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Everything posted by skidooboy

  1. I really need to make the time, to come do one of these older loops with you Dan. you obviously know the area well, and could take us back to a "better time" in the southern Algoma area for riding. I am so envious, you cant even imagine. would love to recreate the d106a loop from echo bay, up to Black creek, then north, and west to Searchmont, and back to Echo. the trails, Carpenter lake, the chain of lakes, and then what became the bypass trail around the lakes. oh man, the sights, and scenes up there. Huge granite faced walls. it was spectacular in the day. Ski
  2. it is a pretty good poke by sled from Aubrey Falls, Black Creek, "Johnnie's" area to chapleau fuel. it is 55 or 60 miles to flame lake lodge (still open), then another 50 or 60 miles (yes miles), to Chapleau's fuel pumps. that is why Chapleau fought to close the F trail. too long of a trail, too much difficult terrain, water issues, for a single groomer operator to deal with. now they run the F trail from Elliot Lake to Black Creek, then "connectors to the D Trail, to halfway haven, then D, F connector trail from Halfway to Chapleau, then the C, F connector over to Folyette, and Timmins. the old F trail was and is still one of my favorites to ever ride. leaving from Echo Bay, and hitting up the d106a, to Aubrey falls/Black Creek, then up to flame lake to see, stay, with Karen, Gary, and Maureen, and or on to Chapleau, then back the next day, was a great weekend ride. when the F trail from Chapleau to Missanabi was still open, that was a great 3 day loop for trail pounder's. leave the soo/echo bay, searchmont. hit flame lake or chapleau (day one), then onto dub, or wawa, or even halfway (day 2), then back to the trucks, on the last day. oh, the memories. sad it changed for the worse. Ski
  3. nothing like burning down your own fort. WTF? there are better ways to get things done. people like this, make me want to avoid them, at all costs. Ski
  4. personally, I would like to see it go to a license the driver, not the sled. then if you have more than one sled, you can ride whichever one you like. permit the rider/driver, like hunting and fishing licenses. Ski
  5. same song, different verse... again, they collect our trail permit money, rely on volunteers, except for the main administration office staff, and reap the monetary benefit without the overhead. it is not sustainable. Ski
  6. And it never will. this is recreational travel. yes, it puts money into the economy but, the govt gets a free ride on all the taxes we pay, to give them the economy boost, without any exposure themselves. why would they want to expose themselves, to more budget costs, to a sport that most could care less if it dies or thrives? at some point, this will all be taken away, and we will all be back, bushwhacking our own trails. Ski
  7. Here is the conditions today. looks pretty close to what we had when we left. there is another system forecast for a decent snow event this weekend. Ski
  8. Video from Martin Lortz, from a few years ago. has Lynne, myself, Pat Bouchard, Russ Jones, and a few others in it. Ski https://www.instagram.com/lortzphoto/reel/CYjEy8_jENi/?utm_medium=copy_link&fbclid=IwAR3qO2dtNDWlu_-Qls-O3IoalhEDVcDHFUjw_tOQhRxCHzdQ5XpXjrCJLXc
  9. no budgets for opp, or town constables to enforce traffic laws, how are they supposed to enforce recreational travel rules? you think it is bad in the more southern regions? you should see it in the "wild west" of the real true northern Ontario. take Dubreuilville for example. no one, and I mean, no one, follows the speed limits in town for autos, bikes, atv's sleds. all of them ripping around town at all hours of the day/night, way over the limit, brappp cans, loud truck exhaust etc... there is no OPP presence and, the town knows it. with this lack of penalties, people do what they want. trespassing? even if you had pics, and video of the offender, go to their home, the parents say... "that isnt my child". but, here is the proof... " I dont care, I am telling you, that is not my kid". they put up extra stop signs, and even speed bumps when entering/leaving town. with winter, they removed the bumps to ease plowing issues. they replaced the bumps with 2 stop signs... everyone rolls through them, like they did before... cop didnt see it, I didnt do it. sad really. but, you see with the town basically turning into a large mining camp now, there will be the need for 24 hour OPP, or town constable presence. many dont believe it will come but, you can see the writing on the wall. all it will take is a child, or a senior adult to be killed in the township limits (all under 50kph limits), and then it will become important. Ski
  10. we run the Klim arctic and glacier balaclava's and no breath box, in the helmets now. arctic for cold days, glacier for warmer days, or when working hard. Ski
  11. Blue bird day today, cold, at -5F at noon. this was post clean up, you can kind of tell how much snow is in the yard now. can you see the hidden treasure in the front yard pic? Ski
  12. just shoveled after yesterday's snow, and today's winds. snow in the yard is level with the deck height which is 22" if I am not mistaken. As far as Algoma, Superior East, District 13, we just need manpower, and time, and the trails will be open. if you know the Crown Land area roads, you can pretty much go anywhere, and not have any competition for first tracks. be safe out there. brutal cold, and wind right now. Ski
  13. Hard to tell what we received out of this system, with the 40-60kph winds today. guessing somewhere between,10-20 cm's. river has drifts on it, making it look like it has whitecaps on it. Ski
  14. constant Colorado lows will make North and East of the big lake, a winter paradise. Love to hear that term, by the meteorologists in the states, I know exactly what it means for for our riding area... big, heavy, long term ,snow storms. Ski
  15. A little more snow yesterday. more called for the next few days. shaping up. Ski
  16. Enjoy, going to miss you by a few days. heading back to the states prior to the weekend. need to check on our barn construction progress. that, and AMA Supercross is on TV Saturday night. need to get my 2 wheel racing fix. Ski
  17. Luc groomed the D108A from town to the first warm up shack out of town (about 45km), and back. today locals were out fishing the area, they reported, some rocket scientist decided to drive from town in their truck, to Peckerwood lake. he drove on the groomed trail about 2.5 miles or so, from the RR tracks to the lake rd turn off. cant fix stupid. Ski
  18. snowing today again. big fluffy lake effect flakes, no wind, falling straight down. like a post card out there. Ski
  19. -25 to -30 here, not many riding, far from town, the last few days. Ski
  20. buy your beer/alcohol early, party in someone's room. modern problems, require modern solutions. Ski
  21. it is sad to think, a difference of opinion has wedged itself between some of our members and the forum group. it is a happy new year, maybe those that used to frequent will see, it is ok to have a different opinion, disagree on subjects, and still be able to be civil while corresponding on other subjects. I miss our friends. Ski
  22. Happy New Year, to all of you on OC, and your families. Ski
  23. new snow today. more coming but, a lot colder the next several days. Ski
  24. Friend up here, let me ride his 2021 900 turbo renegade (tuned)... thoroughly impressed. sooooooo smooth, no vibrations in hands, feet, butt. ultra smooth, and fast to 70mph plus. if I were a trail rider only, I would be seeking this type of sled out, for sure. Now I see what all the hype is about. jealous of you guys and gals, with this set up. Ski
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