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Everything posted by Ox

  1. I presume that this was on Crown land, so likely not a trespassing issue. Speed kills. That's life...
  2. Ox


    Not much snow in the forecast for Algoma, but maybe it can get tightened up a bit this week? Interesting - their 3 day cold snap is 3 days behind us. ???
  3. Ox

    New Cats

    Are you hypothisizing, or have you ridden one on trail? I would have to think that it would wear out tracks a lot quicker? Maybe lugs? Maybe glass rods?
  4. Apparently someone else got a Crystal ball as well then....
  5. Ox


    We had snow all day today. What a wet and miserable day! Good grief, my Carharts were soaked! Hopefully it holds off until you git below freezing!
  6. Ox


    Looks like the groomer came through ahead of you tho. We broke that open in 12/96 (different route back then tho) with no tracks and hardly any signs in -30*. That day could have gone much worse...
  7. Manitouwadge / Pic River. (trail to Marathon) Now there is a big snowmachine bridge over the river - right next to the hwy - to keep "Top D" status - that seldom ever sees a skidoo at all. One million of your permit Loonies to git accrost... Actually, it sorta seems like The Queen backed that up a fair amount. (?) https://www.google.com/maps/@48.7072175,-86.2824653,3a,60y,317.65h,89.45t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sMx7PrlMoPZTgosssB8qw6Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu And absolutely does the Marathon area have HUGE country with trails to match! Or at least they did back when we were there. Sounds like about the same time you were. They could have moved some stuff around by now? They actually have a club some years yet. .
  8. Ox


    OK, so ... I don't like seafood, and I haven't been fishing since ... '83 I s'pose. So, maybe I am missing sumpthing, but what does that last statement mean? .
  9. Ox


    Wheat'll be fine. There was one wet fall that we got our wheat in really late (Nov?) and it never came up at all until spring, and it was a fine crop. I was kind'a scared and then I was pleasantly surprised with the yield. About the only thing that seems to take out wheat is spring flooding. .
  10. Not sure just how well this will copy/paste, but here is a post that I made on another site the other day: Ox Snowest's Axe Murderer Lifetime Membership Premium Member Tuesday at 8:30 PM Add bookmark #2,242 While I was searching for the post below to quote, I stumbled upon this one above, and I find it interesting that me and Mrs. O were watching a doc series on Netflix last night about natural disasters. It was a 4 part series. The shows were maybe 1/2 hour each? The one part of course dealt with volcano's. And the one volcano that they were spotlighting was one that was interesting, it had a live lava lake in the bottom, and apparently hasn't changed much in ... well, in our time anyhow - or I take it that way as they have built a powered cable system to let volcanologists down and back up to study it. So it has obviously been stable for quite some time. And what I found interesting is that they said that this one volcano, that is "live" but just sitting there idling, spews more gasses in the air per week (? could have said day, but I think it was "week") than the US emits in a year. This was just this one volcano - that is basically just sitting there at a stable idle. When I saw this video linked below, I remembered you mentioning about the glaciers near you that you are witnessing retreating, and when doo we think they formed? One thing that you (we all) should find interesting about Tony Heller is that he claims to have been a Global Warming believer in the beginning, and he tells his story about his change. I just seen that video recently, although I think that it was an older video. That info is likely found on his website tho. Also, this one is very beneficial as well as it shows how the cloud formations actually help to regulate how much sun actually hits the surface of the Earth, and how much gets reflected. Here is a link to the Netflix Doc Series that I quoted: https://www.netflix.com/title/81346975
  11. Sure, we had warm weeks - no doubt! I remember shooting hoops in T-shirt in January in or around '82 when it [seemed] warm. (45*?) But the whole winters weren't like that. '84/'85 started that for me/here anyway. Now, go and talk to my landlord, who has 10 yrs on me (us) and he says that he didn't recall having all this snow when he was a kid, 'till he got out of skewl and had to keep lots clear on the farm. Which would be about the same time (mid 70's) my dad brought home the first snowmachine. And I had a new one about a year later. .
  12. I don't know of any mild winters until '84. You sure you got your calendar flipped right? The early 80's were purty intense here. The state road that goes past us here was closed for 3 days at a time a cpl times each winter during that time as the state trucks couldn't keep up. But in '84/'85 I tried to sell my sled to Spicers Boat City up in Houton Lake, and they said that they didn't have any snow up there either. .
  13. I was just thinking that way last night. When we had that big El-No-No back in '98, what little snow we had all [most] melted away by end of Jan (?) and then refroze - tight! And then no new snow the rest of the season. It actually would have been a super time to take ATV's out and run the skidoo trails! I mostly think about the Marathon area as their trails were so intense and crossed so much water! They have hills there that they have hitching posts on to winch the groomers up, then go down the other side out onto a swamp or lake. Areas that you would never be able to ride on an ATV otherwise b/c you'd never be able to git to them. Portages really.... So, I was thinking that if that playes out again this year, and I have time, maybe I will pick up a Sportsman and hit the trails anyhow! Pic from Jan '98 on the Searchmont to Wawa trail. The year before that - all you could see down through there was white! I believe that this is at the Bauparlante Road warm-up shack, but as you can see, we weren't in need of any warming up this trip through. The snow was melting out from under us as we hurried to make it back to the truck. .
  14. Boy oh boy. It's not just here.... Our spot in Colorado is about 30" base, and we are looking for 40". Not too bad, but not much in the forecast either. But they have been keeping their head below freezing at least... So, looking at other options: Algoma - not a stitch and mud. The guys at Island Park / West Yellowstone are saying that's basically just road riding there. Get off trail and you come home in pieces. Truckee, California (Tahoe, Donner Pass) looks really tough on the webcams! Ski lifts are mostly open, but there's a LOT of brush poking through the snow! (They had what (?) 40' of snow last season?) Sicamous, BC has more dirt than snow at the trailhead, and rain. However, from what I have seen, Alaska is looking at least OK for now... That's a bucket list destination, but not sure we have that much time right yet.... Oh bother ..... EDIT: Have not looked at Newfoundland. Any good reports from that way? .
  15. We drive 400 miles to make it to Algoma, and prolly 1200 or more to Colorado, and we don't spend anything near those numbers. Dropping coin like that is not needed, it is wanted. If you have to have the fanciest rig at the trailhead, if you need to dine at the steakhouse and then patty at the bar all night ... all of those things are in addition to sledding, not exactly part of it. Depends on whether your focus is on party or sledding. We go to ride. It looks like I may actually have some time to ride this winter, so I am hopefull for Algoma as 1 trip west is enough butt time for me. But if it git's REALLY slow, then maybe we could take a cpl weeks and hit California and BC! That'd be fine as well! Still wouldn't likely drop near your numbers. .
  16. I bought a '16 800 163 Summit (500 miles) off my chum the other day for 7K (US), and he took those bucks and put 4 more with them, and picked up a "new" 2020 850 Summit 174 with 1 yr warranty yet. And he found that in the Upper Lower. (Mich) The guy never fails to find a screamin' deal on anything - I'm tellin' yuh! And it's exactly what he was wanting! And this was from a dealer...
  17. 7 looks similar to my '72 Olympic 335, but this one appears to maybe be a slight,y diff hood? Maybe slightly newer year? 15 is a mid 70's Deere. I'm gunna say a model 400, which would be a 340cc maybe? .
  18. Yeah? The blue in the sky looks a bit grey on your screen too? Wawa still showing white on the ground, but Montreal River Harbour doesn't have a speck of white to be seen! (Lake Superior) Waiting to see an update from Dan Sr. for The Soo. 24" base on Monarch Pass in Colorado tho. Waiting for 40".... .
  19. Under the old oak tree? The grass doesn't grow all that much under my little oak trees. ??? .
  20. Well you can check this out after first light and see: http://users.vianet.ca/naturenorth/5.html?fbclid=IwAR3HR7cMt8xGXCjqzhiLX-CWMrZZ47OGz4xr-pmKvUidu2K_WUFAipspqEQ .
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