AASkRRS?ocid=hplocalnews
  12. Dealer confirmed yesterday, my sled was delivered end of last week. He will build it next week, for pick-up then or the week after. Of course, I forgot to ask if it was complete!! (REN X 900TR, Standard Dash, no SS, 1.5 Ripsaw). Dealer is East of Ottawa (Loi..). (He sold 100 Machs, 29 have been delivered to him so far, next batch is Jan schedule. My riding buddy is sliding back to the Mach from the Polaris.)
  13. Everything is always "hers", as she keeps reminding me...
  14. Booked. Got the Seniors rate, as no Sledders rate. ($142+tax per room).
  15. I have the Remote adjust or whatever that is. I'm not sure if that is part of the ski or spindle. Still waiting word if mine was even part of that load.
  16. Changing the 2022 trip dates to the end of Feb from the beginning, as two of us are still sledless. Duberville has no rooms for us on 1 Mar 2022, so pressing on to Wawa. We've eaten at the Wawa Motor Inn, but interested if anyone has any input on staying there for 1 night? Thanks
  17. Called the dealer to find out if my REN X 900TR was on the load of 16 last Friday, waiting on a reply. I did hear that none of them had Skis.
  18. Our group now always stays at the Westway, since one stay at the Travelodge, and never again at the North Adventure (to be fair, NA was close to 10 years ago). Westway even has a dark colored cloth for you in each room to use to clean the snow off your sled. Two years ago, -38c, they had plenty of extension cords and hairdryers for all of us Yamaha 4 strokes to try and get them started. (Many 2S also didn't start - so don't start on me about Yam 4S starting issues. :-))
  19. My riding buddy, who says he is sticking with the snow check Polaris over his snow check Mach, got the Jan notice. I've started to ask the group about a later than starting on 5 Feb, week trip.
  20. What I thought. Two positive recommendations is good with me. Thank you.
  21. Anyone have the CYT Trunk Bag on their BRP? I'm thinking about this bag, modified a bit. A couple of pockets up top, with at least one of those having some MOLLE straps to add a small bag. Seem to come in different colors. I would also want the inside a bright color and I'm also interested some side bag(s) that buckle on for the week trip. Wondering if anyone has used their kit? Thanks https://www.cytnorth.ca/trunk-bags/
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